Application for registration as a network service provider in the NEM

Please read the ‘NEM Network Service Provider Registration Guide’ when completing this Application

Please return the completed application to:

Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd.

Attention: Onboarding team

Level 2, 20 Bond Street

Sydney NSW 2000

This form should not be altered without the prior consent of AEMO.

DATE: / 01 / 04 / 2018

Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd ABN 94 072 010 327


Application for registration as a network service provider in the NEM



A.1.Applicant Details

A.2.Consent to Act as an Intermediary


A.4.Additional Information


B.1.Contact Details for Head Office and any Branch Office/s

B.2.Confirmation of Contacts


C.1.Participant ID


C.3.MarketNet Connection


D.1.Transmission system or distribution system

D.2.Classification of Dedicated Connection Asset

D.3.Local black system procedures


E.1.Registration as Market Network Service Provider

E.2.Market network service

E.3.Market network service details

E.4.Network Connection

Communications Equipment


F.1.Connection Point Checklist

F.2.Meter Installation Checklist

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A.1.Applicant Details


(full name, eg The First Energy Company Pty Ltd (trading as Energy First))


The Applicant is applying to become a Registered Participant in the National Electricity Market (NEM), being managed by AEMO under the Rules.

The Applicant authorises AEMO to contact the AER andany other organisation named in this Application and its attachments, for the purposes of verifying the contents of this Application and to enable AEMO to satisfy itself that the Applicant is of sufficient standing to meet its obligations under the Rules,including the prudential and other requirements established in accordance with the Rules.

Applicant’s association with the transmission or distribution system (mark all that apply):




Intermediary (please complete Section A.2)

A.2.Consent to Act as an Intermediary

The Applicant consents to act as an Intermediary for the following persons who own, control and/or operate the transmission or distribution system, and who have nominated the Applicant to act as its Intermediary.

(full name and ABN) / Association with the transmission or distribution system
(owner, controller and/or operator)

Mark where included

  1. Evidence of nomination and AER exemption.

By submitting this application, you consent to AEMO contacting the AER to seek confirmation about the application for, and grant of, exemption under clause 2.5.1(d) of the Rules for the persons for which you have consented to be an Intermediary.

Provide the following documentation to support your Intermediary application:

A formal letter from each person who has nominated the applicant to be their Intermediary confirming the person has nominated the applicant.

A copy of the application(s) to the AER for exemption from registration in respect of all nominating persons.


I …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(insert name)


(insert title)

DECLARE that I am authorised by the Applicant to submit this Application on the Applicant’s behalf and certify that the contents of this Application and any further submission are true and correct.

………………………………………………………………………………. / ……/……/20……
Signature / Date

A.4.Additional Information

Where relevant, the Applicant needs to include the following information and attach it to the application. If all items below are not addressed, please provide reasons why in writing.

Mark where included

  1. Evidence of partnership status

Are you applying on behalf of a partnership?

YesProvide evidence of the legitimacy of the partnership (eg. Partnership agreement)


  1. Jurisdictional regulatory compliance

Do you have an existing Jurisdictional electricity licence or authorisation to carry on the activity of a Network Service Provider?

Yes Provide copy of current electricity licence or authorisation in one or more NEM


NoProvide evidence of exemption from the requirement to hold a jurisdictional

electricity licence or, if relevant, explain why no such requirement applies. Include

copies of any applicable exemption or derogation.

Are there any outstanding non-compliances with regulatory obligations in respect of existing or proposed activities as a Network Service Provider by any person associated with this application?

YesProvide details of non-compliance


  1. Organisational capability

Provide the following documentation to support organisational capability:

Organisation chart or other evidence of access to necessary expertise to carry out electricity industry operations, including operations management, settlements and risk management

Brief resumes of key managers and information about their responsibilities (if not included in the organisational chart)

Demonstration that NEM-related policies and procedures are in place or under development (do not submit the documents to AEMO, simply advise that they exist or are being developed)

IT systems to support NEM activities

If the Applicant has not participated in the NEM before but has participated in another relevant market, copies of electricity licences (if any) held in related markets and duration of activity in the market.

Explanation of arrangements with parent organisations or other organisations that impact on, or improve, the Applicant’s ability to comply with the Rules

  1. Financial viability (Market Network Service only)

Provide the following documentation to support financial viability:

copies of recent audited financial statements

explanation of financial links with parent organisations and other organisations that may improve the financial viability of the Applicant

Please clearly mark attachments as ‘Attachment to Section A’ and number each page consecutively


B.1.Contact Details for Head Office and any Branch Office/s

Please provide the following details for the Head Office and any Branch Office/s:

Office Name*
Street Address
State: / Postcode
Postal Address
State / Postcode
Phone No / Fax No

* Type “Head Office” or name of branch

B.2.Confirmation of Contacts

For each relevant personal contact within your organisation, please provide details as outlined in the table below. Note: A person may be nominated for more than one role.

Please provide a generic email to receive future AEMO Information and Support Hub communications.

Compulsory contacts:Contact details for these roles must be provided

Chairperson / Communications – Corporate Relations Manager
Company Secretary / Communications – Crisis Contact
Head of Organisation (MD/CEO) / NEM Primary Contact
Assistant to Head of Organisation / Registration Contact
Metering – Data Retail / Operations – Manager
Metering – Data Wholesale / Operations – Shift Supervisor
Metering – Manager / Information Systems – IT Manager
Metering – Person Responsible / Information Systems – IT Security Contact (Primary)
Metering – Strategy / Information Systems – IT Security Contact (Secondary)
Metering – Technical / Information Systems – IT After Hours / Emergency Contact (Primary)
Metering – Technology / Information Systems – IT After Hours / Emergency Contact (Secondary)
NEM Observer / Information Systems – IT Technical Network Contact
Local Black System - Contact / Dispute Management Contact

Additional contacts:Required if changes to currently registered contact

Settlements – Austraclear / Operations – Trading Manager
Settlements – Finance Manager / Operations – Bidding Contact
Settlements – Prudentials
Settlements – Settlements Manager
Settlements – Settlements Officer

Additional contacts:Required if you are NOT classifying a market network service

Planning – Network Planning Manager / Information Systems – Network/Communications Contact

For each relevant personnel contact, please provide the following details:

Contact type
Name (eg Dr George William Smith)
Position / Branch
Phone No / Fax No
Mobile No / Email

The Applicant must submit additional pages to include all relevant contact details. Please clearly mark these as ‘Attachment to Section B’ and number each page consecutively.


Will the Applicant be using an existing Participant ID?

YesParticipant ID: ______(go to Section D).

NoPlease complete this Section.

C.1.Participant ID

Suggested Participant ID
(Maximum 8 characters)


Austraclear is only required for market settlement (MNSP or TNSP with interconnector)

Austraclear Membership Number
(e.g. AAAA11)

C.3.MarketNet Connection

For details regarding options and entitlements for connections to AEMO’s communications network, including requests for additional bandwidth, please refer to the Guide to Information Systems, available from the AEMO website (Information Systems page).

Will the Applicant be using an existing MarketNet connection?

Yesthe Applicant is to use an existing MarketNet connection, identified by

Participant ID ...... and/or ABN ......

Nothe Applicant requires new connection(s) of the following types:

Primary Connection

AEMO recommends “VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK) LAN TO LAN” as the Primary Connection method (fast setup and uses your existing internet connectivity).

VPN (Virtual Private Network) LAN to LAN
VPN Variable / Telstra Ethernet Lite (BDSL)
Allow up to 2 months for Setup.

Secondary Connection

Secondary connection method should be different from the Primary connection, to support path diversity.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) LAN to LAN
VPN Variable / Telstra Ethernet Lite (BDSL)
Allow up to 2 months for Setup.


D.1.Transmission system or distribution system

The application is in respect of:

Transmission system


Distribution system


D.2.Classification of Dedicated Connection Asset

Does the network servicecontain a dedicated connection asset?

Yescomplete this Section

Nogo to Section D3

Please indicate the classification of the dedicated connection asset:

Large dedicated connection asset (Total route length 30km or longer)

Small dedicated connection asset

Asset Description:
Line Length (in km) / Voltage
From Network Connection Location
To Connection Location(s)

Please submit the following supporting documents for each dedicated connection asset:

Single line diagram

Drawing to scale, demonstrating thededicated connection asset route and length

D.3.Local black system procedures

Please enclose an updated verion of the local black system procedures for each relevant transmission system or distribution system as an attachment to this Section.

Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section D’ and number each page consecutively.


E.1.Registration as Market Network Service Provider

Are you applying to classify anetwork service as a market network service?

Yescomplete this Section

Noend of application

E.2.Market network service

Please indicate the following conditions have been satisfied and will continue to be satisfied. Include supporting evidence from the NSPs whose networks are connected to your network service and government authorities where relevant.

The relevant network service is to be provided by network elements that comprise a twoterminal link and do not provide any prescribed transmission service or prescribed distribution service.

The relevant network service:

(A)has not ever been a transmission service to which a transmission determination has applied or a direct control service; or

(B)is ineligible to be such a service.

The connection points of the relevant two-terminal link are assigned to different regional reference nodes.

The relevant two-terminal link through which the network service is provided:

(A)does not form part of a network loop; or

(B)is be an independently controllable two-terminal link,

and has a registered power transfer capability of at least 30MW.

E.3.Market network service details

Please complete if applying for registration of network services as market network services

Installation / link name
(Station name - Maximum of 20 characters)
Suggested installation/ link name identifier
(Station ID - Maximum of 8 characters)
Dispatchable unit identifier(s) / A / B
Connection point identifiers for terminal nodes A and B / A / B
Meter ID (NMI) / A / B
Registered power transfer capability to node A
(Registered Capacity of node A) / MW
Registered power transfer capability to node B
(Registered Capacity of node B) / MW
Maximum power transfer capability to node A
(Maximum Capacity of node A) / MW
Maximum power transfer capability to node B
(Maximum Capacity of node B) / MW
Maximum ramp rate of power transfer capability
(Maximum Rate of Change of node A and node B) / MW/ minute
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E.4.Conditions for Connection

Please complete the following table confirming compliance with the technical requirements of Chapter 5 of the Rules by indicating in the Compliance column your Rules Compliance, Connection Agreement Compliance or whether the clause is not relevant in this situation. Comments are required where a compliance statement is not provided. Please note that shaded areas do not require completion and are included for ease of reading or for the information of Applicants who will need to comply as applicable.

S5.3a.2 / Application of settings
A Market Network Service Provider must only apply settings to a control system or a protection system that are necessary to comply with performance requirements of this schedule 5.3a if the settings have been approved in writing by the Network Service Provider and, if the requirement is one that would involve AEMO under clause 5.3.4A(b) of the Rules, also by AEMO. A Market Network Service Provider must not allow its market network service facilities to take electricity from the power system without such prior approval.
If a Market Network Service Provider seeks approval from the Network Service Provider to apply or change a setting, approval must not be withheld unless the Network Service Provider or, if the requirement is one that would involve AEMO under clause 5.3.4A(b) of the Rules, AEMO, reasonably determines that the changed setting would cause the market network service facilities to not comply with the relevant performance standard or cause an inter-regional or intra-regional power transfer capability to be reduced.
If the Network Service Provider or, if the requirement is one that would involve AEMO under clause 5.3.4A(b) of the Rules, AEMO, reasonably determines that a setting of a market network service facility's control system or protection system needs to change to comply with the relevant performance standard or to maintain or restore an inter-regional or intra-regional power transfer capability, the Network Service Provider or AEMO (as applicable) must consult with the Market Network Service Provider, and may request in writing that a setting be applied in accordance with the determination.
The Network Service Provider may also request a test to verify the performance of the relevant plant with the new setting. The Network Service Provider must provide AEMO with a copy of its request to a Market Network Service Provider to apply a setting or to conduct a test.
A Market Network Service Provider who receives such a request must arrange for the notified setting to be applied as requested and for a test to be conducted as requested. After the test, the Market Network Service Provider must, on request, provide both AEMO and the Network Service Provider with a report of a requested test, including evidence of its success or failure. Such a report of a test is confidential information.
A Market Network Service Provider must not change a setting requested by the Network Service Provider without its prior written agreement. If the Network Service Provider requires a Market Network Service Provider to change a setting within 18 months of a previous request, the Network Service Provider must pay the Market Network Service Provider its reasonable costs of changing the setting and conducting the tests as requested.
S5.3a.4 / Monitoring and control requirements
S5.3a.4.3 /

Communications Equipment

A Market Network Service Provider must provide electricity supplies for remote monitoring equipment or remote control equipment installed in relation to its market network service facilities capable of keeping such equipment available for at least three hours following total loss of supply at the connection point for the relevant market network service facility.
A Market Network Service Provider must provide communications paths (with appropriate redundancy) from the remote monitoring equipment or remote control equipment installed at any of its market network service facilities to a communications interface in a location reasonably acceptable to the Network Service Provider at the relevant connection point. Communications systems between this communications interface and the control centre are the responsibility of the Network Service Provider unless otherwise agreed by the Market Network Service Provider and the Network Service Provider.
Telecommunications between Network Service Providers and Market Network Service Providers for operational communications must be established in accordance with the requirements set down below.
S5.3a.4.3 (a) / Primary Speech Facility
The relevant Network Service Provider must provide and maintain equipment by means of which routine and emergency control telephone calls may be established between the Market Network Service Provider’s responsible Engineer/Operator and AEMO.
The facilities to be provided, including the interface requirement between the Network Service Provider’s equipment and the Market Network Service Provider’s equipment must be specified by the Network Service Provider.
The costs of the equipment must be recovered by the Network Service Provider only through the charge for connection.
S5.3a.4.3 (b) / Back-up Speech Facility
Where the Network Service Provider or AEMO reasonably determines that a back-up speech facility to the primary facility is required, the Network Service Provider must provide and maintain a separate telephone link or radio installation on a cost-recovery basis only through the charge for connection.
The Network Service Provider is responsible for radio system planning and for obtaining all necessary radio licences.
S5.3a.5 / Design standards
A Market Network Service Provider must ensure that:
(a)the electrical plant in its facility complies with the relevant Australian Standards as applicable at the time of first installation of that electrical plant in the facility;
(b)circuit breakers provided to isolate the Market Network Service Provider’s facilities from the Network Service Provider’s facilities are capable of breaking, without damage or restrike, fault currents nominated by the Network Service Provider in the relevant connection agreement; and
(c)all new equipment including circuit-breakers provided to isolate the Market Network Service Provider’s facilities from the Network Service Provider’s facilities is capable of withstanding, without damage, power frequency voltages and impulse levels nominated by the Network Service Provider in accordance with the relevant provisions of the system standards and recorded in the relevant connection agreement.
S5.3a.13 / Market network service response to disturbances in the power system
S5.3a.13 (a) / Each market network service must be capable of continuous uninterrupted operation during the occurrence of:
(1)power system frequency within the frequency operating standards; or
(2)the range of voltage variation conditions permitted by the system standards.
S5.3a.13 (b) / The equipment associated with each market network service must be designed to withstand without damage or reduction in life expectancy the harmonic distortion and voltage unbalance conditions determined to apply in accordance with the provisions of schedule 5.1, clauses S5.1.6 and S5.1.7, respectively, at the connection point.

Please clearly mark any attachments as ‘Attachment to Section E’ and number each page consecutively.