Student Clinician – Self-Reflection
Student’s Name:Client Code: Session Date:
Self-Reflection / Personal Skills to Target in Future Sessions & Action PlanKnowledge Base
Assessment Skills
Intervention Skills
Preparedness, Interaction and Personal Skills
Instructions: Complete this Self-Reflection and e-mail to your supervisor after each session (or per supervisor instructions). Avoid making hard copies as much as possible. Thank you for saving paper!
Below are examples of questions you might want to address. However, we encourage you to go beyond these questions and focus on issues that you and your supervisor consider important for your professional development.
Knowledge Base: Did you seek out information you need to know about the client’s disorder? Did you look at evidence-based research, articles to support your intervention approach?Assessment Skills: Were you able to accomplish what you planned? Why/why not? Do you feel you obtained valid information? Why/why not? What would you do differently next time? Were you able to score the test accurately? What was easy/difficult? What do the results mean? What goals/objectives will you be able to generate from this assessment?
Record Keeping: Did you report the data accurately? Did you report pertinent information in the different sections of the report (e.g., history, assessment results, comments/impression, goals, recommendations)?
Intervention Skills: Did you define goals/objectives clearly? Did you choose valid measures to measure tx progress and generalization? Did you plan well for the last session? Did the client meet expected outcomes last session? Why/Why not? What did you do that helped or didn’t help the client succeed? Did you successfully implement step up/step down strategies?
Record Keeping: How did the data collection chart work? Could it be improved upon? Do your data accurately reflect what occurred? Did you include information in appropriate sections in your SOAP? What would you improve about last week’s paperwork (SOAP, ITP etc.)?
Preparedness, Interaction and Personal Skills: How was your interaction with the client? Were you able to accurately read the client’s body language? Did you participate in discussions with your supervisor by asking questions, listening, and initiating topics for discussion? Did you take feedback well? Have you been positive and upbeat? Have you been a team player? Are you reliable, dependable, and punctual?
Record Keeping: Are you organized and do you meet paperwork deadlines? Did you proofread your reports? Did you use professional language?