Freshman Camp Info
Dear Parent(s),
Thank you for your interest in our Freshman Camp. We’re very sure that your child will find it a fun and rewarding week. In order to facilitate an easy transition into the program, please follow the subsequent procedures and guidelines. We have run freshman camp since the early 1970’s and have found all of the succeeding policies helpful for you, your child and us at Molloy.
What should my child bring?
Please bring sufficient clothing for an ACTIVE week of summer camp. Bring one pair of pants for hiking, shorts, bathing suit, sneakers (2 pair if you have them), water shoes/aqua socks, underwear/socks, 2 towels, 2 sheets & pillowcases OR a sleeping bag. Be sure to also bring soap, shampoo, insect repellent, sun block, and toothbrush/toothpaste. If you are bringing medications, be sure to list them on the medical form. A plastic bag for soiled or wet clothes would be helpful to have. Most athletic equipment is available from camp, but you may wish to bring a baseball/softball glove if you have one. We recommend having about $100.00 in cash for off-campus trips and the camp snack-bar. IPod’s and hand-held electronic games are permitted if you wish. Since your child may have games and/or cash with them, be sure that your son or daughter has a way to lock the suitcase/bag.
What should my child leave home?
Do not bring any items that would be illegal to have in a school setting. Do not bring portable radios or alarm clocks. Athletic equipment such as baseballs/bats/basketballs soccer balls etc… should be left at home since camp will furnish these items. Don’t bring excessive amounts of money or expensive clothing. Camp can’t be held responsible for the loss of these items. Do not bring cell phones. Since we are a camp, we cannot possibly charge 100+ phones a day and they will have no need for them while at the camp site (where service is spotty at best).
Tell me about Transportation!
Students will DEPART from the front of Molloy on Sunday, July 9th at 12:00 PM. Check-in begins at 11:15AM. If you are driving to Molloy, use the numbered spots in our rear lot. DO NOT park in front of the school. The busses will park there to load-up luggage. Students will be assigned a bus alphabetically for organizational purposes. Since one of the objectives of camp is to make new friends, we ask you to not request for an exception to this policy so that your child may sit with a friend on another bus. They will see their friends at the end of the 2 hour ride. The students will return to Molloy at 12:30 PM on Saturday, July 15th. Be sure to park in the rear and leave the front of the school available for the busses to unload.
How do I contact the camp/my child?
We have found that excessive contact with students while at camp fosters homesickness. This is one reason to leave the cell phones at home. If you insist on sending a phone with your child, we will collect it from them and give it back on the last day. The camp’s emergency number is 845-384-6638. Since we will be out on the fields often, leave a message on the machine and we will get back to you at mealtimes. Prior to leaving for camp, you may call Molloy for any questions or concerns. Call 718-441-2100 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (and ask for Mr. Sheldon) up until June 21st before camp. After that, call camp directly at the above number.
You may drive or retrieve your child to/from camp if you wish. The camp is located at 1455 Broadway (Route 9W) Esopus, NY 12429. It is about 4 miles north of Route 299 on 9W. We must be advised of this AHEAD OF TIME.
So what is left to do?
Wait for camp! We are very excited that your child will be joining us. Just have them ready for a fun-filled week of camp where they will do MANY different things, meet MANY different people and have the time of their lives!
If you decide that you cannot attend for any reason, call the school (718-441-2100) and let us know so that we can choose off the waiting list. Refunds after May 26th can only occur if we can replace your child with one from the waiting list.
We truly look forward to meeting you and your child at 11:15 AM on July 9th. See all of you then!