Forest Street School
School Management Team Agenda/Minutes
Present: Ms. Cooke, Dr. Young, Mr. Canares, Mr. Nelken, Ms. Stokes, Ms. Hunter, Ms. Worth, Ms. Pioppi, Ms. Peters, Ms. Rivera
Not Present: Ms. Walker, Ms. Mesidor
1. Acceptance of last month’s minutes.
(Monitoring the election process, roles and responsibilities, setting of meeting dates, minutes distribution)
2. School Improvement Plan/Title I Plan Activity Progress: Person/People Reporting______
(Facilitation of the School Improvement Plan/monitoring, assessing, and amending the plan)
Goal # / Activity Description / Person/People Responsible / Status (Not yet begun, In progress, Completed) / Evidence/Data of Status(What and where housed) / Justification for revisions, if any
1: Parental Involvement / Issue: Lack of parental involvement.
Restructure of parent-teacher conferences
Raffling as an incentive
Dress down days to raise money. / Ms. Cooke, Teachers / In progress / Attendance, Parent sign in sheets / Parents are not showing up to conferences.
3. Committee Reports: Person/People Reporting:______
(Data Collection/minutes from committees)
Committee / Date of last mtng. / Achievement Data / Demographic Data / Program Data / Perception DataData Team (assessment, attendance, student conduct) / 3/5/2014 / Benchmarks & checkpoints, report cards / Attendance by gender / Benchmarks, checkpoints, report cards, SRI reports, SMI
ScIP (mentoring, professional development) / 3/5/2014 / Professional development of new teachers / N/A / General Ed population, Special Ed population, ELL population / 20 week state document
I&RS (trends, interventions) / 3/5/2014 / Teacher feedback, action plan, report cards, follow up / General education / Benchmarks, all classroom assessments
CPT (student achievement data, best practices) / Weekly / Benchmarks, checkpoints, instructional strategies / All students / Read180, Math180, Rosetta Stone
School Safety Team (positive school climate, HIB reports) / Mandated drills, GCN Training / All staff and students / surveys
4. Parent Involvement: Person/People Reporting: ______
(Meets the needs of students and families/facilitates the development of, monitors and assesses procedures, programs, and goals that enhance achievement/builds capacity for parents and students’ concerns)
Committee / Date of last mtng. / Attendance Data / Program Data / Perception Data / Planned ActivitiesSchool climate / 2/12/2014 / Sign-in sheet / Family counseling curriculum / Personal interviews, survey / Strengthening Family, Career Day, Movie night, Walk to school program, Green Eggs Breakfast
5. Community Involvement: Person/People Reporting: ______
(Develops and monitors procedures for the facilitation of communication throughout the professional community)
Committee / Date of last mtng. / Attendance Data / Program Data / Perception Data / Planned ActivitiesSchool Climate / 2/12/2014 / Sign-in sheet, purchasing of tickets / Family counseling curriculum / Individual interview / ESPYs, Strengthening Family, Career Day, Movie Night, Walk to school program
6. New Concerns not addressed above
(Effective teaching practices, adequate resources, partnerships)
Description of the Problem / Activity(ies) to address the problem / Person/People Responsible / Timeline / Evidence/Data of Status(What and where housed)
PARCC / Availability of Technology / Budgeted for Chromebooks / Ms. Cooke, Mr. Veloz / 2014-2015 / Budget, Purchase order
Not meeting special education mandates due to limited personnel issues / Requested in budget / Ms. Cooke / 2014-2015 / Budget
Transforming technology lab to 2nd grade classroom / Allocated money to open class / Ms. Cooke / 2014-2015 / Budget
Additional Items: (to be discussed only after the above agenda items have been completed)
Reggie Miller has agreed to be a guest speaker. Kassan Messiah said he will create a thank you video. His mother will accept the award.
All scripts are written.
Flyers will be going out today. Tickets are ready to be printed and distributed.
Centerpieces will be pictures of different types of sports.
There will be a Ms. Espy to present the awards (Diana Mendoza and Abygail Mettellus)
It will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2014.
New Project Achieve:
For next year, structure will still be the same for project achieve; however, it will be held from Monday - Thursday.
Mr. Canares will run a Forest Street periodical every Marking Period. Four components: School, Community, District, World. Bruntz will be working with robotics and engineering.
Other teachers will be working with their own kids. Fridays will have specials (Drama, Media, Art, etc).
Resource and ESL will take place four days. Staff will split the days.
We were able to save more money due to this change in schedule.