Newsletter of
Up coming Events
Oct 10– Ladies Meeting
Oct 13 –3rdDegree Meeting
Oct 18 –Pancake Breakfast
Oct 20 – 4thDegree Meeting
Oct 25 –Corporation Fund raiser spaghetti dinner
Oct 27 –Pot luck and Bingo
This month’s activities are a little less than last months, but they are just as important.We will be having our breakfast on the 18th, and we are going to have a spaghetti dinner on the 25th.The spaghetti dinner is for the corporation to help us meet our obligations to the council.We will have a pot luck on the 27th, barring rain, sleet or snow.
It doesn’t matter if you can quote the Bible, if you live like you’ve never opened it.
Leo and Jeannine Meyer
Jerry Nottingham
Our open meeting on the 8thof September where we installed our new officers, went very well.The DD did an outstanding job.Our pancake breakfast on the 20thturned out a little sparse, but we did feed 5 policemen and 6 firefighters, we had to feed the firefighters twice because they got a call just as they sat down.The pot luck was good, but we could use a few more people.The spaghetti dinner was good but could have been better, hopefully the one this month will improve.We need volunteers so we can move forward with our projects to maintain our status in the community.At the school carnival we had an abundance of help, the ladies beat us again with the hot dog sales, and a good time was had by all.
This month we have another spaghetti dinner and it is on the 25thof October, and we need as many Knights and the Ladies and friends to turn out.This spaghetti dinner is for our Corporation so that we can repay some more of the money we borrowed from the Knights to repair the floor.
++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++More is accomplished by folding the hands than by wringing them.
We have received notice that Sunset Memorial would like an Honor Guard for Veteran’s Day, Wednesday November 11th.Marty will be contacting Honor Guard people, so try and give him a hand.Remember we have sets of baldric at the hall.Hopefully at this meeting we will have a discussion on homes for the homeless vets.
The only thing we have to report this month is we have repaired the lights in the kitchen and the 4thDegree room, and the building has been winterized.
Thank you to all the ladies with the help for the spaghetti dinner and the school carnival – we outsold the Knights AGAIN – way to go ladies.We will have a discussion about whether or not to have a bake sale at the Knights spaghettidinner, so please come and give your input.
Billy AdamsonJohn AllenRaymond Bitsche
Tony Dela PazJose FloresDewey Granger
Tom LinvillePatrick MaloneyEugene Martinez, Sr
Moises RosadoDonald RuthNorman Scribner
Paul Stoner, Jr
Hope we didn’t miss anyone.Contact us if we did.LJM and JJM
Prayer – your direct line to God!!
All Knights, if you have already joined the Father McGivney Guild – try and get one more Knight to join.It doesn’t cost anything, and you can even join on line.
Just ask and you will receive. Meetings are very important – without a quorum we cannot take care of business (12 members)
Last month was a very busy month and we took care of all our projects with a minimal amount of problems.This is the month we are supposed to renew all our disability letters, so all the Knights who are disabled need to contact the Financial Secretary.We have our normal monthly meetings and breakfast plus we are having a spaghetti dinner, please try and attend everything if you can possibly do it.Please note that Tony Dela Paz is having a sale, the information is at the bottom of the newsletter.One final note – the Ladies Altar Society has asked us to help them with the purchase of an ice machine, we need to discuss this at our meeting, and also discuss our 1stDegree Team preparations.
Our deployed Knights.
Our men and women in service.
All our Knights who are ill, (especially Bill Maske)
All our Knights families who are ill.
All the departed souls of the Knights families (especially Tom Linvilles’ mother)
Wants, needs, and for sale
If you need any yard work or handy man jobs handled plus tree trimming, please contact one of our brother Knights - Randy Brierton.Call 512- 2116. New computer service - please contact Steven Glanzer at (580)574-6746 for repairs.Our Honor Guard Commander, Marty Goodman has taken on a new challenge.He has set up the ArchAngelParacord and Crafts business.This involves a lot of very nice paracord jewelry and gifts – you can reach him at 647-6301 after 2 PM.
Brother Knight Tony Dela Paz is having a clearance sale of all his Lawton possessions as he has moved.The dates are the 16thand 17thof October, the directions are:take Gore Blvd. East to E. 38th, proceed approx. 6/10thof a mile to Regal Estates, turn right, again take a right on Berkshire, proceed to 123 Berkshire.Please attend to help him out.