The Science of Lit: A Closer Look at Cannabis and other Substances
1st and 3rd Friday of the Month @ 7pm

Please contact for address

Instructors: Lady Nwadike and Khayri Howell

Email address:

Course Description

Cannabinoids are a diverse set of chemical compounds that bind to special receptors in the human body that make up what is known asthe endocannabinoid system. The “key and lock” metaphor is often used to describe this process. The human body possesses specific binding sites (“locks”) on the surface of many cell types, and our body produces several endocannabinoids (“keys”) that bind to these cannabinoid receptors (CB) to activate or “unlock” them. This course will delve into the world of cannabinoids and their effects on the body.

This course will cover:

·  The fundamentals of the Endocannabinoid System

·  The use of Psychedelics for psychiatric research and treatment

·  The use of cannabis in a clinical setting

·  The delivery and dosage of medical cannabis

·  Mental health, psychiatric and physical application of medical cannabis

·  Differences between other substances and how they affect psycho-, physio- and mental health

Course Goals

Students who complete this course successfully will be able to:

·  Discuss cannabinoids and their physiological effects

·  Discuss psychedelics and their effects

·  Recite Medicinal cannabis history

·  Discuss the chemistry of cannabinoids

·  Explain dosage and dosage ranges

·  Be familiar with advocacy for the legalization of medical and recreational cannabis

·  Be able to decipher sound scientific evidence outlined in various research papers

Required Texts, Materials, or Equipment

Medical Maryjane Website:

Biology of Marijuana - From Gene to Behavior

Cannabis Alchemy

Cannabinoids in medicine: A review of their therapeutic potential

Daily Work/Homework

Light Reading or Videos to watch will be assigned as homework each week

Major Assignments: Descriptions

The best learning environment––whether in the classroom, studio, laboratory, or fieldwork site––is one in which all members feel respected while being productively challenged. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive atmosphere, in which all participants can contribute, explore, and challenge their own ideas as well as those of others. Every participant has an active responsibility to foster a climate of intellectual stimulation, openness, and respect for diverse perspectives, questions, personal backgrounds, abilities, and experiences, although instructors bear primary responsibility for its maintenance.

A range of resources is available to those who perceive a learning environment as lacking inclusivity, as defined in the preceding paragraph. If possible, we encourage students to speak directly with their instructor about any suggestions or concerns they have regarding a particular instructional space or situation.

ETHICS/VIOLATIONS OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Ethical behavior is an essential component of learning and scholarship. Students are expected to understand, and adhere to academic integrity policy.


The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to this information throughout the semester.

Preliminary Schedule of Topics, Readings, and Assignments

Date / Topics/Assigned Readings/Homework / Major Assignments and Deadlines
1/19/2018 / History of Cannabis and Advocacy
How to decipher sound scientific research
2/2/2018 / Pathways of Signaling
Cannabinoids and Receptors
2/16/2018 / Functions of the endocannabinoid system in various tissues, organs and bodily systems
3/2/2018 / Cannabis and Pain
3/30/2018 / Cannabis and Psychiatric disorders
4/6/2018 / Cannabis and Pediatrics
4/20/2018 / Cannabis and Cancer

Free resources: