Chapter 8 Review Sheet
1. Describe the general process of classical conditioning as demonstrated by Pavlov’s experiments.
2. Explain the processes of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization and discrimination.
3. Discuss the importance of cognitive processes and biological predisposition in classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
4. Describe the process of operant conditioning, including the procedure of shaping, as demonstrated by Skinner’s experiments.
5. Identify the different types of reinforcers, and describe the major schedules of partial reinforcement. Also note when you would most likely use specific schedules.
6. Discuss the effects of punishment on behavior.
7. Describe the process of observational learning as demonstrated by Bandura’s experiments and discuss the impact of antisocial and prosocial models.
8. Describe the contributions of Pavlov, Skinner, Bandura and Watson.
9. Explain the difference between punishment and negative reinforcement.
10. Describe and give an example of a primary reinforcer and a secondary reinforcer.
11. Give an example of each of the following: cognitive mapping, latent learning, and the overjustification effect. What is an important conclusion of studies of cognitive mapping and latent learning in laboratory rats?
12. Describe the “Little Albert experiment” that was conducted by Watson. Use the following in your answer: CS, UCS, CR and UCR. Was this an example of operant or classical conditioning?