Student Activities Board2017-2018
Director Application& Job Descriptions
Due: Friday, March 10, 2017, no later than 4:00pm
Leadership Center, Reng Student Union- 2nd Floor, Suite 2067
Application Process
The completed application should be submitted to the Leadership Center, Suite 2067 on the 2nd floor of the Reng Student Union no later than 4:00pm on Friday, March 10, 2017. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants selected to interview will be notified no later than Monday, March 13, 2017, and interviews will be held Wednesday, March 15, 2017, and/or Thursday, March 16, 2017. Should you have any additional questions, please contact Morgan Crain, SAB Advisor, in the Leadership Center at .
Completed Application Includes:
- SAB Information Page
- Typed responses to questions
- Applicant’s personal professional resume
- Two completed reference forms included in this packet
Organizational Structure
Directors are selected every spring semester with their term beginning in April 2017, and lasting until April 2018. The first few months on the Student Activities Board are filled with training, planning, and preparing for the upcoming year’s activities and events. Directors are expected to work the minimum number of office hours and assist with planning all SAB sponsored events while school is in session. Student Activities Board Directors are required to attend a retreat that is scheduled for May 10-11. SAB Director job titles and descriptions are included for review in this packet. SAB Directors work closely with Student Government Association and Volunteer A-State staff members throughout the academic year.
Academic Standards (for all SAB Director Positions)
- Current enrollment at Arkansas State University as a full time student.
- Minimum Cumulative 2.5 GPA.
- Good standing with the University.
- May not be on disciplinary probation.
Stipends(for all SAB Director Positions)
There is a stipend allotted for each of the SAB Directorpositions. The monthly stipend payment cycle will begin in August 2017 and continue through the following April 2018. This will be discussed in greater detail with selected applicants after selections are finalized. Applicants will not receive payment during the month of December 2017.
Special Considerations
- SAB Directors are required to host all events sponsored by SAB and may not compete or participate in an SAB sponsored event with any other organization. (For example, SAB Directors are not able to participate in the Homecoming Yell Like Hell Spirit Competition.)
- The SAB HomecomingSpringfestDirectorscannot run for Homecoming King or Queen.
- All social networking sites for SAB Directors are expected to positively reflect the student and University.
Hours of Employment
All Student Activities Board Directors will be expected to attend to the duties of their position as follows:
- A weekly staff meeting of all Directors to coordinate initiatives and make announcements. (approx. 1 hour in duration)
- All Directors will be required to meet one-on-one with the SAB Advisor once a week beginning two months prior to the director’s next SAB event. The SAB President will meet with the SAB Advisor every other week for one-on-one meetings.
- Directors will be expected to work 10 office hours per week. This includes the 1 hour staff meeting and one-on-one meetings with the SAB Advisor that will occur two months prior to the director’s next SAB event (or twice a month of the SAB President). The president is required to work 13 hours per week.
- All Directors are required to attend all SAB sponsored events. If there is a conflict, it is best to notify the SAB Advisor as soon as possible.
- All Directors are expected to attend and facilitate their committee meetings.
Example of a Busy Week Time Commitment: -Homecoming Week
Monday –Homecoming event 11am – 2pm, SAB Meeting 4pm – 5pm
Tuesday – Homecoming evening event 6pm – 9pm
Wednesday – Homecoming event 11am – 2pm & 6 pm – 8pm
Example of a Normal Week Time Commitment
Monday – SAB Meeting 4pm-5pm
Thursday- A-State Pride Day Event: 11am-1:30pm & Basketball game that evening
(Plus office hours, plus advisor meeting if applicable)
*Directors are allowed two absences for staff meetings & four absences for SAB required events. (Thus, one meeting absence per semester & two required events per semester)
*Below are the scheduled meeting dates for the fall and spring semester. It is the expectation that each Director will arrange their class schedule to fit around these weekly meetings.
Fall Semester – Every Monday at 4:00pm
Spring Semester – Every Monday at 4:00pm
*Every two weeks SAB Committee Member meetings are held from 5:00pm – 6:00pm immediately following Director meetings.These meetings are mandatory and all Directors must attend.
In addition, there will be leadership development, training, and volunteer opportunities held periodically throughout the semester that Directors will be asked to attend. These dates will be given well in advance so each Director can adjust his/her schedule accordingly.
Job Tasks/Expectations (for all SAB DirectorPositions)
- Attend weekly SAB Director staffmeetings.
- Organizecommittee meetings as necessary.
- Lead, plan, monitor, and supervise all assigned Student Activities Board activities and events.
- Perform any additional duties as assigned by the SAB Advisor.
- Maintain regularly scheduled office hours.
- Communicate with Advisor if you will be late or need to miss any required activities.
- Attend one-on-one meetings with the SAB Advisor two months prior to the Director’s next SAB event, or twice monthly for the SAB President.
- All Directors are responsible for marketing all SAB events. This includes promoting each event on your personal social media.
- Maintain order of the SAB office and supply closet.
Director Position Descriptions
2017-2018 Student Activities Board
President of the Student Activities Board
- Preside overSAB Director meetings and be a non-voting member except in the case of a tie vote.
- Work closely with each SAB Director and the SAB Advisor to ensure event success and continued growth for SAB.
- Provide the necessary leadership skills to achieve the SAB mission.
- Plan and coordinate activities for Welcome Week. This planning occurs from April to August.
- Assist in recruiting and marketing for SAB.
- Meet with SAB Advisor twice a month for one-on-ones.
RengStudent Union Events Director
- Present a large-scale program in the fallfor area high school students.
- Coordinate the annual Mardi Gras Celebration in the spring.
- Assist in recruiting and marketing for SAB.
Marketing and RecruitmentDirector
- Work closely with each Directorand the SAB Advisor to develop a marketing plan for each event.
- Work closely with the graphic designer to ensure all marketing materials are made in a timely fashion and convey the appropriate message.
- Maintain and keep SAB social media accounts active.
- Assist all Directorsin planning and implementing non-traditional marketing tactics for each event.
- Spearhead recruiting efforts for SAB.
- Work closely with the SAB Advisor and President to continuously improve the SAB Director and Committee Member experience.
Homecoming SPringfestDirectors (2)
- Plan and implement Homecoming events during the fall semester and Springfest during the spring semester.
- Recognize the wide array of interests at A-State and provide diversifiedeventsand activities that will appeal to as many students as possible.
- Assist in recruiting and marketing for SAB.
- Note: Directors may not run for Homecoming King or Queen.
Spirit Club Co-Directors (2)
- Present A-State Order of the Packin the fall semester and A-State Pack Pride Day in the spring semester.
- Coordinate tailgating event for Day at the Park forbaseball.
- Coordinate SAB spirit representation at home football games.
- Foster a good working relationship with A-State Athletics.
- Assist in recruiting and marketing for SAB.
Cultural enrichmentDirector
- Present a minimum of one small or large scale event during the academic year that promotes cultural issues and awareness.
- These events can be both entertaining and educational in nature. For example: Coffee house, movie night, issues & awareness speaker, stress reliever event during finals, etc.
- Assist in recruiting and marketing for SAB.
Student Activities Board2017-2018Director Applicant Information Form
Please provide the following information:
Name: ______
Check all position(s) you are interested in applying for:
(Note: You may check more than one)
____President____RengStudent Union Events Director
and RecruitmentDirector____Homecoming SpringfestDirector
____Spirit Club Co-Directors____Cultural Enrichment Director
A-State Student ID Number: ______Phone Number: ______
Local Address: ______
Email Address:
Classification:______Tentative Semester/Year of Graduation:______
Academic College / Major: ______
Cumulative Grade Point Average:______
T-shirt size (for office use only): ______
By signing below you agree to the following terms:
- I understand that all documents to this application for employment are confidential and the property of the Leadership Center. I further understand that I will not have the opportunity to personally review or inspect any of these documents. However, in an effort to promote a valuable education experience and to improve interviewing skills, feedback concerning reasons for selection or non-selection will be provided at the applicants request, as permitted by law.
- I do herby consent to the release of my educational records to the Assistant Dean in the Leadership Center, as needed, to confirm that I am enrolled as a full-time student at Arkansas State University, that I have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative grade point average, that I am in good standing with Arkansas State University, and that I currently have no disciplinary actions against me.
- I wish to submit this application for the position of Student Activities Board Director. I am aware of the responsibilities of this position as specified in the Student Activities Board Director position description, and I fully intend to fulfill each one to the best of my ability if selected. I possess the minimum qualifications required for this position as specified on this form and all information provided herein is accurate.
Arkansas State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status , or any other federally protected class in the provision of educational opportunities or benefits.
Arkansas State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex or handicap in the educational programs and activities which it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. Public Law 92-318; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 93-112, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, respectively. This policy extends to both employment by and admission to the University.
Inquiries concerning the Title IX and Section 504 and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, and the Office of Affirmative Action. Charges of violations of the above policy should also be directed to the Title IX coordinator and the Office of Affirmative Action.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Activities Board
2017-2018Director Application Questions
Please respond to the following questions (must be typed):
1. What additional time commitments will you be involved with during the Fall 2017 semester and Spring 2018 semester (student teaching, other organizations, cheerleading, band, leadership positions, job, etc.)?
2. Describe what role you feel Student Activities Board plays at A-State.
3.What ideas do you have for improving marketing and recruitment efforts for SAB?
4. What is one Student Activities Board event you attended during the 2016-2017 academic year and what did you enjoy about this event? What do you feel the events’ benefit was to the A-State Campus?
5.What is your greatest strength that you could bring to the Director team, and what is one weakness that you feel like your need to improve on?
6. If I were to apply to be on SAB, why would I want to work on a team with you?
Applicant must provide two references in order to be considered for this position. Please submit a reference form (provided in this package) to each of your two chosen referring parties and return them with your application to the Leadership Center.References cannot be from another student, Hall Director/Graduate Assistant, or family member. Leadership Center staff may not provide a letter of recommendation, as they will be consulted on all applicants.Only the recommendation form is required, you do not have to submit a letter.
Student Activities Board DirectorReference
Name of SAB Director applicant ______Note: This recommendation will be used only by the Leadership Center personnel and solely for the staff selection for Student Activities Board. The applicant does have the right to review this review (Buckley Amendment) unless he/she was waived their right of access.
______I do waive my right of access to review the completed reference form.
______I do not waive my right of access, therefore I may review the completed reference form.
Signature of Applicant Date
Name of person providing reference ______Address______Telephone______
Position/Title (if applicable)______
Relationship to applicant______Length of time you’ve known the applicant_____
The applicant listed above is a candidate for a position as aStudent Activities Board Director at Arkansas State University. The Student Activities Board of Directorshold extremely important student leadership positions on campus. As a student leader, role model, and staff member, thoe selected to serve as Student Activities Board Directors are in a unique position. Student Activities Board Directors:
- Implement the Student Activities Board programs with members of the A-StateLeadership Center.
- Represent Arkansas State University with pride at all times.
- Work independently and interdependently as a member of the SAB team to provide an exemplary programming board of activities for all Arkansas State University Students.
We would appreciate your cooperation in completing the back of this recommendation form. Please respond candidly while offering your personal knowledge and insight about the candidate. We faithfully depend on your references. This form must be turned in with the Student Activities Board Application, no later than Friday, March 10, 2017 by 4:00 p.m. to:
Morgan Crain, Coordinator of Student Activities, Leadership Center - Student Union Suite# 2067
The person providing the reference must complete and sign the following recommendation form.
Never / Occasionally / Sometimes / Likely / Always / N/AResponsible demonstrates responsibility by being on time and fulfilling obligations
Positive Attitude Exhibits a positive attitude when working with others and approaching task and assignments
Values Diversity Values the uniqueness of each individual. Holds no bias regarding the age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, or religious preference of others
Leadership Ability demonstrates (or has the potential to demonstrate) leadership ability
Flexible Able to move, adapt, re-group and move forward in a positive direction when plans change
Integrity Adheres to a high standard of personal values and code of ethics
Initiative Exhibits self-reliance and the ability to begin routine work without prompt
Creativity Exhibits the ability to think outside of the box; demonstrates a value for creative thinking
OVERALL Please rate the applicant’s overall ability to serve as a Director for SAB
Would you hire this applicant?______Yes ______No _____Unsure
Please list any other comments and/or concerns you may have regarding the applicant’s ability to serve as a Director for Student Activities Board.
Additional Comments:
Signature & Date:
*Please attach business card if available.
Student Activities Board Director Reference
Name of SAB Director applicant ______Note: This recommendation will be used only by the Leadership Center personnel and solely for the staff selection for Student Activities Board. The applicant does have the right to review this review (Buckley Amendment) unless he/she was waived their right of access.
______I do waive my right of access to review the completed reference form.
______I do not waive my right of access, therefore I may review the completed reference form.
Signature of Applicant Date
Name of person providing reference ______Address______Telephone______
Position/Title (if applicable)______
Relationship to applicant______Length of time you’ve known the applicant_____
The applicant listed above is a candidate for a position as a Student Activities Board Director at Arkansas State University. The Student Activities Board of Directorshold extremely important student leadership positions on campus. As a student leader, role model, and staff member, those selected to serve as Student Activities Board Directors are in a unique position. Student Activities Board Directors:
- Implement the Student Activities Board programs with members of the A-State Leadership Center.
- Represent Arkansas State University with pride at all times.
- Work independently and interdependently as a member of the SAB team to provide an exemplary programming board of activities for all Arkansas State University Students.
We would appreciate your cooperation in completing the back of this recommendation form. Please respond candidly while offering your personal knowledge and insight about the candidate. We faithfully depend on your references. This form must be turned in with the Student Activities Board Application, no later than Friday, March 10, 2017 by 4:00 p.m. to:
Morgan Crain, Coordinator of Student Activities, Leadership Center - Student Union Suite# 2067
The person providing the reference must complete and sign the following recommendation form.