Penn Bowl XVII: The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music
Tossups by Maryland B & C (Mike Bentley, Brittany Clark, Andrew Lim, Casey Retterer, Tricia Southard, Paul Lujan)
1. The U.S. Navy fielded five ships at this battle, the heavy cruiser Houston and four destroyers; of the five, Houston would be sunk while the destroyers managed to escape. The last major fleet engagement to be fought in the absence of aircraft carriers, it was prompted by the need to halt a Japanese invasion fleet that had fought off two prior attacks in the Makassar and Bandung Straits. Japan's Long Lance torpedo devastated the ABDA fleet and sunk the flagship De Ruyter, killing commanding Admiral Karel Doorman. For 10 points, name this February 1942 battle, which ended allied naval resistance to the Japanese conquest of the Dutch East Indies.
ANSWER: Battle of the Java Sea
2. A lack of info about cation-anion distances can prevent the use of the Kapustinskii equation to determine this value. Another method of calculating it involves squaring both the charge of ions and electrons and knowing the Madelung constant. A process that involves the enthalpy of sublimation and the electron affinity is yet another way to calculate this quantity. It generally increases as ionic charge increases and it is equal to the negative of the energy of crystallization. For 10 points, name this quantity often symbolized U that measures how much energy is required to separate a solid mole of an ion or molecule into a gas.
ANSWER: lattice energy
3. One of them depicts its title figure with the niece of Hendrick Uylenburgh, while another depicts its subject in the role of a contemporary of Parrhasius. This series also includes one where the subject is "Leaning on a Stone Wall" and one where he is with either "Loose" or "Tossled" hair. One of the earliest depicts its subject "Leaning Forward" and several include the central figure "with beret" and "with Saskia". In others, its subject role played as the Apostle Paul and as "an Oriental Pontentate with a Kris." For 10 points, identify these images that depict the painter of works like The Prodigal Son, and The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp.
ANSWER: self-portraits of Rembrandt [accept clear knowledge equivalents]
4. This chairperson of the Virginia Peace Convention died before he could take his seat in the Confederate House of Representatives, though he died before he could take his seat. Earlier, he had opposed Andrew Jackson’s Force Bill and resigned his seat in the U.S. House during the nullification crisis. He may be better known, however, for his vetoes defeating the enactment of Henry Clay’s American System, creating a rift that destroyed the Whig Party. Despite putting down Dorr's Rebellion, he was not renominated in 1844. For 10 points, name this “accidental” president, who succeeded to office upon the death of William Henry Harrison.
ANSWER: John Tyler
5. One of these is the antigen of Anti Scl-70 and several inhibitors of them are found in genus Camptotheca, such as irinotecan and topotecan. Their mechanism involves the formation of a protein bridge and these enzymes discovered by Wang are able to catenate circular DNA. Type II, which requires ATP hydrolysis, changes the linking number in steps of two. Gyrase is a special bacterial form of, for 10 points, what class of enzymes that reduce breaking and supercoliling by introducing single or double stranded breaks into DNA.
ANSWER: topoisomerases
6 This work begins by critiquing the "ask not what your country can do for you" line in Kennedy's inaugural address, arguing that free men should ask "what can I and my compatriots do through government." The author uses the example of the Amish being forced to partake in the Social Security system as a connection between economic and religious injustice. The first chapter posits that the Russian economic system cannot be reproduced without totalitarianism and it also criticized Bretton Woods in "International Financial and Trade Arrangements." For 10 points, the author's wife Rose contributed to what 1962 work about economics and politics by Milton Friedman?
ANSWER: Capitalism and Freedom
7. In some myths, this deity is the husband of the nymph Juterna and sired Fons or Fontus. In other traditions, he is said to have married Camese, and fathered the patron deity of the Volturnia festival. According to some myths, it was he who brought civilization to Latium, as he was its first king, and he was able to chase and catch the nymph Carna thanks to his extra eyes. He caused water to erupt from volcanic hot springs in order to thwart an attack on Rome by the Sabines, and as a result, the gates of his temple were open in times of war. For 10 points, name this two-faced Roman god of doorways and beginnings.
8. Towards the end of this work, an injured veteran from World War II fails to open the gates of heaven with his trumpet and does a dance instead. The protagonist works with his former prison mate Jim Bono and tells his son why he ran away from home at age fourteen. Some of the words of wisdom in this work include, “You got to take the crookeds with the straights” and “Death ain’t nothing but a fastball on the outside corner,” the first recalled by Lyons, and the latter by Lyons, Raynell, and Cory’s father. For 10 points, identify this August Wilson play about Troy Maxon, which notes that the titular objects can either be built to keep people out or to keep people in.
ANSWER: Fences
9. It does not add an edge at each step to create a subgraph. A hybrid algorithm first uses Big O of log of log of n passes in Boruvka's Algorithm before switching to it. With a simple data structure, it runs in worst case of Big O of V squared, but that worst case runtime can be improved to Big O of E plus V log V by employing a Fibonacci Heap. This greedy algorithm works by creating a heap of edge weights and at each step adding the edge with the smallest edge weight with a vertex not already in the graph to the graph. FTP, identify this alternative to Kruskal's Algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree of a graph.
ANSWER: Prim's-Jarnik Algorithm [or Jarnik Algorithm or Djikstra-Jarnik-Prim Algorithm]
10. This city is home to the Beth Elohim Congregation, considered the birthplace of Reform Judaism in the United States and the oldest surviving Reform Synagogue in the world. Home to Rainbow Row and Hibernian Hall, its downtown is situated on a peninsula surrounded by the Ashley and Cooper rivers. It is also home to the American leg of the "Festival of Two Worlds", also known as Spoleto Festival USA. It is home to The Citadel and is the second busiest port on the East Coast. For 10 points, name "Holy City", a South Carolina locale in whose harbor the first volleys of the Civil War were launched.
ANSWER: Charleston, South Carolina
11. Planck's constant appears instead of Dirac's constant in this video's attempt to display Schrödinger's wave equation. Cameos in the video for this song include Seth Green showcasing some of his prized collection, and Donny Osmond dancing in the background of several frames. In the night scenes, red flares form the shape ofPac -Man, and the subject of the video is seen vandalizing Wikipedia. The subject does "vector calculus just for fun", and was in "the A.V. club, the glee club, and even the chess team". For 10 points, name this second track off of "Straight Outta Lynwood", a Weird Al parody of Chamillionaire and Krayzie Bone's "Ridin' Dirty."
ANSWER: "White and Nerdy"
12. The third large-scale offensive of this battle included the Battle of Flers-Courcelette in December, which was the debut of the tank in warfare, specifically the British Mark I. Although technically an Allied victory, there was only a gain of about five miles at the deepest penetration point for the British and the French. Although one of its original purposes was to draw German forces away from the Battle of Verdun, the final count exceeded that at Verdun, with one million killed, wounded or missing. For 10 points, identify this large WWI battle fought between July and November of 1916, near its namesake river in Picardy, France.
ANSWER: Battle of the Somme
13. One of the characters in this work, Gurgin, is the ninth fighter to partake in the Battle of the Twelve Rooks, losing to Andariman. Another character, Giv, gets imprisoned in Hamavaran and seven years later finds a king that defeats Afrasiyab and the nation of Turan. One reoccurring character in the heroic age is the Simorgh, who raises the albino Zal and later saves Zal’s wife and son. Perhaps one of its best known stories is that of a father accidentally killing his son, in the tale of Rostam and Sohrab. For 10 points, name this epic which runs from the Kayanian Dynasty to the coming of Zoroaster and finally to the Islamic period, Ferdowsi's national epic of Iran.
ANSWER: Shahnameh [or The Book of Kings]
14. Fulgencio Yegros was the first man to hold the role of "consul" in this country. One early ruler of this country, nicknamed "El Supremo", got one of its ports blockaded in 1813. One of its leaders was eventually killed at Cerro Corá but not before that leader led some 20,000 of its troops to their death at the disastrous battle of Tuyutí. Rutherford B. Hayes helped it keep most of its territory, while later, a dictator rules from 1954 to 1989 at the head of the Colorado party. Francisco Solano Lopez led this country into a foolish war in 1865. For 10 points, identify this nation on the losing side of the War of the Triple Alliance, long ruled in the twentieth century by Alfredo Stroessner.
ANSWER: Republic of Paraguay
15. While serving as a legate, this man captured the Tectosages chieftan Copillus. Earlier, while serving as quaestor. he made a more famous capture of an enemy of Rome with the aid of King Bocchus. After a victory near Praeneste and the defeat of the consul Carbo, he invalidated all of the laws of Sulpicius, which had included removing him from the campaign against Mithridates and giving Italians representation amongst the 35 tribes. Famous for putting down a rebellion by Jugurtha this reorganizer of the government gained fame in the Social War. For 10 points, name this man who retired the post of dictator in the 80's and 70's BCE.
ANSWER: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
16. Disinherited by his father when attempting to restore the Church at San Damiono, he went on to restore the chapel of St. Mary of the Angels. The Portiuncula became his permanent abode and place of death, and during the Fifth Crusade, he attempted to convert sultan Melek-al-Kamil, offering to walk into fire to profess his faith. He would often retreat on the Mountain La Verna, a gift bestowed upon him by his future biographer, Thomas de Celano. He composed the "Canticle of the Sun", and a prayer attributed to him implores, "make me an instrument of your Peace." For 10 points, name this founder of the Order of Friars Minor and patron saint of animals.
ANSWER: St. Francis of Asissi [prompt on St. Francis]
17. The term “culture industry” was used by them to describe the mass-produced culture and financial necessities of society. They advanced many of their ideas through the "Journal for Social Research", and one of their later leaders is probably best known for analyzing "reason and the rationalization of society" in Theory of Communicative Action. They attempted to reconcile Communism in Russia with the rise of fascism in Italy, and prominent members of this neo-Marxist group included Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse. For 10 points, identify this school of Critical Theory resultant from Max Horkheimer’s work at the Institute of Social Research in Germany.
ANSWER: Frankfurt School
18. This author uses pages of journal entries, poetry and drawings to describe Calcutta in "Show Your Tongue." Another work chronicles the sinking of the cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff and its subsequent effects on generations of the Pokriefke family. A tale based loosely on the Grimms' "The Fisherman and His Wife", reviews the history of women's emancipation and finds no convincing alternatives to male domination through radical feminists. In addition to "Crabwalk" and "The Flounder," he also wrote "Peeling the Onion," which reveals that this creator of Oskar Matzareth served in the SS during his youth. For 10 points, name this German author of The Tin Drum.
ANSWER: Günther Grass
19. Wainwright performed experiments at Walnut Gulch to observe the speed at which it could be re-established following disturbances. Due to an inability to accumulate silt, large volcanic pyroclasts are unable to form it. Developed by eolian deflation, it is often formed in regions close to bedrock or on parts of alluvial fans. Exposed regions of it with little iron can be covered with a dark surface known as varnish. It occurs when sand is blown away and only very small rocks remain, such as pebbles and cobbles. For 10 points, name this substance of closely packed and flat rock fragments in an arid environment.
ANSWER: desert pavement
20. The last chapter is an allegory of Christianization and involves a maid becoming pregnant after eating a berry. Louhi the Hag of the North pulls down the sun and the moon, steals, fire from the titular group and promises her daughter to Seppo in exchange for his building something for her. Such animals as the demon's elk and the swan of Tuonela are killed in this book, whose second and standard edition contains fifty poems, some of which discuss Illmarinen. The major plot arc involves the mysterious object called the Sampo and mostly concerns the hero Väinämöinen. For 10 points, identify this Elias Lönnrot-compiled national epic of Finland.