Over the course of your two professional development dates these modules contain the information that needs to be addressed.

Note: These modules are meant to be flexible and used in any order that fits the need of your school context. Any of the activities are simply suggestions. You are welcome to add/revise or change according to your needs.

Module One: What has informed the development of this curriculum?


·  Introduction to British Columbia’s Redesigned Curriculum

·  OECD: Innovative Learning Environments

·  The Educated Citizen

·  Teaching as…

·  First People’s Principles of Learning

·  Where does research say we should be heading?

Sample Activities:

A.  Use Focused Reading activity to do a focused read of the Introduction document (Introduction to British Columbia’s Redesigned Curriculum)

B.  Show Nancy Walt and Pat Horstead video/webinar with framework for thinking (put in link)

C.  Group around each of these documents and use guiding questions for discussion (could do a jigsaw as well)

D.  What informs this re-designed curriculum? (Guiding Questions for Discussion)

E.  Possible Framework for conversation to help support discussions of these documents:

·  Synthesis of document (big/key ideas)

·  Connections Does this match with beliefs and values? Match/connect with what I do?

·  Applications Read/hear something and can quickly integrate it/fit it to what I do in the classroom.

·  Wonders Need more support, not sure how it connects to my practice or where it fits

For further information you can access the curriculum research base:

Module Two: Familiarizing ourselves with the re-designed curriculum framework


·  Overview to BC’s Curriculum Transformation Plans

·  Curriculum Redesign Directions

·  BC’s Know-Do-Understand Model

·  Curriculum Orientation Guide

·  Social Studies Sample Curriculum Page

·  Elaborations

·  What are the core competencies?

·  Sample of What’s New? – discipline specific

·  Curriculum Redesign: Frequently asked Questions

Sample Activities:

A.  Jigsaw/expert groups to learn about each part (Core competencies, big ideas, concepts and content, supporting materials, the know-do-understand model) – report back to home group

B.  Show different videos and guide discussions after each (i.e. key ideas, connections, questions)

C.  Use documents as a discussion point – can use organizer to reflect, respond, and use for further discussion

Module Three: Examining Subject Areas


·  Science Goals and Rationale (sample)

·  The curriculum collaboration cards can be found here:

·  One teacher’s perspective: comparing IRP’s with Revised Curriculum

Sample Activities:

A.  Read in small groups Goals and Rationale (of appropriate subject area(s))

Two sample processing strategies: pause and say something or Read and Connect strategy

B.  Using curriculum cards to look for connections that could be used as a bridge across two grades or subject areas (or just to become familiar with all aspects of that subject area).

C.  Grouping around one subject area and reflecting/discussing with guiding questions below:

Guiding Questions (Starting Points in Planning: A BC Teacher’s Perspective):

Goals and Rationale for each subject area:

·  What do my students need to know and do?

·  How will curricular competencies and content work together to build understanding of the big ideas?

Curriculum (subjects and grade levels):

·  What is new?

·  What is the same?

·  What elaborations have been provided in the areas I’m teaching?

·  Where am I still uncertain?

·  There isn’t one right way to do this… What different connections can I make that would be best for my students?

·  How can I use these different aspects of the curriculum so students understand how their learning is related and to build a deeper understanding?

Module Four: Planning, Pedagogy and Assessment


·  Teaching Approaches that differentiate

·  Redesigned Curriculum Planning Framework

·  Curriculum Mapping

·  Collaborative Inquiry: Empowering teachers in their professional development

·  Reflecting on Action

·  Starting Points in Planning: A BC Teacher’s Perspective

Sample Activities:

A.  Teaching Approaches that Differentiate – discuss/reflect - What pedagogical approaches are we familiar with? Do we use? Do we champion? Do we want to know more about? Do we want to try? What other approaches help to differentiate?

B.  Use the Redesigned Curriculum Planning Framework to discuss how planning might work with the revised curriculum

C.  in a small group use the Redesigned Curriculum Planning Framework to plan an area of study

D.  Bring a variety of planning templates that promote backwards design, and as a group, decide what makes sense or create your own – choose one to use for planning

E.  Use Reflecting on Action template as a commitment for something each staff or team will try (can use this to start May meeting or re-visit/reflect upon at each staff meeting.

Guiding questions for Discussions:

·  In what ways can I collaborate with my peers to support cross-disciplinary planning?

·  How can I use these templates?

·  How can I personalize a template to reflect my way of thinking and doing things?

·  What template design will support the development of assessment for and as learning?

·  How can I use the search tool to support/plan for an interdisciplinary approach

·  What rich question would excite my students and allow them to learn through their own investigation?

·  How could I use our unique location in the province to turn that inquiry into a place-based exploration?

·  How will I plan assessment opportunities that reflect a wide variety of ways for my students to show their learning?

·  How can I design assessment that gets at deep learning and understanding, and ensures that my students are involved in the process?