Consultation Response on the Proposal to establish a new primary school in Dartford

Please give us your views. Please tick the box that best shows what you think of the following statements. Also give any comments you have.

  1. A new two form entry school (420 places with an intake of 60 into the Reception Year) should be established in Dartford from September 2016

AgreeDon’t knowDisagree

  1. There are two options for how the school will open:
  2. The school should initially operate 1 class providing 30 places in Reception Year and grow incrementally, by 30 every subsequent year.

AgreeDon’t knowDisagree

  1. The school should initially operate 2 classes providing 30 places in Reception Year, and 15 places each in Years 1 and 2.

AgreeDon’t knowDisagree

Comments or other opening model:
  1. The school building and grounds should be available to the local community out of school hours.

AgreeDon’t knowDisagree


4.If you agree with Q3, do you think the playing fields should be open access for local residents or managed, ie rented to football clubs etc?

AgreeDon’t knowDisagree


5.We appreciate there can be issues with traffic around schools. Do you have any suggestions?


New two form entry primary school in Dartford

Please tick the extended services you would like to see provided at the new school.

Breakfast / After School Club

Holiday Club

Use of school buildings evenings and weekends for social purposes / clubs etc

Use of grounds for community events, ie boot fairs


Have you any other suggestions?

Additional comments

I am:

A local residentA parent/carer of a pre-school aged child

A parent/carer of a primary aged childA parent/carer of a secondary aged child

A member of staff at a schoolA school Governor

Other interested party – please give details

Please return to:

Ian Watts, Area Education Officer, North Kent Education Office, Worrall House, 30 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, ME194AE

Email your views to:

Email Address:

Kent County Council is committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information you give to us will be processed and stored in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and not used for any other purpose.