Course Organizer Routine

Name of Course: 9th Grade Physical Science

Name of Instructors: Linda Garinger, Matt Hillmer, Ben Neuenswander

Course Length in Weeks:18

Course Length in Class Periods: 90

Duration of Class Periods in Minutes: 90

Big Ideas :

The Physical Science Course shall familiarize students on the process of scientific inquiry. The course shall empower students to pose interesting scientific question. The course shall teach students to research existing literature when investigating scientific concepts. Students shall have the opportunity to test hypothesis through experimental design and have the opportunity to drawn conclusions based on the data collected. Students shall present data collected in a visual format through graphs and have the opportunity to become familiar with SI standards of measurements.

Motion and Speed Big Ideas.

Students shall be able to explain and demonstrate how the concepts of acceleration, time, and velocity are interrelated and how they are expressed mathematical. Students shall understand how velocity and force are interrelated. The course strives to teach mastery of the Newton's three laws and how to apply them to real world situations.

Energy Big Ideas.

Students shall understand the types of energy, how energy is stored in various forms, and be able to provide examples that illustrate the various forms of energy. Students shall understand that the amount of energy in the universe is constant and energy is conserved when converted from one form to another.

Electricity Big Ideas.

Students shall have the ability to describe the relationship between current, resistance, and voltage difference. Students will be able to analyze a simple electrical circuit. Students shall understand how magnetism and electricity are interrelated. Students shall also understand that magnets exert a force on an object.

Waves Big Ideas.

Students shall have the ability to describe waves in terms of its frequency, wavelength, and speed. They shall also understand that waves carry energy.

Chemistry Big Ideas.

The important understandings for the chemistry related section of this course are: atomic structure relating to protons, neutrons, and electrons; electron cloud model of the atom and how the valence electrons determine the chemistry of the atom; chemical bonds result from sharing or transference of electrons; and elements are arranged on the periodic table according to increasing atomic number.
Other topics include an introduction to organic compounds, chemical reactions/equations, solutions (solubility, concentration), and acids/bases. These secondary topics will provide a basic exposure to knowledge that will be essential in future courses in biology and chemistry.

Earth and Space Science Big Ideas

Students will develop an understanding of the formation and workings of the universe, the solar system and the earth. They will explore geology and meteorology as an integrated study of Earth System Science.

A secondary theme will focus on the questions:

Where do the earth and human beings fit into the grand scheme of the Universe? How do we interact with and change earth processes?

Organizing Scheme

  1. Nature of Science

Standards of Measurement

Methods of Science

Communicating with graphs

  1. Motion

Motion and speed

Speed, Rate, Velocity, Vectors


  1. Force

Motion and Forces

Newton’s 2nd Law


Newton’s 3rd law of motion

Energy, its nature and types

Conservation of Energy

  1. Nature of Matter

. States of Matter (kinetic theory)

Composition of Matter (elements, compounds, mixtures)

Properties of Matter (physical vs. chemical)

  1. Atoms and Elements

Model of the atom (quantum theory, electron cloud model)

Atomic orbitals and the importance of the valence shell.

Chemical bonds (ionic, covalent, electonegativity)

Periodic Table (atomic number, important groups, trends)

  1. Chemical Interactions


Solutions (solubility, polarity, concentration)

Acids/Bases (properties, pH, salts)

  1. Organic Compounds


Biological molecules

  1. Astronomy

A Star is Born

Life of a Star

Black Holes

Origin of the Universe

Milky Way Galaxy

Formation of the Solar System

Our Star the Sun

Planetary orbits

Planet descriptions

Comets and Asteroids

  1. Geology

Earth Structure

Minerals, Rock Cycles and Rock Formation

Plate Tectonics (Internal Engine)


Geologic Time

  1. Meteorology

Weather and Forecasting

Water Cycle

Atmospheric Composition

Climate and Seasons (Earth/Sun motion)

Severe Storms

  1. Human Impacts

Course Organizer

Content / Description of Resources / Description of Assessment / Local SBI / Duration in class periods
Standards of Measurement / Physical Science Book- Chapter 1 Section #2
History and origins of Past and Present measurement units / Dimensional Analysis Test, Continual throughout year. / 1.1.5
7.2.2 / 1
Methods of science / Physical Science Book- Chapter 1 Section #1; Literature search for articles concerning dishonesty in science. Example
June 15, 2004, Tuesday
Researcher Loses Ph.D. Over Discredited Papers
Late Edition - Final, Section F, Page 2, Column 5
Check out internet for experiment ideas. Some useful websites include
/ Generate a list of science experiments. Split classes into groups have individuals generate their own hypothesis. Group collects measurement. Individuals generate own conclusions. Teachers provide feedback on results, conclusions, and sources of error.
Have students bring in one example of dishonest products claiming inaccurate or impossible scientific results. / 1.1.1
1.1.5 / 3
Communicating with graphs / Physical Science Book- Chapter 1 Section #3
Tie in with methods of science section experiments / 1.1.4
1.1.5 / 1
Motion and speed / Physical Science Book- Chapter 2 Section #1
Understanding physics- Motion, sound and heat by Isaac Asimov / Lab experiments and personal communication / 2.3.1 / 2
Speed, Rate, Velocity, Vectors / Physical Science Book- Chapter 2 Section #1
Link to Earth Science Concepts of continent drift and weather fronts / Lab experiments and personal communication / 2.3.1
4.2.7 / 2
Acceleration / Physical Science Book- Chapter 2 Section #2
Understanding physics- Motion, sound and heat by Isaac Asinmov
Utilize local assessment prompt (inquiry into the factors affecting velocity and acceleration of a car) See science resources website / Test covering concepts of distance, speed, acceleration / 2.3.1 / 2
Motion and Forces
Newton’s 2nd Law / Physical Science Book- Chapter 2 Section #3 and Chapter 3 Section 1
Local assessment prompt seesaw science or film can rockets on district website / Demonstrations
Friction lab / 2.3.2 / 2
Gravity / Physical Science Book- Chapter 2 Section #2 / Experiment demonstrating the effects of air resistance on falling objects / 2.3.2 / 3
Newton’s 3rd law of motion / Physical Science Book- Chapter 3 Section #3
Lab activity- pg. 90 of PSB- The Momentum of colliding object / Take home golf ball place in the floor of the front seat of a car and observe. Discuss reactions in class the next day / 2.3.2 / 3
Energy its nature and types / Physical Science Book- Chapter 4 Section #1
Lab activity- bouncing balls pg. 106 of PSB / Lab / 2.4.1
2.4.2 / 3
Conservation of Energy / Physical Science Book- Chapter 4 Section #2 / Lab swinging energy pg. 116 of PSB
Test / 2.4.1
2.4.2 / 3
Content / Description of Resources / Description of Assessment / Local SBI / Duration in class periods
Electric Charge / Glencoe Text Ch.7, Section 1 / 2.3.3 / 2.5.2 / 1
Electric Current / Glencoe Text Ch.7, Section 2 / Lab, pg 216 / 2.3.3 / 1
Magnetism / Glencoe Text Ch.8, Section 1 / 2.3.3 / 2
Electricity and Magnetism / Glencoe Text Ch.8, Section 2 / 2.3.3 / 2
Producing Electric Current / Glencoe Text Ch.8, Section 3 / Test (knowledge/reasoning) / 2.3.3 / 1
Kinetic Theory of Matter / Glencoe Text Ch. 16 / 2.2.8 / 1
Composition of Matter / Glencoe Text Ch. 17 / 2.1.1, 2.2.1 / 1
Properties of Matter / Glencoe Text Ch. 17 / 2.2.1 / 1
Atomic Structure / Glencoe Text Ch. 18 / Test (knowledge/reasoning) / 2.1.2, 2.1.3,2.1.4,2.1.5 / 3
Orbital Filling/Valance Shell / Glencoe Text Ch. 19 / 2.2.4,2.2.5 / 3
Chemical Bonds/Charge distribution / Glencoe Text Ch. 18/ Ch. 20 / 2.2.6, 2.8.8 / 3
Periodic Table/Trends / Glencoe Text Ch. 20, section 1,2 / Test (knowledge/reasoning) / 2.2.2,
2.2.3. 2.8.6, 2.8.7 / 1
Organic Compounds / Glencoe Text Ch. 21 / 2.2.9 / 2
Chemical reactions/equations / Glencoe Text Ch. 24, sections 2,3, lab pg 756 / 2.3.9, 2.3.4 / 1
Solutions / Glencoe Text Ch. 23 / 2.3.2 / 1
Acids/Bases / Glencoe Text Ch. 25 / Test (knowledge/reasoning)
A Star is Born
Life of a Star
Black Holes / / 4.4.2 / 2
Origin of the Universe / Video - Carle Sagan / 2.4 (part), 4.4.1 / 1
Milky Way Galaxy / / Class research project: New Developments in Solar System Science
Checkpoint 1 sharing / 4.4.2 / 1
Formation of the Solar System / / 4.4.2 / 1
Our Star the Sun / / 4.4.2 / 1
Planetary orbits / / 4.4.2 / 1
Planet descriptions / / Class research project: New Developments in Solar System Science
Final compilation / 4.4.2 / 2
Comets and Asteroids / V5457 / Unit test on Astronomy / 1
Earth Structure / LPG Handout/worksheet / 1
Plate Tectonics (Internal Engine) / V1820 / Lab – Plate Movement / 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3 / 2
Minerals, Rock Cycles and Rock Formation /
LPG handout / 2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.2.7,
4.2.1, 4.2.2,4.2.3; 4.3.3 / 2
Nature of Waves / Glencoe Text Ch. 11, Sect. 1 / 2.5.1 / 1
Wave Properties / Glencoe Text Ch 11, Sect 2 / 1
Earthquakes / / Lab – Earthquakes and Faults (GIS) / 2.5.1 (revisit), 6.3.1 / 2
Geologic Time / LPG Handout / Unit Test Geology / 4.3.1;4.3.2 / 2
Weather and Forecasting / Guest speaker – Bryan Busby? / Daily Weather Report / 4.2.7 / 2
Water Cycle / LPG handout / 4.1.1, 4.1.4, 6.2.1 / 1
Atmospheric Composition / / 4,2,5; 6.2 / 1
Climate and Seasons (Earth/Sun motion) / V4920 , / 4.2.4 / 2
Severe Storms / V799
Storm Spotters Network volunteers as guests
/ Unit test on Meteorology / 4.2.6, 6.3.1 / 2
Human Impacts…. / Student guided…. / Debate support or participation. / Standard 6 / 2