Augusta County School Health Advisory Board Meeting: October 12, 2011 at WMS 1130

Members present: Dr. Mark Shields, GinnyNewman (Office on Youth), Mary Albert, Brittany Melton (intern), Joy Stultz Office on Youth, Kim Whetzel (Staunton/Augusta HD), Lisa Milo (Parent), Marta Szuta (Head Start), Karen Hicks (Valley Community Service Board), Carol Cash (Augusta Co. School Health Service Coordinator)

Carol Cash chaired the meeting

  1. Members were introduced , welcomed and enjoyed lunch
  2. Minutes were not reviewed or approved
  3. Kim Whetzel, RN from Staunton/Augusta Health Department gave a presentation on Pertusis. Data reflecting current trends as well as local incidence was presented, s/s reviewed, roles of parents, schools and health department reviewed. TDAP clinic held for Waynesboro School employees with excellent participation. Augusta Co. also working on organizing TDAP clinic for employees as well.
  4. Health Services:
  5. Flu vaccines for staff will be given in October/November through Augusta Health, vaccines administration for students this year not feasible.
  6. Mandatory Health screenings completed. BMI data being compiled and will be sent to Pat Caulkins.
  7. Pre natal task force has visual display regarding importance of folic acid. Plan to use visual display at health fairs and at middle school cafeterias a week at a time. Display was shown to members present.
  8. Reviewed plan of developing online resource training for teachers as well as developing consistent health services web site for each school
  9. Code Yellow: reviewed code yellow procedures in county schools.
  10. Teen Driver Safety Program: Waiting to see if there were any new state mandates. Dr. Shields reported that a representative from the state department of education said at his point no new state mandates. BGHS and FDHS had previously agreed to pilot program. Ginny Newman suggested Judge Woods would be excellent participant. At this point, need permission, and details when and where to offer.
  11. School Nutrition:

School nutrition analysis continues with new distributor.

  1. Health Survey sponsored by Office on Youth
  1. School Board had voted over the summer 4-2 not to participate in survey. Office on youth plan to address School board in Nov. with revised survey. Looking for support from this committee. Committee agreed to send a letter of support, previous letter will be given to Carol Cash to revise and submit. Office on Youth representatives stressed this is a limited great opportunity for the county to receive grant funds up to $125,000 per year for 5 years.
  1. New Issues:
  2. Discussed resources for pregnant teens, Hand in Hand, Healthy families of Blue Ridge. School will obtain brochures and make available in guidance office, with clinic aide/nurse and possibly discussed in Family Consumer Science parenting class. Office on Youth also volunteered to set up a booth at the WMHS health fair.
  3. Recruitment, meeting dates and times. Discussed alternative schedule with evening hours in order to have parent participation. Also discussed inviting additional representatives.

Meeting Adjourned: Next Meeting Jan. 11, 2012 Site TBA.