Vocab 10

  1. inclement unfavorable, stormy
  2. peruseto read carefully
  3. premonitionforewarning
  4. desistcease
  5. recoildraw back
  6. pertinentto the point
  7. mastifflarge dog
  8. obsessto haunt, preoccupy
  9. dolefulsad, melancholy
  10. wansickly pale
  11. histrionicsdisplay of emotions
  12. elusivehard to grasp
  13. frustratecounteract, foil, thwart
  14. symptomatichaving to do with signs or symptoms, indicative
  15. interjectinsert, interrupt
  16. inertwithout power to move
  17. salientlikely to happen, threatening
  18. imminentoutstanding, prominent
  19. squeamisheasily shocked , over sensitive
  20. engrossedabsorbed
  21. to tilt at windmills-to fight imaginary enemies
  22. to show one’s hand- to reveal one’s intentions
  23. on the carpet-being scolded
  24. to pay the piper-to bear the consequences

Vocab 11



Poignantmoving, painful to the feelings

Garbledconfused, mixed up


Phlegmaticcalm, hard to rouse to action

Corroborateconfirm, support



Coerceto force

Elapseto slip by



Laxcareless, negligent


Rash (adj)too hasty, reckless


Obviatedo away with, eliminate



To feather one’s nest-grow rich by taking advantage of circumstances

Fair-weather friends-unreliable, they fail one in time of distress

To sow one’s wild oats-to lead a wild, carefree life

Windfall-unexpected financial gain

Vocab 12 words

  1. diatribe – bitter criticism
  2. inhibition-restraint
  3. fortuitous – accidental
  4. incoherent – disjointed
  5. ilk – kind, sort
  6. prestigious – illustrious
  7. placard – poster
  8. integral – essential
  9. remuneration – reward, pay
  10. nominal – slight
  11. expunge – erase
  12. flamboyant – showy, colorful
  13. anathema – something greatly detested
  14. schism – split
  15. utopia – place of perfection
  16. timorous – fearful
  17. truncated – cut short
  18. jaunty – sprightly, gay
  19. fractious – quarrelsome
  20. ostentatious – showy
  21. Indian summer – warm autumn weather
  22. to save face – to avoid disgrace
  23. to wash dirty linen in public – to openly discuss private affairs
  24. to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve – to make one’s feelings evident

Vocab 13

  1. importuneask urgently
  2. incontrovertibleundeniable
  3. surreptitiousstealthy, accomplished by secret
  4. havenplace of safety
  5. subjugateconquer
  6. ultimatefinal
  7. eventuateto result finally
  8. emitto give off
  9. subterraneanunderground
  10. viablepracticable, workable
  11. premisegrounds for a conclusion
  12. jeopardizeendanger
  13. incredulousskeptical
  14. permeateto spread through
  15. propitiousfavorable
  16. surmiseguess
  17. curtailto cut short
  18. repressto put down
  19. crypticpuzzling
  20. inchoatein an early stage
  21. to keep the pot boilingto see that interest doesn’t die down
  22. out of the frying pan into the fireto go from a bad situation to a worse one
  23. the lion’s share-the major portion
  24. to take the bull by the horns-to face a problem directly

Unit 14

  1. aspire-to strive for
  2. inveigh attack verbally
  3. nettle – irritate
  4. overt – open
  5. relegate – assign to an inferior position
  6. lethal – deadly
  7. scurry – run hastily
  8. incisive – acute
  9. precipitate – hasten
  10. stereotype – unvarying pattern
  11. supine – lying on on the back
  12. mammoth – huge
  13. repulse – drive back
  14. raze – destroy
  15. havoc – ruin
  16. stentorian – loud
  17. singular – extraordinary
  18. valor – courage
  19. bias – prejudice
  20. sinecure – soft ob
  21. to gild the lily – to praise extravagantly
  22. to steal one’s thunder – to weaken one’s position by stating the argument before that person does
  23. bury the hatchet – to make peace
  24. Philadelphia lawyer – a lawyer of outstanding ability

Vocab 15

  1. complicitypartnership in crime
  2. liquidationdisposal of, killing
  3. accomplicean associate in crime
  4. recantwithdraw previous statements
  5. culpabledeserving blame
  6. abrogateabolish
  7. allegedreported, supposed
  8. accessadmittance
  9. invalidateto deprive of legal force, to nullify
  10. precludeprevent
  11. preserverpersist
  12. landmark (adj)historic, turning point of a period
  13. extrinsicforeign, coming from outside
  14. declaimspeak loudly
  15. fetter (v)to hamper
  16. paragonmodel of excellence
  17. nomadicwandering
  18. asperityharshness of temper
  19. epithetdescriptive name
  20. controversialdebatable
  21. the grapevinea secret means of spreading information
  22. to break the ice-to make a start by overcoming initial differences
  23. to whitewash-to conceal defects, to give a falsely virtuous appearance something
  24. woolgathering-absentmindedness or daydreaming

Vocab 16

  1. indigenousnative
  2. gregarioussociable
  3. habitatnatural environment
  4. cursoryhasty, not thorough
  5. interloperan unauthorized person
  6. prolificproducing abundantly
  7. bulwarkprotection
  8. sedentarylargely inactive, accustomed to sitting
  9. frugalthrifty
  10. antithesisexact opposite
  11. altruisticunselfish
  12. embellishadorn, touch up
  13. cachesecret hiding place
  14. coteriesmall group having something in common
  15. cupiditygreed
  16. virtuositygreat technical skill
  17. temerityfoolish boldness
  18. amorousfull of love
  19. progenydescendants
  20. saturatesoak, fill up completely
  21. to have the upper hand-to gain control
  22. to make bricks with straw-to attempt to do something without having the necessary materials
  23. the world, the flesh, and the devil=-temptations that cause man to sin
  24. in a bee line-taking the straightest, shortest route

Vocab 17

  1. n Perpetratecommit
  2. Consummatecomplete, of the highest degree
  3. Subterfugeruse, trick
  4. Concoctdevise
  5. Fallaciousmisleading
  6. Manifoldcomplex, many
  7. Assiduousdevoted, attentive
  8. Impeccablefaultless
  9. Fraughtfilled
  10. Resourcefulable to meet any situation
  11. Murkydark, obscure
  12. Componentelement
  13. Hoaxdeception
  14. Labyrintharrangement of winding passages
  15. Evaluateappraise, find the value of
  16. Exultrejoice greatly
  17. Attestto certify
  18. Gullibleeasily cheated or tricked
  19. Deployto position forces according to plan
  20. Enigmariddle
  21. To draw in one’s hornsto check one’s anger, to restrain oneself
  22. To put the cart before the horseto reverse the proper order, do things backwards
  23. A chip off the old blocka son who is like his father
  24. Turn the Tablesto turn a situation to one’s own advantage

Vocab 18

  1. abortivefruitless, useless, failing
  2. modifyto change
  3. accommodateto make fit, adjust to
  4. spontaneouswithout preparation, unrehearsed
  5. innatenatural
  6. veneerthin covering
  7. myriadcountless number
  8. urbanepolished, witty
  9. craveto desire
  10. irrelevantnot related to the subject
  11. deemto believe judge
  12. inherentinborn
  13. buffa fan, follower
  14. rompto move in a lively manner
  15. latentlying hidden
  16. tortuouswinding
  17. intinerantwandering
  18. peregrinationtravel
  19. conjugalrelating to marriage
  20. barometerinstrument for measuring change
  21. under the wirejust in time
  22. to be at largenot confined or in jail
  23. go against the grainto irritate
  24. wink atpretend not to see