Quincy Junior High STUdent-led / PARENT-TEACHER Conferences

Tuesday, October 24, 2017 3:00–5:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 26, 2017 11:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m. and 4:00–7:00 p.m.

Friday, October 27, 2017 7:30–10:00 a.m.

Student-led conferences will be held in one of the team teachers’ classrooms. Report cards and results from the fall MAP test will be available for pick-up in the team teachers’ classrooms.

The following ED and Cross-Cat teachers are not on a team, but they will call you to set up an appointment: Ms. Esselman, Ms. Bozarth, Mr. Dance, Mrs. Holdiman, Mrs. Mahoney, Ms. Long, and Mrs. Webster. Your child’s report card will be available in one of their classrooms.

The following teachers are not on a team and will be available in their classroom for a drop-in conference: Mr. Altmix, Ms. Napier, Ms. Vukovich, Mrs. Cornwell, Mr. Cottrell, Mrs. Schwartz, Mr. Stafford, Mrs. Sekikawa-Klobe, Ms. Rothfuss, Mr. Del Rosario, Mr. Stekel, Mr. Webb, Ms. Bearden, Mr. Rowatt, Mrs. Marshall, and

Mrs. Obert. Music and Spanish teachers will be available at the times listed at the bottom of this letter.

You must have an appointment to pick up your child’s report card. Thank you if you already made an appointment at Curriculum Night or if one of your child’s teachers has already called you to make an appointment. If you have not been contacted yet by a teacher, please contact any of your child’s teachers on the attached list.

Ideas for discussion at the student-led conference are on the reverse side of this letter.

If you have multiple concerns, you may contact your child’s counselor (222-4334) or dean (228-7130). Counselors are: 6th grade – Mrs. Heck, 7th grade – Ms. Martin, 8th grade – Mr. Llewellyn. Deans are: 6th grade –

Mr. Carper, 7th grade – Mr. Lepper, 8th grade last name A - M – Mr. Carper, and 8th grade last name N-Z –

Mr. Lepper.

If you wish to schedule a teacher conference, this can be done at any time during the year. TEAM teachers’ and non-team teachers’ planning times are listed on the attached “Grade Level Teams” list.

Feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time. Voicemail extensions are enclosed; call 228-7189 to access voicemail.

Part-time Music and Spanish teachers will be available at the times noted below.

Ball: Thursday 4:00-7:00, and Friday 7:30-10:00

Dooley: Call QHS, 224-3774

Ensinger: Thursday 4:00-7:00, and

Friday 7:30-10:00

Gabriel: Thursday 11:15-1:15, Friday 7:30-10:00, or at QHS

Johnson: Friday 7:30-10:00

Tenhouse: Thursday 11:15-1:15 and

4:00-7:00, and Friday 7:30-10:00

Kagan: Friday 7:30-10:00

McKinley: Friday 7:30-10:00

Wilgus: Thursday 5:30-7:00

Enter school through the 14th Street doors to go through Security. If you have never been scanned through Security, you will need to bring identification, such as your driver’s license or state I.D. card. If you need to enter through the handicapped accessible entry door, you may park in the Morrison Parking Lot on Maine Street. Call 222-3073, ext. 4, and someone will meet you at the door. An elevator key will be provided to you. If needed, wheelchairs are available.

We look forward to seeing all of our parents at conferences!