City of McHenry

Tree Donation Program


City: State: Zip Code:

Home Phone: Cell Phone:

Donated trees may be planted at the Municipal Center or in one of the parks. The cost is $250.00 per tree for any one of the following species listed. All trees are locally grown and purchased as available from the nursery. Size of trees varies by species. Plantings will be scheduled in the Spring or Fall.

Tree Species: Deciduous – 2” caliper/10-12’ in height Coniferous – 6-8’ in height

o Honey Locust o Pine

o Linden o Spruce

o Maple o Fir

o Oak (Spring Only) o Cypress

o Hackberry o Tamarack

o Ginkgo

o Flowering Crabapple o Other

Location: o Municipal Center

o Park Site:

Planting Season o Fall

o Spring

o Arbor Day (last Friday in April)

All trees planted at the McHenry Municipal Center will be recognized by placing names on the tree memorial plaque located in the public lobby (3 lines, 26 characters). Trees planted in the public parks will have a memorial brick installed in the ground near the tree (3 lines, 12 characters).

Municipal Center Tree - Plaque Inscription Park Tree - Brick Lettering




For further information on the Tree Planting Program contact: Mike Harper, Forestry Crew Leader, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050, 815-363-2162.

forms\maintenance items\tree donation form