Doc CNG1/30
Preparations for review of the electronic equivalent of the paper version of the Plan
According to the time schedule given in Document INFO/7-E it is expected that the CD ROM containing the Plan as corrected and approved by Committee 4 (including the final complementary analysis) and the electronic equivalent of the paper version of the Plan will be distributed on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 at 1500.
Immediately after receiving the CD ROM administrations are invited to carefully check “pdf” file. This check should include both their Plan entries, as well as the Plan entries of the neighbouring or affected administrations.
Report of corrections to the electronic version of the Plan to COM4
In case an administration wants to indicate corrections they must be submitted using the template in Annex 1 to this document.
Ideally the correction should be announced on CNG1 meeting (Tuesday, 13 June 2006 at 1800) by using template in Annex 1 of this document. In addition to oral or written statement for correction, the administrations are asked to send the electronic file with corrections to e-mail of the CNG1 secretary with a copy to CNG1 Chairman:
However if there is delay in delivery of CD ROM, it is suggested that corrections can be send to the above indicated e-mail addresses until 2100 hours on Tuesday, 13 June 2006. All corrections received until this time will be included in the written document which will be submitted to next COM4 meeting as CNG1 report for corrections.
Reference / Description of columns /P / Page number in electronic version of the Plan
L / Line number in electronic version of the Plan
Adm / ITU symbol for administration demanding the change
Col / Column to be corrected
Action / Description of the correction
P / L / Adm / Col / Action
1256 / 77777 / SUI / R-2 / Remove “SUI”