Division II

Short Course


Date February 14-15, 2015


Mitch Park YMCA: Edmond Schools Aquatic Center

2901 Marilyn Williams Drive

Edmond, OK 73003



Held under the sanction of USA Swimming and Oklahoma Swimming, Inc.

Meet Sanction: OK15-012 Time Trial Sanction: OK15-013

Oklahoma Swimming Inc

Division II Spring Swim Meet

Rules: 2014 USA Swimming and Oklahoma Swimming rules will govern the meet.

Age: Age as of February 14, 2015 will determine eligibility for an age group classification.

Format: All events are timed finals.

Entry Limit: A SWIMMER MAY ENTER A MAXIMUM OF FOUR (4) EVENTS and one relay each day. The individual meet event limit per swimmer is a maximum of eight (8) events and two (2) relays. If time allows, Time Trials will be held following the conclusion of each day’s session. The athlete must be entered in the meet in order to participate in Time Trials. Time trial events do count against the individual daily entry limit of four (4). Deck Entries will be accepted at this meet. Athletes must pay the facility surcharge in order to swim Deck Entries or Time Trials.

Host: American Energy Swim Club

Location:Mitch Park YMCA: Edmond Schools Aquatic Center 2901 Marilyn Williams Drive

Edmond, OK 73003

Facilities: Twenty-five (25) Short Course Yard venue. The competition pool is certified according to USA-S rule 104.2.2C (4). A copy of this certification is on file with USA-S. The depth of the competition pool when measured for a distance of 3 feet 3 1/2 inches (1.0 meter) to 16 feet 5 inches (5.) meters) at the start wall is 13 feet 6 inches and when measured for a distance of 3 feet 3 ó inches to 16 feet 5 inches (5.0 meters) at the turn/bulkhead is 7 feet 4 inches. Controlled temperatures. Eight lanes, with non-turbulent lane lines. Electronic timing system. Large spectator area. Warm-up pool available for continual use.

Meet Director:

Carter Wilson

(M) 405-905-9215


Meet Referee:

Lace Wheeler

(M) 405-659-0148


Schedule: Saturday, February 14/Sunday, February 15

Warm –UP Sat. /Sun. Starts/Sprints Clear Pool Meet Begins

1st Session: 8:00-8:25 AM 9:10 – 9:20 9:20 AM 9:30 AM

2nd Session: 8:25-8:50 AM 9:10 – 9:20 9:20 AM 9:30 AM

8 and under session: 8:50 – 9:10 AM

** Once actual entry information is available the session start times may be revised. Notification to the attending clubs will be made by the Host by the specified Warm Up announcement date outlined in the meet Book.

Warm-up Procedures: Warm-up lane assignments will be posted on the host teams’ website 3 to 4 days prior to the start of the meet as well as sent to each teams’ representative. OKS warm up procedures will be enforced. Only swimmers entered in individual events or expected to swim relays may participate in that session’s warm –up period. Warm- up lane assignments will be posted on the Host web site: by no later than 12:00 pm CST Wednesday, February 11, 2015. Host will at the same time electronically distribute to each club’s entry contact and or unattached athlete contact (as identified at the time of entry submission) the event warm up document.

Warm –up Guidelines: / PRE- MEET and GENERAL WARM –UP SESSIONS
  • Control/Supervise: Key words for safe warm-ups.
  • A designated supervisor shall be on deck during the entire warm-up period.
  • Marshalls should be actively supervising the warm-ups to ensure proper procedures are followed.
  • Swimmers shall enter the water feet first except for starts which are limited to specified lanes.
  • In facilities that have a warm-up/warm down area different from the competition pool, meet management shall provide supervision pursuant to the rules at all times.
  • General warm-up periods with assigned lanes for each team shall remain under the control of the assigned team’s coaches at all times.
  • No paddles buoys or kick boards are allowed unless specified in the Meet Information document.
  • No diving in lanes other than those designated for racing starts in an unassigned warm up session.
  • Starting blocks should be marked to remind swimmers that they should not dive in lanes other than the designated lanes.
  • The Meet Announcer may announce lane changes and /or warm- up changes as per general and specific.
  • Coaches should understand that responsibility for supervision of their swimmers is the same at meets as when on deck at practice.
  • Marshalls have the authority through the Meet Director over warm-up. A swimmer and/or coach may be removed from the deck for interfering with
the Marshall.
  • When the number of participants for a meet session cannot be safely accommodated during the same warm- up period, warm up- sessions should, be split to provide a safe and adequate warm- up time for all.
  • The Meet Referee shall have the responsibility to establish and enforce rules for safe conduct within the competitive pool area during the duration of the swimming competition.
  • There shall be at least one Marshall at each end of the warm up area to ensure the warm- up procedures will be followed.
  • Warm-up procedures shall be enforced for any breaks scheduled during the competition
  • For warm-up guidelines at meets with sessions that have UN-Assigned Lanes please refer to the OKS Warm-Up Guideline Document.

ATHLETE ELIGIBILITY: All swimmers must be under the direct supervision of a USA Swimming registered coach during warm up, competition and warm down. If necessary the Meet Director or the Meet Referee shall assist the athlete in making arrangements for such supervision. Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA Swimming member coach, must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. OKS warm-up procedures will be enforced. This meet is open to all OKS USA Swimming registered swimmers who have not achieved the qualifying times for the OKS Short Course Age Group Championship Meet by the start of the meet. If a swimmer has made the AGC cut in a given stroke and distance they may swim the same stroke at a different distance, if not qualified. 8 and Under Events: Swimmers, who qualified for the 50 or 100 yard event AG cut, may not swim that 25 yard event at this meet. There is a minimum qualifying time to swim in all 25 events = 59.99. 13-19 year old swimmers are unable to swim the 100 IM, if they have an AG cut in the 200 IM. Oklahoma Swimming welcomes athletes with disabilities Please alert the Meet Director to any accommodations that may be required at the time of entry submission.

Entry Fees: $4.50 for each Individual Event and Time Trial ($2.00 goes to OKS Aquatic Fund)

$9.00 for each Relay Team ($2.00 goes to OKS Aquatic Fund)

$9.00 for each Individual Deck entered event ($2.00 goes to OKS Aquatic Fund)

$18.00 for each Deck Entered Relay Team ($2.00 goes to OKS Aquatic Fund)

$18.00 surcharge per swimmer

Make one team check payable “American Energy Swim Club”. Entry fee must accompany entries.

Deck Entries: Deck entries will be accepted for open lanes first, and then a maximum of one additional heat per event may be added. Events will not be re-seeded. Entry fees for individual event Deck entries are $9.00 with $2.00 going to the OKS Aquatic Fund. Deck Entry Relay fees are $18.00 with $ 2.00 going to the OKS Aquatic Fund. Deck entries are subject to the $18.00 athlete facility surcharge. Swimmers already entered in the meet do not need to pay the surcharge again. Deck Entries close 30 minutes prior to the beginning of each session.

Entry Deadline: Entries must be delivered to the Meet Director by 8:00 pm CST on Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Entries delivered to anyone other than the Meet Director will not be accepted. Electronic date and time stamp will determine delivery of entry information. Any entries received after this deadline will be considered deck entries.

Entering Events: There are minimum time standards for each event (exception in the 13-19 100 IM). 13-19 year old swimmers are unable to swim the 100 IM, if they have an AG cut in the 200 IM. If you do not have the minimum event qualifying time, you will not be able to swim that event at Division II. Team entries should be submitted via email to: using a TeamUnify, Team Manager, or other appropriate sdif file. Any hand written or printed entries must indicate the swimmer’s full name, sex, age, date of birth, USA-S registration #, the event #, and the entry time for each event. All entry files must include the name of the Club entry Chair, phone number, and email contact information. The Meet Director will insure that a complete athlete entry file is sent to the OKS Registration Chair by noon on Friday, February 6, 2015 for verification of athlete entry times. The Meet Director will ensure that an entry report with any exceptions will be sent to each team’s entry contact by no later than 12:00 pm CST Sunday, February 8, 2015. Upon receipt of the entry report, the club will have until no later than 12:00 pm CST Monday, February 9, 2015 to return a corrected entry file as created by the Host otherwise the entry file created by the Host will stand as the official entry file for the team or unattached athlete. The Meet Director will ensure that another athlete registration report will be sent to the OKS Registration Chair by no later than 3 p.m. on Monday, February 9, 2015. The Meet Director shall notify each attending team of any registration errors within 3 days of the start of the meet. The Meet Director shall insure that all athlete entry registration errors are reconciled prior to the start of the first session of the competition. Any athlete lacking complete registration verification will be prohibited from competition until such registration is corrected. The Meet Director shall insure that a coach certification ending verification report has been instituted by the OKS Registration Chair no later than Saturday, February 7, 2015. The Meet Director will notify each club no later than 3 days prior to the start of the competition of any certification errors. Coach access to the competition deck area will not be permitted until all certification requirements required by USA-S are current. Each club or unattached athlete, by submitting entries is certifying that all swimmers entered in the entry documents are members of USA-Swimming and Oklahoma Swimming, or have applied for membership by sending the appropriate application to the club’s registration chair or the OKS Registration Chair before the entry deadline for the meet. Failure to follow the above information will result in the entire team being scratched from the meet.

The Meet Director will submit a pdf format psych sheet to the entry contact for each team or unattached athlete by no later than 12:00pm CST Thursday February 12, 2015. Once the psych sheet is distributed no further corrections, additions or revisions to entries will be accepted until the day of the meet.

Send entries to:

Make Entry Fee Payment out to:

American Energy Swim Club

PO Box 20338

Oklahoma City, OK 73156

Awards: Oklahoma Division II medals will be awarded for first through eighth place in individual events and first through fourth place for relays. Individual event age groups include; 8-under for specific 8-under events, including all 25 races, 50 races, 100 free, and 100 IM only, 10 and under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-19. Relay event ages include; 10-under, 12-under, 14-under, and 19-under. All teams must make arrangements to collect their awards prior to leaving the venue at the conclusion of the Sunday sessions. OKS and the Host Club will not provide storage or shipment of awards.

Scoring:Scoring of individual events is; 9-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Relay points will be double..

Relays: Relays will be swum in the following age groups: 10 & under, 12 & under, 14 & under, 19& under. Each club will be limited to a maximum of 2 relay teams per event (A team and B team). Names, ages and order of swimmers competing in relay events must be provided prior to the event. All swimmers must be entered in the meet in individual events or as a relay only swimmer. Relay swimmers 12 and under must not have achieved an Age Group Championship qualifying time for their age group in the distance of the stroke being swum at the DII meet, at the time of the 2015 Spring Division II meet. Swimmers 13 and over must not have an AG time in the 50 or 100 of the stroke swum for the 200 Medley Relay, nor the 50 free or 100 free for the 200 Free Relay. A swimmer may compete in only one relay of the same distance and type”. No Times” for relay events are not allowed. You need to estimate or use a composite time for your relays.

Scratches/Seeding: Seeding for the OKS D-II Meet will be done as follows: scy yard first priority seeding, scm second priority seeding followed by lcm priority seeding. Swimmers should enter with the appropriate time for the course in which they have a qualifying time. The meet will be pre-seeded with the following exceptions: Positive check in for the 500 Freestyle and the 400 IM. The 13-19 400 IM and 13-19 500 freestyle will be swum fastest to slowest alternating heats of women and men. The 12 and under 500 Freestyle events will be swum fastest to slowest alternating women and men, Swimmers not checked in for these events will be scratched. Those checking-in who do not swim will be penalized in accordance with the OKS Scratch Rule. Swimmers (or their coach) are the only ones who may scratch a swimmer from an event.

Please note that a medical scratch approved by the Meet referee, counts as an event and is regarded as a DQ, with no penalty imposed. Positive Check-In to swim events and events seeded on deck shall be closed for seeding no earlier than thirty (30) minutes before the start of the session in which the event is swam. The Meet Program is not the final determinant of seeding. Late entries, corrections or scratches may impact actual heat and lane assignment. Seeding will be posted as soon as possible after the scratch or positive check-in period closes.

Time Trials: Time trials are offered for swimmers entered in an individual event in the Division II meet (19-under), and for swimmers 20-over who are attempting to make a USA Swimming recognized National Meet qualifying time. Time trials will be offered. Swimmers must provide their own timers.

Timers and Officials: OKS through the Officials Chairperson has the responsibility of staffing and assigning the Meet Referee. All OKS certified Officials in attendance will be expected to assist at the meet. All OKS teams in attendance are required to provide timers for the meet including the distance events.. Timing assignments will be provided to each teams’ representative at least three days prior to the start of the meet. This information will be distributed and posted no later than 12:00 pm CST Wednesday, February 11, 2015. The host club will post the lane timing assignment report information on the club web site: This report will list the lane timing assignments and reporting times for each session of the meet. If a team has special limitations that would prevent it from providing timers as specified, then the Head Coach or designated team representative must notify the Meet Director at the event entry deadline of this situation. It is understood that a team may be required to provide timers for an event or session in which they do not have any athletes participating. The responsibility to provide timers extends through the session in which the team is assigned. Timing Representatives from each assigned team shall report to the volunteer staging area thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of each session in which they are assigned lane timing responsibilities.

Meet Committee: A meet committee composed of the following members; two athletes and two coaches from the side of the State where the meet is held, (none of which may be on the same team), the OKS Age Group Chair (if not present, then the next highest elected OKS Board member), the Meet Referee, and the Meet Director. This committee will settle any technical or meet format questions that should occur during the meet. The Meet Referee shall appoint the athlete and coach representatives to the committee before the meet begins. The Committee will be in effect before the meet begins and continues for the duration of the meet.

Deck Access: Coaches and officials must wear their current USA Swimming registration cards in order to receive deck privileges. Access to the pool/deck area will be limited to athletes, coaches, officials, timers and OKS representatives working the meet. Parents and other non-swimmers not involved in the running of this meet are requested to remain in designated spectator areas.

USA-Swimming non athlete registration membership does not grant parents access to the pool deck at any time.