MODULE 1: How Do Students Learn?

Name: / ______
Date: / ______
Points: / ______

Explain (and review) how students learn, and how this relates to planning lessons in secondary education.

In the Duplass textbook, read topics 6 and 15.


1.  How does the physical neural network (connections of neurons in the brain) relate to Constructivism? How can a teacher use knowledge of Constructivism to increase student learning?

2.  Why is learner attention a critical piece of learning? What does this mean to you as a teacher?

3.  Meaning is one area on which a teacher should focus during instruction.

a.  What is the importance of meaning in learning?

b.  List several practical ways you can incorporate meaning into your lessons.

4.  Emotion can positively and negatively impact instruction.

a.  What is the positive aspect of emotion in teaching? How can you capitalize on this positive aspect in teaching?

b.  What is the negative aspect of emotion in teaching? How can you work to eliminate this negative aspect in teaching?

5.  What is the magical number? What are its implications for teaching?

6.  Teaching students who have little enthusiasm for your discipline is one of the greatest challenges for middle and high school teachers. List some practical steps that you might use to further engage learners in your subject matter.

7.  It is a truism that we prefer to teach the way we personally prefer to learn, and many times we teach the way we learned. Teachers may utilize active and passive delivery methods in their classrooms. What is your view on active vs. passive instructional methods? Give several examples of how you might make lessons in your content area more active.

MODULE 1: How Do Students Learn?

HANDS-ON ACTIVITY #1: Pre-planning a lesson based on brain research.

8.  In accordance with the latest brain research, let’s apply what we have learned to the pre-planning of a lesson. Begin by choosing a lesson topic. Then, design several strategies for enhancing your lesson in the areas listed below, based on brain research.

a.  Lesson Topic:

b.  Strategies for gaining learner attention:

c.  Strategies for building in meaning for the learners:

d.  Strategies for eliminating the negative impact of emotion in your classroom:

e.  Strategies for enhancing the positive effect of emotion (emotionally engaging, even with “negative” emotions) on students in this lesson:


Performance Indicators / Rating
·  Quality of content.
·  Organization.
·  Confident, enthusiastic.
·  Good pacing.
·  Use of proper English. / ·  Met or exceeded all expectations: 100%
·  Met expectations with minor errors: 85-99%
·  Met expectations with major errors: 70-84%
·  Met some expectations: 50-69%
·  Met few expectations: 1-49%
·  Met no expectations: 0%