Salwarpe & Hindlip
with Martin Hussingtree
Annual Meeting of Parishioners (7.15pm) Annual Parochial Church Council (7.30pm)
Tuesday 12 April 2016
Martin Hussingtree Church
Annual Meeting of Parishioners (APM)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last APM (page 2)
- Matters arising if not on agenda
- Election of Churchwardens
Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting (APCM)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last APCM(page 4)
- Matters arising if not on agenda
- Report on the electoral roll
- Annual report on the proceedings of the PCC and of the parish generally(page9)
- Financial statements for the year ending on 31 December(page12)
- Report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the churches(page22)
- Report on proceedings of Deanery Synod and other matters of interest(page25)
- Report on Safeguarding (page29)
- Report on Health & Safety(page32)
- Election of PCC members (1 vacancy)
- Election to Deanery Synod (subject to current holders elected time)
- Appointment of Sidespeople(page 33)
- Appointment of Independent Examiner
- Annual LMT Report(page34)
- AOB / Questions
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Parishioners held at Salwarpe Church7.15pmTuesday 28th April 2015
Bill Jauncey / Barbara Jauncey / Janet Uren / Rosemary Grave / David LuscombeSue Longhurst / Sylvia Whittaker / Frank Grave / Jeannette Blackburn / John Dayer
Jan Grotefeld / John Baker / Tony Pearce / Nigel Byard / Sally Stevenson
Sheila Verity / David Cullom / Ann Brazier / Clive Downey / Valerie Downey
Bryan Woolley / Louise Hamilton- Glover / David Verity / Pamela Skinner / Bev Jameson
John Hughes / Lorna CameronMary Brodie / Nikki Kristy
Stephen Brandwood / Ursula Brandwood
1. Opening Prayer – led by Rev Bev Jameson.
2. Minutes of Meeting 8th April 2014
The minutes of last year’s meeting were accepted; proposed by Bill Jauncey, seconded by Louise Hamilton-Glover. They were approved by all present. Rev Bev Jameson signed them for the records.
3. Election of Churchwardens
Rev Bev Jameson explained the role of the churchwarden and highlighted the importance of having them. She pointed out that they are the conduit, the link between the Bishops, the clergy and the PCC. Members of the PCC have legal responsibility as trustees of the Church, which is no different in terms of accountability for the churchwardens.
Rev Nigel Byard reiterated Bev’s comments, and likened the role to the oil in a gearbox – helping everything else in the church work properly. He too emphasized how important the role is.
There were no nominations in advance and none during the meeting.
Rev Bev Jameson stated that we should think and pray about the situation. Both Nigel and Bev promised to support fully and wholeheartedly anyone who chose to take the role(s) on.
In the absence of any churchwardens, Rev Bev Jameson requested some representatives for the Archdeacon’s visitation on the 13th May. The following options were suggested and will be agreed outside of this meeting:
- Go to the meeting in Stourport on 19th May
- Find someone to represent us on the 13th May
- The Droitwich wardens could represent us
4. Closing prayer - Rev Bev Jameson thanked all for their attendance. Closing prayer to be said at the end of the following on APCM.
Signed …………………………………………………..
Dated ………………………………….
Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held
at Salwarpe Church 7.30pm Tuesday 28th April 2015
Bill Jauncey / Barbara Jauncey / Janet Uren / Rosemary Grave / David LuscombeSue Longhurst / Sylvia Whittaker / Frank Grave / Jeannette Blackburn / John Dayer
Jan Grotefeld / John Baker / Tony Pearce / Nigel Byard / Sally Stevenson
Sheila Verity / David Cullom / Ann Brazier / Clive Downey / Valerie Downey
Bryan Woolley / Louise Hamilton- Glover / David Verity / Pamela Skinner / Bev Jameson
John Hughes / Lorna CameronMary Brodie / Nikki Kristy
Stephen Brandwood / Ursula Brandwood
- The minutes of the APCM held on 8th April 2014
The Minutes were proposed to be an accurate record by Tony Pearce, and seconded by Sylvia Whittaker. Approval was unanimous. - Matters arising – Bev Jameson thanked Tony Pearce on behalf of the PCC for his work in compiling the excellent report for the meeting.
- Overview of year & Clergy address
The Parish overview prepared by Tony was excellent – there were no comments and nothing more to add.
Nigel Byard began by saying that he has been here seven and a half months now, and Bev just five weeks, but that they had both had such wonderful warm welcomes from the parishes, and felt very much at home here.
Both Nigel and Bev have been licensed to Droitwich and Salwarpe & Hindlip with Martin Hussingtree – two very diverse parishes with 30,000 people.
Nigel explained that he and Bev will work as a team, that there will be very much a team ethos within the parishes, and a key focus will be on engaging with new people in the community. The priorities of the team will be to extend the grace to the wider world, through things such as Alpha, Messy Church, Salwarpe Fete, Doing it Different(ly) services, Open the Book and other things. Nigel said it was important that we approach these as one team within Droitwich and the villages.
Bev Jameson spoke about Messy church, and how she had run one successfully in her previous parish. She explained that it is crafts, songs, a bible story and eating together for children and their families. Messy church is very much about the family so, for it to work well, everyone must feel welcomed. It is a great way for people we don’t engage with to ‘meet’ us and for them to get to know us as the Church.
David Verity stated that it was important to remember that these are country churches. John Dayer added that we must embrace change that is coming in the Church as well as the local area, and take advantage of it. We must also welcome new people, as we do well, and make them feel welcome in church. Nigel said that he understood village life well, as that is the environment in which he grew up. Bill Jauncey stated that we must ensure that we do not lose our identity, and that it is important that we work together.
John Baker mentioned that it may be helpful to have a combined service list across the whole parish, so that everyone could see what services were taking place and where.
Jan Grotefeld said that she has enjoyed working with Fernhill Heath Baptist Church and would like to continue to do so. Nigel agreed and said that he also enjoys working with Jeff. - Report on Electoral Roll
Bev Jameson thanked Sylvia on behalf of the PCC for her work in the role.
The report was proposed to be agreed by Sylvia Whittaker, and seconded by Tony Pearce. Agreement was unanimous. - Financial Statements
John Hughes had prepared a report to be read in his absence – Bev did this. Bev also reiterated her great thanks to John for his hard work and dedication in the role as Treasurer. She wished to thank him on behalf of the PCC for his excellent and comprehensive accounts.
John Dayer also congratulated John as Treasurer for all of his hard work, as well as that of his team, as it is a very time-consuming role. Everyone at the meeting agreed.
The financial report was proposed to be agreed by John Dayer, and seconded by John Baker. Agreement was unanimous. - Appointment of an Independent Examiner
It was proposed that we appoint (continue with) Kit Noble as our independent examiner.This was proposed by John Dayer, seconded by Bill Jauncey, and agreed unanimously. - Report on Proceedings of the PCC and Deanery Synod
Bev thanked Bill Jauncey for his excellent report. It was agreed unanimously by the meeting. - Report on Fabric
The report was proposed to be agreed by Bill Jauncey and seconded by Sylvia Whittaker. It was agreed unanimously by the meeting.
Rosemary Grave mentioned how excellent the automatic door locking is and that it works very well. A sign to say that the church is open (with times) will be put on the door.
John Baker asked Tony Pearce about the wall in Martin church. Tony updated him with the latest situation, in line with the minutes of the last PCC meeting.
John Dayer also asked Tony about the floor in Martin church, as his walking stick had gone through it – again Tony updated the meeting in line with the latest PCC meeting minutes. - Election of lay members to the PCC and Deanery Synod
Election of lay members to the PCC -
John Baker was proposed by Barbara Jauncey and seconded by Tony Pearce.
Jan Grotefeld (due for re-election) was proposed by Bill Jauncey and seconded by Clive Downey.
Both nominations were agreed unanimously by the meeting.
Election of Deanery Synod representatives –
Bill & Barbara Jauncey are still serving
Bill Jauncey proposed both Tony Pearce and David Luscombe for election. They were both seconded by Jan Grotefeld and unanimously agreed by the meeting.
The term of office for the representatives above will be until the end of the current term of office for the Deanery Synod. - Appointment of Sidespersons
All Sidespersons are willing to be carried forward. Proposed by Pam Skinner, seconded by John Dayer. Agreed unanimously by the meeting.
The situation with the sidespersons at Salwarpe will be raised at the next PCC meeting. - Any Other Business
Bryan Woolley and his wife, Louise Hamilton-Glover, offered a coffee table to the church in Salwarpe to be used to put the hymn books, pew sheets and service books on to help the sidespersons with the preparations for services. Tony Pearce proposed that we accept this, and with very grateful thanks the meeting unanimously agreed.
Shaun Best, the organist, is doing a Jazz service in St Andrew’s church, Droitwich, on Sunday 2nd August at 11 am. Bev and Nigel asked if people would be prepared to forgo the services in Salwarpe and Martin Hussingtree on that Sunday, and attend the service in St Andrew’s to support Shaun. Those present at the meeting were very happy to, and agreed unanimously. - Votes of Thanks and Closing Remarks
Bev Jameson thanked everyone for their kindness and welcome since she moved here five weeks ago. She is very thankful and grateful to be here.
Nigel Byard also reiterated his thanks for the fantastic welcome he and his family have received since moving here seven months ago. He also gave a vote of thanks to Bev and said it was great to have her here. Looking forward to exciting years ahead!
Sylvia Whittaker thanked both Nigel and Bev on behalf of the parish – we are all very grateful that they are here. - Closing Prayer
Bev Jameson said the closing prayer. - PCC meeting date
The PCC will meet on Thursday 7th May at 7.30pm at the Rectory in Salwarpe.
Signed …………………………………………………..
Dated ………………………………….
Annual report on the proceedings of the PCC and of the parish generally
There is much to give thanks for at our Churches. For centuries, our Parish Churches of St Michael & All Angels at Martin Hussingtree and St Michael’s at Salwarpe shaped the character of our villages and are a reminder of the presence of God in our daily lives, supporting people at times of joy and of sorrow. We also have the Remembrance and Patronal services at Hindlip Church. We began the year with our one third of clergy entitlement ably supported with the appointment of Rev Nigel Byard as Team Rector, Rev Bev Jameson as Team Vicar and Rev Laura Handy as Curate.
We continue to offer regular worship, in addition to Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals and those services which bring the community together at Christmas, Easter, Harvest and Remembrance. We have assessed our pattern of services. We have also developed new work with children and young people by our collaboration with Messy Church in Droitwich Spa Parish and our own Doing it Differently especially for families at Salwarpe. Links with Hindlip School remain strong, with Rev Nigel a Governor of the school, and the children truly see Salwarpe as their church with several school services in church. Our grateful thanks go to Lorna Cameron who organises Open the Book at Hindlip School and for her support on the Doing it Differentlyservices.
We have also supported the meal arrangements for the Alpha course. Both the Alpha Course and the shared Lent Course at St Andrew’s were open to Salwarpe Hindlip with Martin Hussingtree parishioners.
There have been a series of social events: Rev Bev hosted ‘Mulled Wine and Mince Pies’ at the Rectory and a Social event to thank regular givers. We are grateful to Mary Brodie for organising our monthly lunches at Churchfields Barn.
Fund raising events included ‘Climbing Kilimanjaro’ a talk by Rev John Green on 8 October 2015.The event raised £274 for church, which was shared withSave the Children in Nepal. A pre- Christmas get-together on 14 November,with wine, mince pies and music by the ‘Move on Up’choir from Pershore raised £222for church and £222 for Save the Children. Our main fundraising event was Salwarpe Fete. Rev Bev opened the event, which attracted a record number of people - around 1,800 including children and helpers - and generated a net surplus of £13,026. Our thanks, as always, go to the Fete Committee, helpers, donors and so many other supporters fortheir hard work and generosity and, of course,to Mike and Fizz Davies for the use of Churchfields Farm field.
Our church buildings continue to provide support and care of our communities, as the Report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the churches explains.
However, to continue our work in developing links with young people and families and to keep our churches open and welcoming, we need an increase in total income of £183 per week or £792 per month or £9,500p.a.To that effect we launched a giving campaign in April.
We should like to thank all those who work so tirelessly in any capacity within our church life. Special thanks go to members of the PCC,especially Tony Pearce and David Luscombe for their care of the fabric of the church, Barbara Jauncey for organising the LMT, Sally Stevenson for being our PCC secretary, Jan Grotefeld for being our Health and Safety organiser and for organising fund raising events, to all those who organise and participate in the various rotas and to John Hughes who, as ever, works untiringly as our excellent Treasurer.
We look to the future and all the opportunities God provides to grow his Kingdom and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with more people, young and old, in Salwarpe, Hindlip and Martin Hussingtree.
And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim
the good news to the whole creation.(Mark 16:15)
Rev Nigel Byard & Rev Bev Jameson
Financial statements for the year ending on 31 December
Treasurer’s Report for the Year ended 31 December 2015
1.The Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015, which are prepared on the Receipts and Payments basis, are set out in the attached:
Appendix 1. -Receipts and Payments Account on the Gross Basis, as required by Church Accounting Regulations 2006.
Appendix 2. - Receipts and Payments Account Analysis by Activity Net of Cost Basis, as reported to the PCC.
Appendix 3. - Statement of Net Assets and Liabilities.
2.Income and Expenditure Account – Appendices 1 & 2
I would comment as follows on the results using the net activity basis schedule contained at Appendix 2:
A.Unrestricted (General) Fund
Total Planned Giving and Other Receipts at £34,792 (2014: £38,118) includes the Gift Aid tax refund of £7,590 (2014: £7,445) and sundry donations and legacies totalling £2,101 (2014: £2,094). The Gift Aid receipt included the benefit of theGift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS), which allowed the PCC to claim £1,132 (2014: £1,128) on collections in both Martin and Salwarpe Churches.
Net fees received of £4,695 (2014: £5,813) reflect the amount of use of our churches for weddings and funerals and the lower levels of fees which the PCC is now allowed to charge. The Parish Magazine, which is circulated to some 1,450 homes, encouragingly ran at a small surplus of £153 (2014: loss £99), reflecting the increase in advertising revenue achieved and donations from Parishioners fully offsetting the total printing costs of £4,785 (2014: £4,825).
Fundraising for Normal Activities reached £1,221 (2014: £2,503) and includes a surplus of £131 from the 100+ Club,Coffee Mornings £258 and Harvest Lunch £405, but no major events. Martin and Hindlip with Salwarpe Parish Council contributed £900 to the cost of Churchyard maintenancetotalling £3,446 (2014: £3,203), including an exceptional grave subsidence cost of £300 at Martin and £300 tree-lopping costs at Salwarpe.North Claines Parish Council increased its contribution to £280 for the upkeep of Spellis Green Burial Ground and, in addition, Martin Orchard rent and wayleaves totalled £758.