Tirley Parish Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting
Held on Tuesday 1st August 2017
Present: Cllr Anne Turner, Cllr Tony Smith, Cllr Laurence King
The Clerk & RFO and one member of the public.
Public Session: A member of the public stated that the agenda had not be published on the website. The Chairman apologised for this error.
1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Adey, Borough and County Councillor Awford.
2. Declaration of Interests: None.
3. MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on 16th May 2017 had been circulated. RESOLVED: That the Chairman sign the Minutes as being a true and accurate record. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
MINUTES of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 27th June 2017 had been circulated. RESOLVED: That the Chairman sign the Minutes as being a true and accurate record. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
4. Matters arising from the Minutes: The action list was reviewed; The Councillor vacancy still has not been filled and there has been a general lack of interest.
5. Reports
5.1 Invited speakers: No reports were available. Cllr Turner stated that the Village Agents may not continue and the Clerk was asked to contact GCC
5.2 Representatives: None.
5.3 Neighbourhood Watch update: No issues reported in Tirley.
6. Roads/other public rights of way and public utilities
6.1 Community Speed Campaign/Speeding issues – next steps: The Mounted Police section have agreed to attend the village, which will be organised shortly. Cllr Smith stated an extremely dangerous driver was seen driving through the village, which will be reported to the Police. A letter is to be sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner to raise further concerns and requesting the speed van attends the village.
6.2 Narrowing of footpath at the Old Pitch: Cllr Turner stated that the footpath was only 70 cms wide in places.
7. Flooding
7.1 Update on flood measures: No updates available.
7.2 Potential installation of flood warning sign on B4213: Deferred to next meeting.
8. Planning matters:
8.1 Planning applications: Planning applications for consideration:
17/00389/LBC - Hazel Cottage, Haw Bridge, Tirley
Partial demolition of existing flat roof extension and erection of two storey extension to rear of existing cottage - Grade II Listed Building ref: 11/147. RESOLVED: No objection.
RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
17/00388/FUL – Hazel Cottage, Haw Bridge, Tirley
Proposed two storey rear extension to existing cottage. RESOLVED: No objection.
RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
17/00580/CLE – Haw Bridge Inn, 500307 Lane to Haw Farm Tirley
Certificate of Lawfulness to establish use of land as a caravan site for the stationing of up to 8 touring caravans year round. Concerns were raised RESOLVED: The Council objects. The certificate should not be approved as there have been several times when the site has not had caravans in situ, this includes several periods of severe flooding including in 2007, 2012. The permission for the caravans should be tied to the commercial premises. Only a maximum two weeks should be allowed as the short term let.
RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
9.2 Acknowledge of planning decisions:
17/00589/TEL – Land adjacent to the junction of the B4213, The Old Pitch, Tirley
Proposed 15m replica telegraph pole mast with internal antennas and associated radio equipment cabinet. PRIOR APPROVAL REFUSED
17/00267/FUL – The Folly, Main Road, Tirley
Outbuilding to Residential Conversion – PERMIT
17/00351/FUL – Farm Cottage, B4213 Mount Pleasant To Flat Farm, Tirley
Two storey rear extension, single storey rear and side extensions and porch – PERMIT
9. Minibus report
9.1 To note report and agree any actions and expenditure: This item was deferred to the next meeting.
9.2 Update on management arrangements of the minibus: This item was deferred to the next meeting.
10. Finance
10.1 Internal Check Report: The report was completed by Cllr King. The VAT claim needs to be submitted before the next check.
10.2 Budget update: The report was reviewed. Balances at the end of June were, Treasurers account - £16,051.51, Minibus - £21,782.81, Reserves - £1,963.66. Cllr Smith suggested that further traffic calming measures could be implemented including signs/gateways showing the start of the village and Cllr Smith will source further information. Cllr King suggested that a traffic consultant could be asked to undertake a speed report on behalf of the Parish Council and Cllr King was asked to obtain a quote.
10.3 Make payments, sign cheques: RESOLVED: The following expenditure was approved. RECORD OF VOTING: All in favour.
Date / Detail / Amount £ / Chq.No./MethodPayments made since last meeting
Minibus Account
15.5.147 / Allstar / 138.78 / DD
30.5.17 / Allstar / 61.88 / DD
14.6.17 / Allstar / 119.17 / DD
29.6.17 / Allstar / 61.61 / DD
Treasurers Account
15.6.17 / Green Energy / 24.47 / DD
2.7.17 / P Newman - Internal Audit / 60.00 / 201
2.7.17 / HMRC / 100.80 / 202
15.7.17 / Green Energy / 24.47 / DD
11. Ongoing maintenance of Jubilee Wood: Cllr King stated that there is no recreational use of the site and it is not used by residents due to access issues and the lack of maintenance. There are some volunteers that carry out works once a month and it is topped twice a year. Cllr Turner has contacted GAPTC for advice and it has been suggested that the Public Rights of Way Officer is contacted, which Cllr Turner agreed to do.
12. Correspondence and consultations:
a. Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral Review Draft Recommendations. No comments.
b. Amey – Salt requirements – Cllr King agreed to check all the bins and confirm the requirements to the Clerk.
For information, Cllr King stated that Gloucestershire County Council are requesting the return of any granted flood monies where the schemes have not started to progress, therefore it was very timely that Tirley’s schemes was started last year.
The meeting was closed at 8.24 pm.
Signature (Chairman)…………………………………………………………………………..
TPC 17/18 36