Course Name: Algebra I Part A (9611) Level: S Points: 5

Teacher: Katie Reardon ()

Text/Instructional Materials:

Pacemaker Algebra 1, Globe Fearon, Inc., 2001

Problem Solving with Pizzazz, Marcy Steve and Janis, Creative Publications

Algebra with Pizazz, Marcy Steve and Janis, Creative Publications

*Other instructional materials will be used to support the lessons/concepts

Algebra 1-Part A (EVA) is a course specifically designed to meet the individual needs of students. The small classroom environment is structured to enhance learning and maximize student achievement. The main focus is to address the educational goals outlined on the student’s Individualized Education Plan. Instruction is based upon a variety of methods/strategies that aim at assisting each student in the understanding of number sense, number relationships and problem solving. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of algebra skills.


1st Quarter:

Graph Integers on number line

Absolute Value

Integers-addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Order of Operations

Simplifying algebraic expressions with integers

Simplifying Number and Variable Expressions

Evaluate Variable Expressions

Properties of Addition and Multiplication

Distributive Property


2nd Quarter:

Properties of Addition and Multiplication

Distributive Property


Solving one, two and multi-step variable equations

Solving Equations with two variables

Graphing Linear Equations

Slope of a line

Writing Linear Equations


3rd Quarter:


Solving inequalities using addition and subtraction

Solving inequalities using multiplication and division

Solving multi-step inequalities

Solving inequalities with two variables

Solving Systems of Equations using:

Graphing, substitution, addition, subtraction, multiplication

Systems of Inequalities

Finding a solution by graphing

4th Quarter:

Data and Data Analysis

Exponents and Functions

Polynomials-adding and subtracting

Multiplying by a monomial

Common Factors


Factoring Trinomials

Assessment Tools: Daily “warm-up” problems, binder checks, class participation, quizzes, tests, projects, cooperative learning activities, mid-term and final exam.

Grading Policy:

Classwork/homework/class participation 20%

Quizzes * 30%

Tests 50%

*Binder will included as a quiz grade each term

Students are expected to be in class daily and on time. Students are expected to keep an organized binder complete with notes, class and homework assignments, and quizzes and tests. If a student is absent from class, it is HIS/HER responsibility to find out what work (s)he has missed! Late work IS accepted, we would rather have work turned in late than not at all, however, we do not encourage students to get too far behind in their work.