Lesson Plans 2017
January 4-6 2017
Monday January 2 & Tuesday January 3
Wednesday January 4, 2017
Kindergarten: of
1st/2nd grade: park, will
Progress Monitoring:
- ORF story
- NWF book/student book
- Letter Name/Sounds
- Math Facts Timed (AIMS)
- Reading Mastery I (X3 groups)
- Reading Mastery II
- Reading Workbooks
- Reading Stories
8:10-8:30 Breakfast
- Introduce Xtramath
- Pin numbers
- How to start it
- Name tags on cabinet
9:00-10:00Progress Monitoring
- MOY Math Envision Assessment (1st Grade)
- Kindergarten (Letter Factory)
10:05-10:35 PE
10:35-11:05 Music
11:10-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:05 Recess
(12:05-1:05 Amy Lunch)
12:05-12:15 Bathroom
12:15-1:15 SRA/stations
Group 1 Red A: Reading Master I Lesson 31 (Tony Workbook/Makeigh& Gabe
Group 2 Red B: Reading Mastery I Lesson 100 (Reread words & story/wkbk)
Group 3 Red C: Reading Mastery I Lesson 130
Group 4 Purple: Reading Mastery II Lesson 94
1:15-1:45 Miss. Vance
1:50-2:00 Dismissal
Thursday January 5, 2016
- Letter Factory
1st Grade:
- Envision Assessment
Imagine IT:
Kindergarten: Day 9 Lesson 9 Unit 2 Card 24
- Morning Message
- Mary Had a Little Lamb story
1st Grade: Day 2 Lesson 7 Unit 1 Card 25
- Morning Message
- Rhyme Stew Review “There Was Once a Fish” pg. 8-9
- White Board/Marker
Social Studies:
Social Studies:
- Map- a kind of drawing that shows the location of features such as states, rivers, mountains, and cities
- Compass Rose- a drawing on a map that shows the directions north, south, east and west
- Map Key- a list or table that shows what the symbols on a map mean
- Scale of Miles- a drawing on a map that shows how a measure on the map compares to the real distance
- Reading Mastery I (X3 groups)
- Reading Mastery II
- Reading Workbooks
- Reading Stories
8:10-8:30 Breakfast
- Kindergarten Letter Factory
1st Grade:
- MOY Envision Assessment (1st/2nd Grade)
10:00-10:30 Imagine It
Kindergarten: Day 9 Lesson 9 Unit 2 Card 24
- Morning Message
- Where is a capital T in the message?
- Where is a small t in the message?
- Let’s think of words that rhyme with hair.
- Oral Language
- Say: “see”
- Have students rhyme with “see”
- Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
- Identifying the Order if words in spoken sentences
- Use nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
- Give each student a word from the nursery rhyme
- Have them each say their word until the sentence makes sense
- Once they say their words fluently switch their order & have them say the sentence
- Discuss the importance of the order of words
- Alphabetic Knowledge-Uu
- This is a vowel (a special letter)
- Sing vowel song (in the tune of B-I-N-G-O) A-E-I-O-U
- Write the Uu
1st Grade:Day 2 Lesson 7 Unit 1 Card 25
- Morning Message
- Daily language review
- Write sentence on board (Who is at the door?)
- Name letters that teacher points to
- Count the number of words in the sentence
- Point to words (the, is, who, door)
- Rhyme Stew Review
- “There Was Once a Fish” pg. 8-9
- Say rhyming words in TM pg 123
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phoneme Replacement
- Initial Consonant Sounds
- Changing one sound can make a whole new word
- Write “hamburger” on the board
- Follow TM pg 124
10:35-11:05: Library
11:10-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:05 Recess
(12:05-1:05 Amy Lunch)
12:05-12:15 Bathroom
12:15-12:45 Social Studies
Focus: Maps
Review: what a map key is
What a compass rose is
What a map scale is
Map Vocabulary:
Map- a kind of drawing that shows the location of features such as states,
rivers, mountains, and cities
Compass Rose- a drawing on a map that shows the directions north, south,
east and west
Map Key- a list or table that shows what the symbols on a map mean
Scale of Miles- a drawing on a map that shows how a measure on the map
compares to the real distance
12:45-1:00 Snack
Group 1 Red A: Reading Master I Lesson 32
Group 2 Red B: Reading Mastery I Lesson 101
Group 3 Red C: Reading Mastery I Lesson 131
Group 4 Purple: Reading Mastery II Lesson 95
1:45-2:15 ART OUTREACH
2:15-2:45 Read Aloud
2:45-3:00 Dismissal
Friday January 6, 2017
Send Home: Reading Log
WWW Flashcards
ABC Letters Cards
Reading Book Bags
Kindergarten:Lesson 6-4
- Counters
- workpage 305-309
- Reteach (TM pg 308)
- Leveled Assignment pg. 309-310
1st Grade:Lesson 4-7
- Counters, Double Ten-Frame Mat (Teaching Tool 16)
- Student Work page 267-270
- Pencils
Imagine IT
Kindergarten:Day 9 Lesson 9 Unit 2 Card 24 (continued)
- letter cards (h, i, p)
- White board/marker
- Pg. 44-45 alphabet book
- Pre-Decodable 10: Animal Tracks
1st Grade:Day 2 Lesson 7 Unit 1 Card 25 (continued)
Nest Story (TM pg 126)
- Reading Mastery I (X3 groups)
- Reading Mastery II
- Reading Workbooks
- Reading Stories
8:10-8:30 Breakfast
8:35-9:05 PE
9:05-9:15 Bathroom
9:15-9:45 Calendar
9:45-10:45 Math
Topic: 6-4: Use the Plus Sign
Materials: Counters
Problem Based Learning/Solve & Share (pg. TM)
- Before:
- Pose the Solve-and Share Problem
- Students communicate how they can solve an addition story.
- Give each student’s 10 counters.
- Build Understanding
- What are you asked to find?
- What do you already know about adding that will help you solve this problem?
- During:
- Ask Guiding Questions As Needed:
- How does the word “and” help you solve the problem?
- How do counters help you find the number of crayons?
- After
- Share & Discuss:
- Start with students’ solutions.
- Transition to the Visual Learning Bridge
- There are two different ways to represent an addition problem.
- Later in this lesson, you will learn how to use a math symbol to show addition.
- Extension for Early Finishers
- How could you show the groups without using counters?
Visual Learning:
- Follow TM pg 306
- Use student workpage 305-309
Assess & Differentiate:
- Reteach (TM pg 308)
- Leveled Assignment pg. 309-310
1st Grade:
Lesson 4-7: Explain Subtraction Strategies
Materials: Counters, Double Ten-Frame Mat (Teaching Tool 16)
Problem Based Learning/Solve & Share (pg. TM)
- Before:
1. Pose the Solve-and Share Problem (TM pg)
- Provide each pair with 20 counters.
- Students choose a strategy and show their work using objects, drawings, or writing.
- They then explain their strategy for solving the probem.
- Build Understanding (TM pg)
- What does the problem ask you to find?
- What tools do you have?
- During:
- Ask Guiding Questions As Needed: (TM pg)
- Should you add or subtract? Why?
- Is there only one way to show how to find the answer?
- After
- Share & Discuss:
- Start with student’s solutions.
- Pick pairs of students who show different ways to solve and explain their answers.
- Transition to the Visual Learning Bridge
- You chose a strategy to solve a word problem and explained how to you solved it.
- Later in this lesson, you will learn how you can use different strategies to solve subtraction facts and word problems.
- By using different strategies, you can solve problems quickly because you can choose strategies that you know and are easy to use.
- Extension for Early Finishers
- What if Jeff had 13 apples and he gave away 6?
- How does knowing that 12-6=6 help you solve 13-6?
Visual Learning:
- Follow TM pg. 268
- Use student workpage 267-270
Assess & Differentiate:
- Reteach (TM pg. 271A)
- Leveled Assignment pg. 271-272
Intervention Activity (TM pg. 271A)
10:45-11:05 Imagine It
Kindergarten:Day 9 Lesson 9 Unit 2 Card 24 (continued)
- How The Alphabet Works
- Give each student a letter card (h, i, p)
- Have students tell the letter name and sound
- Write “hip” on the board (in extra large lowercase letters)
- Say the word
- Ask who has the first letter (h)
- Put his/her letter on the board
- Continue with the other letters
- Tap each letter and sound it out (h-i-p) says hip
- Reinforce the order of the letters
- Alphabet Book –Uu
- Pg. 44-45 alphabet book
- Follow TM pg. 143
- Reading a Pre-Decoadable
- Pre-Decodable 10: Animal Tracks
- High frequency word “see”
- Describe “see” is the things your eyes tell you.
- Use word in a sentence
- Have students use “see” in a sentence
- Have students look through the book
- Look at rebuses and pronounce their names
- Point to high frequency words “see” and read it, have students do the same
- Read the title
- Read the author/illustrator
- Read story
- Responding
- Show “see”
- Have students find the word in the story
- Repeat with “a”, “the”, “and”, “go”, “had”, “he” , “I”
- Have students share when they have see animal tracks before
- If time…have students make drawings of their own foot on paper
1st Grade:Day 2 Lesson 7 Unit 1 Card 25 (continued)
- Phoneme Segmentation
- Final Consonant Sounds
- Repeat only the last sound of each word
- Follow TM pg 125
- Introduce the Sound/Spelling
- /n/ spelled n
- Read Nest Story (TM pg 126)
- Write n on board
- Have students write Nn on board
- Listening for Initial /n/
- Follow TM pg 127
- Listening for Final /n/
- Follow TM pg 127
11:05-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:05 Recess
12:05-12:15 Bathroom
12:15-12:30 Snack
12:30-1:00 Deatherage
1:00-1:45 SRA
Group 1 Red A: Reading Master I Lesson 33
Group 2 Red B: Reading Mastery I Lesson 102
Group 3 Red C: Reading Mastery I Lesson 132
Group 4 Purple: Reading Mastery II Lesson 96
1:45-2:45 ART
2:45-3:00 Dismissal