QIP - 17/18 - Open Door Adult Learning Centre
Area to be addressed: /Identified Improvements
From the 2016/17 SAR / Areas identified in SAR development: /- More sharing of good practice needs to take place, at regular provider meetings we encourage the sharing of good practice, and to encourage the use of Cloud technology, to share systems and documents.
- Targets to address variances in provider profile/demography need to be thoroughly scoped out and discussed at regular intervals.
- We need to better oversee the outcomes of each other’s Quality Assurance activities, we have previously shared each other's systems and procedures, but it may be that we need a mechanism to moderate these processes.
- The collection and analysis of data on destination of learners following completion of their programmes needs to be more robust. We need to ensure learners are given the maximum opportunity to progress into appropriate further training or employment.
- We need to further develop the confidence of tutors, so that they can easily integrate opportunities into learning sessions that help learners understand how to protect themselves and others from radicalisation and extremism.
- We need to improve attendance, across the contract.
Issue / No. / Action / Outcome / Target Date / Person Responsible / Impact / Success Indicators / Monitoring / Links to other strategies
- Share and support all providers in contract
- More sharing of good practice needs to take place, at regular provider meetings we encourage the sharing of good practice, and to encourage the use of Cloud technology, to share systems and documents.
Schedule calendar of meetings for the contract length / Identifyand share good practice
Work collaboratively with other providers in sharing good practice / March 2018
July2018 / TM
TM / Benchmark data
Report produced by
August 2018 / To be reviewed at Trusteemeetings / Business plan
Partnership group work
1.1 / Share QAR benchmark data with other providers across the contract / Work collaboratively with all providers
Involve subcontractors in improvement strategies
Improvepartnership working, further / January 2018
July2018 / TM/JL / Report on partnership activity/successes
3 monthly progress report by June 2018 / To be reviewed at Trustee meetings / Retention & Achievement Strategy
Business plan
Contingency plan
- Support business planning
Improved budgeting, spending and resource utilisation / January 2017 / TM/JL / Improved business planning systems / Review twice per year, populate to Board or Finance Sub-Committee / Business Plan
- better oversee the outcomes of each other’s Quality Assurance activities
To share at provider meetings, and to highlight areas of good practice / Improved QA systems, leading to increase in retention, achievement and learners achieving learning goals / January2017
- / TM / Improved understanding by all staff and Board / Quarterly / Annually / 3-year Business Plan
- Feedback and target-setting in learners’ work is inconsistent and requires improvement in all providers’ delivery
- monitor the effects of devolution and to source new streams of funding
1.8 / Both feedback, and target-setting regimes in all providers needs to be shared, dissected, and areas of good practice identified.
Implementation of identified improvements a.s.a.p.
To keep up to date with Devolution progress, and to identify areas of concern, involvement or otherwise.
Contingency plan to source new streams of funding should SFA contract cease. / Improved feedback systems implemented in all providers.
Improved systems of target-setting implemented in all providers.
Providers better prepared for the impact of devolution / February 2017
January2017 / All staff and BOARD
All staff and BOARD
All / Learner targets embedded
Feedback messages reinforced
All learners aware of target-setting improvements
Improved understanding by all staff and Board of Devolution issues / Termly/Annually
Monthly / SAR
Contingency Plan
Quality Improvement Plan - Extracted from the revised, and new SAR format for 2015/16, created November 2016
1st Revision March 2017
2nd Revision July 2017
Element / Current%performance / Targetfor2014-2017Ethnicity / 92.75%White(31) / 92.0%(31) towardsglobal 91.3%
Gender / 72%Female
28%Male / 67%Female
Agebanding / Variable / 3%increasein19-30 31-40ages
Disability / 14.22%declareddisability (2015/16) / Increaseto16%
SafeLearner / 91% learneraccessingsafetyinfo / 100%learner accessingsafetyinfo
Feeremissionlowincome / 88% / Maintainwithin3%
Learners understanding of Prevent / variable / 100% by 2017/18
Achievementlevels / 84.8% / Increaseby 5% in 2016/17
Retentionlevels / 89.7% / Increaseby 4% in 2016/17
Attendancerates / 80.2% / Increaseby 4% and further 5%2017/18
TimelyAchievement rates / 80.9% / Increaseby 6%then4%by2017/18
C:\SFA\20C:\SFA\2017_18\QIP_from SAR1617_JAN2018.docxODALC