Language Arts Classroom Rules and Procedures 2009/10
Welcome to 7th Grade Reading/Language Arts at Ben Franklin. I am looking forward to working with you over the next two years. At Ben, the math and language arts teachers loop, which means the teachers and students move up to the next grade level together. We loop because it allows us to know better how to help you, increases instructional time and helps us create a positive learning environment.
- The Ben Franklin rules must be followed at all times.
- You may sharpen your pencil during the first three minutes of class. If your pencil breaks during class, please raise your hand for permission to sharpen it.
- You may use mechanical pencils, but if you spend more than one minute in a class period looking for or changing lead you will lose the privilege.
- You may leave class to use the bathroom for emergencies only. You must raise your hand to ask for permission to use the bathroom. If you must leave class to use the bathroom on a regular basis, you will make up the missed class time after school.
- Your agenda, homework, and warm up sheet should be out on your desk by the time the bell rings.
- You must ask for permission to get out of your seat.
- You may not leave class at the end of the period until I have given you permission.
- You may not spray cologne, perfume or deodorant in the classroom or in the hall.
Entering Procedures
- Greet your teacher with a smile and hello. (This is NOT a time for talking to your friends.)
- Be in your seat with supplies out and be ready to work by the time the bell rings.
- Read the daily agenda and copy the homework in your Agenda.
- Begin the Warm up.
- Remain silent.
Exiting Procedures
- Begin cleaning up when the teacher gives the signal. Make sure the area around your desk and where you worked is clean.
- Put your work away.
- Sit quietly when your group has finished cleaning your table.
- Wait in your seat until I excuse you.
Homework will be assigned every Monday through Friday night with reading over the weekend. Homework will be checked at the beginning of class and a stamp in the agenda will be given for completion. Those stamps will be counted each week and are used to determine the homework grade. If you do not complete your homework two days in a row, you will have detention after school for a minimum of 15 minutes. A chronic homework problem will result in a parent conference.
An Extenda-Pass allows a student to turn in an assignment one day late without penalty. A student can receive an Extenda-Pass by earning 20 extra credit stamps. After earning 40 stamps, students may receive a Lap Off Pass to use during P.E. There are many ways to earn extra credit stamps, for example: turning in all weekly homework assignments, following classroom procedures, coming in after school for at least ½ hour, and participating in class.
Office Hours
I am usually available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4 pm to answer questions and provide academic support. Students can come in for help, to ask questions or just to have a quiet place to study. This is also the best time to make up missing work. Students will receive extra credit stamps for coming in after school for at least ½ hour.
If you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. All work MUST be turned in even if you were absent the day it was collected. You must check my website or the Absence Binder to see what happened in class the day you were absent. You must make up the warm-up, get handouts, copy notes and write down assignments you missed.
Late Work
Assignments will be downgraded 10% for every day they are late, up to a 50% drop. That means your grade goes down if an assignment is late. Some points are better than no points, so turn in ALL assignments. Work will be accepted until the end-of-the-quarter deadline, which will be announced in class.
Respect Your Classmates and Your Teacher
Respect means following the school rules and classroom procedures so everyone can learn. Respect means to listen to others when they are speaking. You show your respect by not talking or playing. Respect means supporting others especially when someone makes a mistake or needs help. This is important since we will all need to feel comfortable while learning together.
Home Support
Students need a quiet place to do homework where they will not be interrupted. Phone calls and younger siblings disrupt students from completing work and doing their best. Students should not do homework in front of the television, lying in bed or on the couch. We recommend that students sit at a table or desk, so they can concentrate. We suggest that students do their reading homework first. Many students save it for last and are too tired to focus on what is often the most challenging work. All family members must be respectful of the time students need for homework. We are trying to foster homework habits that will prepare students for the increased amount of work they will encounter in middle school.
Grades are based on points you earn in the following:
- Homework
- Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
- Quizzes/Tests
- Literature Assignments
- Participation/Warm ups
- Essays
- Presentations
- Writing Assignments
How to earn the grade you want:
A-ExcellentThe student went far beyond the minimum requirements of the assignment and showed complete mastery of the standard. She completed the task on time. Assignment showed evidence of critical thinking. The presentation of her work was of high quality and creative.
B-Good WorkThe student completed the assignment beyond the minimum requirements of the assignment and showed mastery of the standard. Assignment showed some evidence of critical thinking. He completed the task on time. The presentation of his work was neat and well done.
C-SatisfactoryThe student completed the minimum requirements of the assignment and showed some mastery of the standard. She may have completed the task on time. The presentation of her work was neat. Work may have contained minor errors.
D-Barely PassingThe student did not complete all the requirements of the assignment and did not meet the standard. He may not have completed the task on time. The presentation of his work needed improvement.
F-FailingThe student did not complete the assignment. She did not do the task as assigned. The assignment was far from meeting the standard.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding your child’s progress. The school telephone number is 650-991-1200. You can also email me at:
I also have a website where you can find up-to-date information about my class and your child’s grades. The website address is I’m looking forward to a great year!
Lisa Rizzo
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Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Parent Email Address:______
Telephone Number(s):______