1)A prophet is called ...... in Arabic
2)The Hajj pilgrimage was originally started by Abraham
3)In Islam, "People of the Book" areJews and Christians
4)How many people accepted Prophet Nuh, alayhi-salam, as a Prophet and became Muslims: 82
5)How old was Prophet Muhammad, Sall-Allahualayhiwasallam, when his grandfather died: 8
6)Which is the 7th month in the Islamic calendar: Rajab
7)In which month did the battle of Badr take place: Ramadhan
8)Who was the only person to be killed by Rasulullah, Sall-Allahualayhiwasallam, himself: Ubi Bin Khalf
9)When were the five daily prayers ordained:: 10 years after Prophethood
10)There is only one companion that has been mentioned by name in the Qur'an. Who was he: ZaydibnHarithah, Radi-Allahuanhu
11)How many times will the trumpet be blown at the end of time: 2
12)What was the first sin on Earth in Islam: murder:
13)How many letters are there in the Arabic alphabet: 28
14)What was the name of the last daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?: fatima
15)What was the first major battle in Islam in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): badr
16)At the end of time there will be a giant fire that will come forth. It will swallow everything in its path. The fire will drive mankind to its last gathering. From what country will the fire emerge from?: Yemen
17)How long will prophet Jesus stay on this Earth until he dies 40 yrs
18)Which prophet could talk to animals: sulaiman
19)How old was Prophet Muhammad when he got married to his first wife: 25
20)Which daughter was the oldest: Zainab, Ruqayyah, UmmeKulsoom, and Fatima
21)Which daughter stayed with her pagan husband instead of migrating to Medina at first?: zainab
22)Which daughter did not marry: Zainab stayed with her husband, AbulAas, after he accepted Islam. Ruqayyah married Uthman and UmmeKulsoom also married Uthman after Ruqayyah's death. Fatima lived happily married with Ali ibnTalib.
23)Prophet Muhammad once announced who the highest woman in Paradise would be. Who was this exalted woman?: virgin maryMaryam
24)Who was the first child to convert to Islam: Ali
25)Which was his only living child present when the Prophet died: Fatima
26)How old was the Prophet when his father died:not born
27)For how many years did the Prophet's grandfather take care of him: 2
28)Aisha bint Abu Bakr brought the Prophet and Abu Bakr the food while they were hiding?: Asmabintabubakr
29)He/She is regarded by Muslims as Mohammed's first convert: Khadija
30)He had the power to interpret the meaning of dreams: yusuf
31)Who was the head engineer of Firawn and was once instructed to build a lofty and high palace for Firawn to climb up and meet Allah?Haman
32)Which of these men is credited with first compiling the Qu'ran into a single book? Abu bakr
33)How many chapters in the Koran are named after animals :6:
34)Jesus is said to appear when the Dajjal arrives into this world. Jesus will descend down from heaven with two angels carrying him; he will land on a white minaret. What country is this white minaret in, which Jesus will descend onSyria
35)When AminabintWahab was pregnant with Prophet Muhammad, she was aware of an unusual phenomenon surrounding her. What was it?:She felt that a light was emanating from her (IbnIshaq (d. ca. 761), an early Islamic biographer, stated about Amina's pregnancy: "While she was carrying the child in her womb she saw a light issue from her which illuminated even the castles of Busra in Syria." ("Life of Muhammad," Translated by Michael Edwardes, 2003). IbnIshaq also mentions that Amina told others that she heard a voice speak to her, proclaiming that her child should be called Muhammad and that he would be a leader of the people.)
36)There is some controversy over the number of wives. Many recognize twelve, who were: Khadija bintKhuwaylid, SawdabintZam'a, Aisha bintAbiBakr As-Siddiq, HafsabintU'mar, ZaynabbintKhuzayma, SalamabintUmayya, ZaynabbintJahsh, Juwayriyabint Al-Harith, SafiyyabintHuyayy, UmmuHabibabintSufyan, Maymunabint Al-Harith and Maria Al-Qabtiyya.