The Seven Principles guide our UU congregations with a philosophy that is open, caring and thought-FULL. Our spiritual home reminds us of (and grounds us with) these values each day, week, month and year. So, why not create a cookbook that reflects these values in something that we do everyday? COOK! Plus, we wanted a vessel where we could share our community’s favorite recipes from our Cedars’ potlucks, celebrations and family meals. Celebrate (and taste) the Seven Principles with us:
1.Each person is important 2. Be kind in all you do.3. We're free to learn together.
4. We search for what is true.5. All people need a voice.
6. Build a fair and peaceful world.7. We care for the Earth.
Nominate a recipe for Cedars first cookbook! Either nominate one of your own recipes, or nominate your favorite dish that you had at a Cedars potluck. This form will be used to select and categorize the final recipes for the cookbook. A few notes:
- We want to make sure that we have a diversity of dishes in the cookbook, so this form will help us to plan the book(and will help us avoid having too many of the same recipe).
- We would like a diversity of cooks represented, so in addition to your own recipes, please nominate other cooks’ dishes, too (there’s a limit of 3 nominations). Maybe you have a favorite dish from a neighborhood team brunch, or from one of our all-church potlucks.
- Please submit only “tried and true” recipes – meaning that you’ve cooked and/or eaten your tasty submission previously.
- Please include at least one or two locally sourced ingredients (eggs, chicken, greens, etc.).
- Lastly, we will notify you if/when your recipe is chosen and will ask you to complete a Recipe Form. NOTE: You do NOT need to include your recipe at this time.
Thanks for your interest and help! Bon appetit!
The Cookbook Crew: Donna Moore, Betty Petras & Kassia Sing
BY: (if not by person listed above):
[ ]Appetizers,Snacks,Sauces,Bread [ ]Soups & Stews [ ]Main Dishes & Casseroles
[ ]Side Dishes & Salads [ ]Desserts [ ]International Favorites [ ]Guilty Pleasures
Additional Info: [ ]Vegetarian[ ]Gluten-free[ ]Dairy-Free [ ]Includes nuts
All recipe nominations are due August 15, 2013.
Send form . Contact Kassia Sing at 206-780-3420 with questions.