“We love because he first loved us.”

1 John 4:19

Gopher Gazette

St. Paul=s Lutheran School

W1956 Gopher Hill Road

Ixonia, WI 53036

Phone: 261-5589/ Fax: 920-261-3551


Web address:


Pastor K. Ewerdt .. 261-3680

Mr. J. Lndemann .. 262-1152

Mr. D. Fischer .. 261-7075

Mrs. E. Lembrich .. 593-8892

Mrs. J. Kionka .. 593-2079

Ms B. Nagel . . 261-4136

Mrs. J. Georgson .. 925-3367

Mrs. P Boehringer..262-2206

Mr. E. Pierce .. 563-5202

Mrs. J. Jaeger – 206-9616

School Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM


Lakeside Fine Arts Fair concert for band and Jr. Choir will be Sunday, April 6 at 4:00 pm. Practice will be held Saturday, 3/5/2008 at noon.

Junior Choir will be singing on Good Friday at 1:30, please meet in the church basement at 1:10. We will also sing at the Easter Sunrise Service at 6:15. Please meet in the church basement at 6:00. Thank you!

This Sunday we will install Mrs. Patrina Boehringer as our Remedial teacher. A fellowship hour will be held after 1st service to welcome her and our student teacher in Gr. 1 & 2, Miss Rachel Friend.

Easter Breakfast – The 7th & 8th grade students are in charge of the Easter Breakfast. We will meet at school to set up and prepare food on Saturday-3/22/08 at 1:00. Should you have any questions please call Kim Beduze at 920-390-0268.

Softball Season

Shortly after Easter break, as the fields look ready for practice, our softball teams will prepare for action. More information on this as the season approaches. Here’s the season:

April 30 – St. John, Waterloo

May 5 – TSL, Watertown

May 7 - St. John, Juneau

May 8 – at St. Matthew, Oconomowoc

May 12 – at Lebanon Lutheran

May 16 – BLAC Tourney (at B-Q Park,


Also for spring season, our track season:

May 3 – BLAC Divisional Meet (at LPS)

May 10 – BLAC Conference Meet

(at Fort Atkinson High)

Book Fair

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our book fair this past fall. Mr. Lindemann and Mr. Fischer have purchased many books for the Accelerated Reader Program with the money earned from the book fair. We will have a list of the books purchased in next week’s gazette. Your help and support with this project is much appreciated by both the students and the staff.

Malawi Mission Offering

The children of St. Paul’s School are collecting mission money to purchase teacher’s manuals for the Sunday School in Malawi, preschool through 6th grade.

Our goal is 18 books. Each book costs $30; currently we can purchase 8 books. Would you like to help? See Mrs. Kionka or Mrs. Jaeger in the school office.

Gazette page 1


This week we learned about the basic food groups. We learned the importance of good nutrition and exercise. We tried a new food for most of us – mango.

We are starting to work on the play we will be doing this spring. We will be doing, “The Little Red Hen.” More information will be sent home soon.


The marvelous, magnificent “M” is also very scientific and musical. We learned about magnets and had fun trying them out. We also used magnifying glasses. Wow! The world looks so different! Finally we will also try out our musical skills with melodies and rhythm instruments.

We are starting to work on a musical that we will be doing this spring with the 3rd and 4th grades. We will be doing, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” More information will be sent home soon.

1st & 2nd Grade News

Our student teacher, Miss Friend is here. She has already begun teaching a couple of classes. She will add on more and more until she is teaching everything, all day. My job is to mentor her, while being sure the subjects are being taught and the children are learning what they need to learn. I’m confident that these 8 weeks will go well! If you have questions or wish to meet and talk to Miss Friend, just stop by After 1st service this Sunday there will be a fellowship time to great both Miss Friend and our remedial teacher, Mrs. Boehringer.

3rd & 4th Grade News

In science, 3rd and 4th graders will be using the metric system to measure important and basic properties of matter. Every time they weigh themselves, measure quantities for cooking, travel any distance, or watch ice cubes float in a glass of water, they will be consciously or unconsciously, thinking about weight, mass, volume, length, or density,

Grades 1-4 will be singing this Sunday, March 16th (Palm Sunday) at the 7:45 am service. Please have your child meet in the church basement by 7:20 am so that they can warm up their voices, receive a palm branch, line up for our processions and sing in front of the altar.

5th & 6th Grade News

In writer’s workshop, no sooner than we have finished research reports than we go into another evaluation essay. This one will be genre writing. The importance of keeping up one’s own personal story writing is important, but the class will dabble in a specific type of short story, such as science fiction, mystery, western, fantasy, etc. The main point of this lesson is to break down the story, to see the plotline more clearly, to develop a character that is believable (even in fantasies, too), and to work in a resolution that satisfyingly concludes a story. The secret is to find the genre that each child can enjoy.

This may well be my last report before Easter, so a joyous time as we go into Easter break. He is risen, risen indeed!

7th & 8th Grade News

The class received their new World History books. We will spend the final part of this school year using these books as we study world history. Look for lots of assignments and projects coming up… The class is also reading the interesting book –“Here Lies the Librarian”. Thanks to all who participated in the book fair; these books were obtained through that program.

Buck’s Game

We still have 7 tickets available for the Buck’s Game on Friday, April 4th where 20 of our 3rd –6th graders will have the opportunity to play on the court before the Bucks take on the Indiana Pacers. If anyone is interested in purchasing some or all of these tickets please call the school office at 261-5589. Thank you.

Brewer’s Game

Anyone interested in going to St. Paul’s Lutheran School Night at the Brewer’s Game on Friday, May 9th must have their form turned into the office by Wednesday, March 19th. Thank you!