Seller_ Address ------
Buyer:_ Address: _
Signatures below, acknowledge our understanding of, agreement with, and intention of compliance with the terms and conditions of this Contractual Agreement for the Sale and Conveyance of the followingdog(s) or puppy/puppies
Identifying Information:
Sex:Male Female DOB:Color:------
Financial Terms:
In consideration of a purchase priceof$, which has beenpaid-in-full,forwhich this contract serves as a receipt, the Seller transfers responsibilities associated with the ownership of the male/female dog listed and described above,to Purchaser as of the date indicated on the first page of this agreement.
One Year Health Guarantee:
ThispuppyiscompanionregisteredwiththeAmericanKennelClubandembodiesthe basicstandardsofthebreed.
Puppyiscurrentonvaccinationsandwormingatthetimeofsaleandismicrochipped. Buyer is strongly encouraged to register microchip with AKC Companion Recovery Programin theirname.
Seller guarantees puppy to be free of communicable viruses for 72 hours after buyer receives the puppy.
Seller guarantees the puppy to be free of any life threatening congenital defect for the
first year of ownership.
Buyer acknowledges that no veterinary bill incurred by the Buyer will be paid by the Seller.
Therere no guarantees offered for this puppy's training, size, markings,temperament,
or hypo-allergenic status.
Non-life threatening ailments such as hypoglycemia, hernias, monorchidism, patella/hip, or parasites are not covered by this guarantee.
This guarantee is non-transferrable to a third party.
For any remedy from Seller of said puppy, Buyer must provide written veterinary confirmationtotheSellerwithin72hoursofveterinarydiagnosis.Iftheclaimisforthe death,alldocumentsfromalicensedveterinarian,aformalnecropsy,andcauseof deathwillbesenttotheSellerincludingmicrochipverification.Iftheclaimoccurs within thefirstyearand the claimis valid, thepuppywill be replacedwithoneofequal value
andofthesamegenderaspuppiesareavailable,withtheBuyerbeingresponsiblefor all transportation costs. Prior to replacement of the puppy, the original AKC papers mustbesignedandreturnedtotheSeller.
Buyeris encouragedtomaintainthepuppy'shealthwithyearlyvaccinationsandcare asspecifiedbytheirveterinarianandwillincludeheartwormpreventative,fleaandtick preventative,agooddietandclean,safehealthyenvironment.
CompanionpuppiesaresoldwithlimitedAKCregistration;showorbreedingdogswill haveanaddendumwiththeirsalescontractandguarantee.
Buyerisstronglyencouragedtohavecompanionpuppyspayedorneuteredbeforeone yearofagefortheircontinuedgoodhealth.
Payments and Chargebacks:
be filed after arrival or pick up of said puppy.
BuyerisresponsibleforallofSeller'sexpensesinthecourseofcollectionona chargebacktransactionforpurchasepriceandpuppy.
Limitations and Exclusions:
Nootherwarrantiesorguarantees,expressedorimplied,aremadeunderthiscontract exceptasstatedabove.Anymodificationstothisagreementmustbeattachedtothis documentandagreeduponbybothSellerandBuyer,completewithsignaturesofall parties. Any disputes regarding said puppy, Buyer or Seller shall be settled only in Franklin County, MO.