Wilmington Grammar School for Girls
Head of English: Further Information
The English Department comprises three full-time teachers and three part-time; one teacher is currently preparing for NQT status. The Head of Department has the overall responsibility for the teaching of English in the Department. The Department is based in classrooms in The Manor Building where the Department’s main teaching resources are accommodated. There is a well resourced Library and an enterprising Librarian who organises whole school reading events and supports departments in encouraging reading for pleasure.
Year 7 and 8 students are taught in their form groups during KS3 and each year group follows a course comprising of core units designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Student enjoyment of the subject and their academic development are key priorities. Trips to the theatre, guest drama workshop groups, entry into national poetry competitions and other activities all help to stimulate students’ interest in the subject. In Y9, students embark on preparation for GCSE and cover the type of units and skills they need for their GCSE course in Y10 and 11. Students are no longer in form groups; there are four mixed-ability groups including one top set.
For GCSE, students study the AQA English Language and English Literature. It is expected that every student will be entered for both Higher Tier examinations for which they have to also produce a combined controlled assessment coursework folder. In September 2015, the Department will be remaining with AQA. Students are taught mainly in mixed-ability groups but there is a top set and also one lower set consisting of just sixteen students who study for the Cambridge ICSE Certificate 2 for English Language. However, for English Literature, the group studies for the AQA award as the rest of the year group.
English Literature is a popular subject at A level. Students follow the Edexcel English Literature syllabus and will be remaining with Edexcel from 2015. Wilmington Grammar School for Boys will also be taking the Edexcel award. The Wilmington Sixth Form (WG6) is mixed,with subjects open to students from both schools and we also have many external students who join WG6. Students are expected to read widely and develop their own appreciation of literature. Theatre trips and A level conferences support students’ learning and form a necessary part of the A Level curriculum for Years 12 and 13.
To complement English studies A level Media and BTEC Performing Arts are offered. There is also an AS English Language and Literature planned for next year delivered jointly with Wilmington Boys’ Grammar School