IGCSE Literature Essay writing checklist
When you have finished writing a literary essay, ask yourselves the following questions:
- Have I underlined the key words in the essay question?
- Have I written a clear introduction showing I have understood the essay question?
- Have I planned at least 4 paragraphs of at least 8 lines answering the question?
- Have I started a new, indented paragraph for each new idea?
- Have I used P-Q-C and referred closely to the text?
- Have I talked about the language used and its effect at least three times?
- Have I given a personal response, if appropriate, in the conclusion?
- Have I used some interesting link words and a varied vocabulary?
- Have I re-read my essay and checked my spelling and grammar? Have I underlined titles of works and spelt names correctly?
- a)How long did I spend planning and writing my essay?______
b)Did I have any help? If so, from who? A teacher/tutor?______
A parent?______
A brother/sister/friend?______
IGCSE Literature Essay writing checklist
When you have finished writing a literary essay, ask yourselves the following questions:
- Have I underlined the key words in the essay question?
- Have I written a clear introduction showing I have understood the essay question?
- Have I planned at least 4 paragraphs of at least 8 lines answering the question?
- Have I started a new, indented paragraph for each new idea?
- Have I used P-Q-C and referred closely to the text?
- Have I talked about the language used and its effect at least three times?
- Have I given a personal response, if appropriate, in the conclusion?
- Have I used some interesting link words and a varied vocabulary?
- Have I re-read my essay and checked my spelling and grammar? Have I underlined titles of works and spelt names correctly?
- a)How long did I spend planning and writing my essay?______
b)Did I have any help? If so, from who? A teacher/tutor?______
A parent?______
A brother/sister/friend?______
IGCSE Literature Essay writing checklist
When you have finished writing a literary essay, ask yourselves the following questions:
- Have I underlined the key words in the essay question?
- Have I written a clear introduction showing I have understood the essay question?
- Have I planned at least 4 paragraphs of at least 8 lines answering the question?
- Have I started a new, indented paragraph for each new idea?
- Have I used P-Q-C and referred closely to the text?
- Have I talked about the language used and its effect at least three times?
- Have I given a personal response, if appropriate, in the conclusion?
- Have I used some interesting link words and a varied vocabulary?
- Have I re-read my essay and checked my spelling and grammar? Have I underlined titles of works and spelt names correctly?
- a)How long did I spend planning and writing my essay?______
b)Did I have any help? If so, from who? A teacher/tutor?______
A parent?______
A brother/sister/friend?______