OWNER’S BRIEFING - Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping Co. Ltd.
NAME: ______RANK: ______
LAST VESSEL ______DATE S/OFF ______RANK ______
A. Organization Structure of Owners1 / HONG KONG MING WAH SHIPPING CO., LTD is the representatives of ship owners (ICBC) and the General Manager in charge of the operations and commercial settlement for and on behalf of ship owners.
Primary contact: Capt. WANG Jinxiang, General Manager of Operations Department +852-28597236
Secondary contact: Ms. Grace FAN, General Manager of Commercial Department +852-28597224
B. Owner’s Requirements- Reporting/ Circulars
1 / Please carefully read latest version of owner’s general voyage instructions for detailed instructions.
C. Owner Specific PSC Detentions
Nil detentions
D. Owner Specific Major Problems/ Incidents
No Major issues
E. Ship Specific Issues
1 / These are the biggest ore carrier in the world, with a 400,000-ton capacity, 362-meter length and 65-meter width. The ballast exchange plan could be worked out by emptying one tank from the forward part of the vessel on say, the port side & countering it with another tank located in the after part of the vessel on the starboard side. Please refer and comply with the sequential exchange method as recommended in the Ballast Water Management Plan.
2 / Ballasting – Deballasting operation to be carried only by CO. Serious damages( to main ballast line valve) due to water hammering have taken place on few of these vessels in the fleet
3. / These vessels have reported buckling in the water ballast tank and the void spaces. Required repairs are performed as required during vessel’s subsequent dockings. Inspection of the WBT/VOID spaces to be carried out as per office instruction.
F. Trade Related Issues (as relevant)
1 / Port calls to Europe- Kindly beware of the high incidence of stowaways and take all necessary precautions.
2 / Port calls to Brazil -Kindly beware:
· That this is very high risk area for sea borne drug smuggling and be on alert accordingly.
· The high incidence of stowaways, piracy, robberies and pilferage and take all necessary precautions.
· Brazil NORMAN 20 BW management plan, exchange and reporting regulations (Refer BW Management File).
Additionally, for river Amazon:
· Kindly beware that in certain sections the banks shift continually and buoys may drift out of position or the buoyage may not yet have been re-aligned to the navigable channel, for which the most up-to-date information must be obtained from the local Agent or the Pilot authority in good time before the transit and extra care is to be taken when navigating in suspect areas.
· It should be carefully watched and ensured that the vessel's speed through the water when navigating shallows does not exceed the speed at which the UKC and squat allowance has been calculated.
3 / Port calls to Japan- Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with the reporting procedure for the compulsory insurance requirement for non-tanker ships.
4 / Port calls to Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh- Kindly beware of the high incidence of piracy and robberies and take all necessary precautions.
5 / Port calls to China- Kindly be reminded to ensure compliance with BW exchange and discharge regulations, the current details of which you should ascertain from the Agent.
Ships calling at any Chinese port must have pre-contracted & approved pollution clean-up contractor, known as SPRO (Ship Pollution Response organizations). Please refer RU 71 for details.
6 / Port calls to Singapore- Kindly beware of the high incidence of stowaways and take all necessary precautions
7 / Transiting Malacca/Singapore Straits- Kindly beware of the high incidence of piracy and robberies and take all necessary precautions.
8 / Transiting Gulf of Aden (GoA) and High Risk Areas: Please refer the APP (Anti-Piracy Plan), latest version of Best Management Practices (BMP), Ship Security Plan (SSP) and the CSO messages for details.
G. OPS Guidelines
1 / Bill of Lading- Please ensure officers understand regarding the importance of receiving the original B/L. In case the same is not available, LOI (Letter of Indemnity) from the Head Charterers has to be accepted/approved by the Head Owners wherein they will give clear writteninstructions directly or via us. Without express approval of LOI, discharging pf cargo should not be undertaken.
2 / LOA (Letter of Authorization) - If the format is not the same as given in AESM Manuals and agents ask the Master to sign a different format (not similar to ours) then they should get Owners approval.
3 / Rain Letter - If Charterers/Shippers intend to discharge cargo during rain, then they should inform the vessel/Owners regarding the same via appropriate channel; and if Owners accept the "Rain Letter" (depending on the cargo), then you may comply with the same. Until such time, the hatch covers to remain closed and cargo operations are not to be allowed in periods of rain.
4 / Draft Survey – There should be no reliance of draft surveys carried out by external parties or by shore scale figures. C/Off has to carry out the initial/intermediate/final draft surveys himself. If substantial difference is found (between shore vs. ship's draft survey fig), then Master to immediately inform Charterers + Owners/AESM, to enable Owners/AESM decide next course of action i.e., to make decision to call P&I (and to give Master relevant advise - issue LOP, etc). In any case, M/R + B/L + agent's SOF to be claused reflecting actual figure found i.e., ship's fig vs. shore scale fig.
5 / Communications- Communications to be prompt with Owners+ AESM.
6 / IWL/INL + WRTW (International Warranties Limits/International Navigational Limits + War Risk Trade Warranties)- Prompt reporting to be made to Owners + AESM, to ensure cover is in place.
7 / Hold washings- To be pumped out in compliance with MARPOL and local regulations.
8 / Minimize Hog/ Sag during loading - Masters are reminded to plan cargo stowage with reference to the bending moments (BM) in the final loaded condition, and loading/deballasting sequence carefully, in advance, together with their Chief Officers, so as to minimize hog/sag and unpumpable ballast water, and maximize cargo lift.
9 / Unpumpable ballast- Please note that Masters and Chief Officers are to always strive to maximize cargo lift by careful planning and management of their cargo loading/deballasting sequences, so as to minimize deflection (hog/sag) and unpumpable ballast.
Name of Joining Officer / Signature
Name of Briefing Officer / Signature
Owners Briefing: HK Ming Wah Revision: 0 Page 1 of 3 Issue Date: 20 March 2017