Elwood Care at BOYD
(631) 266- 5499
Child’s Name: ______Teacher: ______
Please circle all the days your child will need. A copy of this schedule will be sent to your child’s principal. You must notify both the school and the program supervisor of ANY schedule changes.
JUNE 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2
5 6 7 8 9
12 13 14 15 16
19 20 *21* *22* *23*
*JUNE 21, 22, & 23RD, Are Early Dismissal Days. Your child will be released from school at 11:20pm. If you need Elwood Care on these days please note there is an ADDITONAL FEE of $10.00 from 11:20-2;10. Please see me with any questions you may have.
Due Date: May 23rd. .IF Not handed in by date you WILL be charged a late fee.
Daily Rate: $13.00 for part time (less than 5 days a week)
$12.00 full time (5 days a week on a full school week)
Monthly Bonus: Deduct $5.00 from your tuition if payment is received by May 16TH 2017.
Days Circled ______X $______(daily rate) = ______
*Early Dismissal Days $10.00 X ______=______
Amount Due= $______- ______(monthly bonus if applicable) Amount paid = $______
1.You must notify BOTH the program supervisor as well as your child’s school in writing of any
schedule changes.
2.Any Drop –Ins(these are days that you did not have on your calendar with less than a weeks notice)
this will result in a $15.00 fee per day. These days MUST be approved by the program supervisor first.
3. Please retain a copy for your records. Elwood Care federal ID# 112931293