Butterfly Unit

Day 1- Pretest

Day 2- Talk about: What is science? What do scientists do? What does the term “observe” mean? What types of questions do scientists ask? What is inquiry? Talk about the 5 senses.

Day 3- Talk about science journals and why scientists use them. Pass out science journals. Observe caterpillars. Write in science journals. Measure caterpillars.

Day 4- Observe caterpillars. Write in science journals. Discuss observations. Do “Observing my caterpillar” activity

Day 5- Butterfly Poem. Observe caterpillars. Write in science journals

Day 6- Read the book The very Hungry Caterpillar. Have a discussion. Observe caterpillars. Write in science journals. Measure caterpillars.

Day 7- Observe caterpillars. Have discussion. Write in science journals

Day 8- Observe caterpillars. Science journals. Do caterpillar/ butterfly book

Day 9- Observe caterpillars in their chrysalis. Write in science journals. Read A Butterfly is Born by Melvin Berger. Have a discussion about the book and the life cycle of a butterfly. Start “Butterfly watcher” job where 1 student sits at the table with the chrysalis and watch to see when they will come out. Students will switch about every 10 minutes.

Day 10- Observe caterpillars in their chrysalis. Write in science journals.

Day 11- Observe butterflies. Write in science journals. Watch the videoThe Magic School Bus- Butterflies!

Day 12- Observe butterflies. Write in science journals. Have discussion about different types of butterflies and how they live.

Science Standards

Standard 1

The Nature of Science and Technology

Scientific Inquiry

1.1.1Observer, describe, draw, and sort objects carefully to learn about them.

1.1.2Investigate and make observations to seek answers to questions about the world, such as “In what ways do animals move?”

Technology and Science

1.1.3Recognize that and demonstrate how people can learn much about plants and animals by observing them closely over a period of time. Recognize also that care must be taken to know the needs of living things and how to provide for them.

Standard 4

The Living Environment

Diversity of Life

1.4.2Observe and describe that there can be differences, such as size or markings, among the individuals within one kind of plant or animal group.

Interdependence of Life

1.4.3 Observe and explain that animals eat plants or other animals for food.

1.4.4Explain that most living things need water, food and air.


Science Pre-test

What are 3 things that animals need to live and grow?

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

What would scientists write or draw in their scientific notebooks about butterflies?

Write at least 2 things that you already know about butterflies (or caterpillars).

Write at least 2 things that you would like to learn about butterflies (or caterpillars).

K / W / L

Name ______

Science Post-Test

Butterfly Unit

What is the first thing a caterpillar eats when it comes out of its shell?


What do caterpillars eat to stay alive?


Write 2 things that a scientist may write or draw in their science journals when observing caterpillars or butterflies.

  1. ______


  1. ______


Which one of the 5 senses did you use when observing the caterpillars?


What are 3 things that animals need to live and grow?

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______