Healthy Growth and Development Task Force Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2015

Participants present:

Genene Hibbler, Karen Erickson, Angie Fech, Jennifer Vaclav, Katie Gajeski, Cheryl Orlando.

  1. All members present agreed to minor changes of the 2020 goals and objectives as written by the task force. See attached.
  1. Improve breast feeding rates in Cudahy. WIC data indicating breast feeding rates among Cudahy WIC participants obtained. The CHD has access to birth record data which indicates mothers who initiate breast feeding at birth. The birth record information can be used for follow up data within the first year of life and to contact mothers to offer breast feeding support. A reward or incentive to continue with breast feeding was suggested. Development of a resource list was suggested. A plan to increase the number of breast feeding friendly sites in Cudahy will be developed. No action on this to date.Sites with breast feeding policies already in place will be identified. No action on this to date. Strategies to inform and encourage sites to develop a breast feeding policy discussed beginning with City Hall building. Incentives for sites to participate was proposed.

Action Items:

  • Cheryl Orlando and Jennifer Vaclav will meet to discuss breast feeding friendly WIC, WIC breast feeding support program.
  • Cheryl Orlando and Katie Gajeski will explore how to obtain data indicating the breast feeding status of all mothers in Cudahy.
  • Katie Gajeski will obtain samples of Breast Feeding Friendly Policies for Health Departments and Employers.
  1. Identify developmental delays in Cudahy children in order to promote early


The Ages and Stages Developmental Screening Tool(ASQ) tool in electronic format will continue to be explored. Cheryl Orlando will continue to try and contact Brad Holman of the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Center.

We will move forward with the plan to implement the ASQ use in Cudahy group day cares. We will pilot the ASQ screening with St. John Day care before we reach out to other day cares. Cheryl Orlando will meet with Karen Erickson to discuss and strategize implementation; when to screen such as at registration and then key intervals in the child’s development. Training for staff to be discussed; explain use and purpose of screening. Discussed future use of ASQ in other Cudahy day cares and possibly reaching beyond our borders to St. Francis and South Milwaukee day cares. Cheryl will continue to explore use of the ASQ for children not in day care or access to children in other venues with community outreach. Cheryl Orlando and Jennifer Vaclav will discuss ASQ screening of WIC children and develop a plan.

Cheryl Orlando will continue efforts to discuss the ASQ screening tool The Cudahy School District to screen incoming kindergarten students and to share the data with the CHD and the task force.

Cheryl Orlando presented basic information on the Autism Awareness using the “Light It Up Blue” (LIUB) program. She will continue to explore city wide and school district participation as well as other programs promoting student awarenessand acceptance of children of varying abilities. She will identify the April fundraiser for the CSD.

Angie Fech reported in March the CSD is participating the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign which targets the use of words derogatory toward special needs students. She requests this be posted on the Health Department and City Facebook Pages.

Action Items:

  • Cheryl Orlando will continue efforts to connect with Ann Molzahn of the Cudahy School District to discuss the ASQ and data retrieval from the developmental screening of theKindergarten students.
  • Cheryl Orlando will continue to attempt to contact Brad Holman of the CHW Special Needs Center to discuss the electronic version of the ASQ and the cost.
  • Cheryl Orlando will list the possible sites where ASQ screening could be offered with outreach to those groups.
  • Cheryl Orlando will research and provide information on an Autism Awareness Light it up Blue Projectand awareness/educational materials. Cheryl will develop plan for Cudahy to LIUB.
  • Cheryl Orlando will research other student Autism awareness programs.
  • Cheryl will post the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign on the City and Health Department Facebook pages.
  1. Enhance life skills in Cudahy youth and families.

John Hohenfeldt was not present to report on the January 20, 2015 meeting with key people in the Cudahy School District to determine curriculum changes proposed and those that may affect life skills courses. This will be presented at the next meeting.

Angie Fech has attempted to reach the bullying prevention program and is awaiting a response. She will confirm the cost and availability. She reported the program could be expensive and suggested partnering with neighboring South Shore communities to present the program or reaching out to businesses for financial support. She suggested the program be offered to both students and parents with a venue large enough to accommodate the numbers of attendees. Target Month; October.

Katie Gajeski reported thecost of the program to address drinking and driving with high school students is $5,000 if using all components of the program; Fire, Police, Funeral Homes, etc. It was suggested we explore replicating all or parts of the program using our school and community resources. It was suggested we conduct a focus group with the high school students to determine what they think is a priority; drinking and driving, distracted driving, or other. It was suggested we use the “Stand Together” student group at the high school.

Action Items:

  • Angie Fech will continue the effort to obtain bullying prevention program details.
  • Cheryl Orlando to contact CHS to determine if the “Stand Together” group could be used for a focus group.

Summary of Action Plan

Action Item / Status Update
Obtain WIC breast feeding data for Cudahy mothers / Cheryl Orlando and Jennifer Vaclav
Obtain breast feeding data on all Cudahy mothers / Cheryl Orlando and Katie Gajeski
Obtain samples of breast feeding friendly policies / Katie Gajeski
Discuss ASQ use, data, and follow up with Cudahy School District teacher; Ann Molzahn / Cheryl Orlando
Contact Brad Holman for information regarding the electronic ASQ and cost. / Cheryl Orlando
List potential sites where ASQ could be offered / Cheryl Orlando
Obtain Autism Awareness and Light It Up Blue information and develop list of targeted sites in Cudahy. Speak with Director of Public Works, Mary Jo Lang regarding city buildings participating. / Cheryl Orlando
Obtain information regarding programs that address awareness and acceptance of children with varying abilities / Cheryl Orlando
Meet with school board President to determine upcoming anticipated changes in school curriculum / John Hohenfeldt
Obtain details of Bullying Prevention speaker and cost / Angie Fech
Contact CHS to determine if “Stand Together” student group could be used for a Focus Group to determine safe driving program; drinking vs distracted / NEW Cheryl Orlando
Discuss the anti-drinking/distracted driving program with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Task Force / Cheryl Orlando

Next Meeting; March 10, 2015 1:00 PM at the Cudahy Health Department