This sheet is to be used as the cover sheet for your written assignment
SNC-2DI / Name:Essential Assignment
Unit: Climate Change
Due Date Wednesday Dec 9th, 2015
Objectives & Assignments:
- Analyse the effects of climate change
Assessment Category / Out of / Mark
Make a copy of this sheet and use it as a cover page to your report. Write your name in the space provided above AS WELL AS ON THE REPORT ITSELF. / 2
Organize each part of your report, either in hand writing or type writing (NOT BOTH), by clearly indicating the different parts to your report. Use neatness, organization, spelling & grammar, legibility and attention to depth & detail. / 4
Provide an appropriate title for this report, / 2
Write the heading Purpose AND state a purpose. / 2
Write the heading Background. See your notes for details on the contents of your background. It should at least have those items asked for on the outline of the lab. More is expected of you want a perfect mark. / 4
Write the heading Hypothesis. See your notes for details on writing the hypothesis and use the outline of the lab.The reasons for your hypothesis MUST be stated in and referred to in your background. / 2
Write the heading Materials & Apparatus. You may use it as is on the outline of the lab but you must include any modifications you or the teacher provides. / 2
Write the heading Procedure. You may use it as is on the outline but you must include any modifications you or the teacher provides. / 2
Write the heading Observations. See the outline of the lab to helpwith the observations and remember to include depth and detail for better marks. / 6
Write the heading Conclusion. See your notes for details on the contents of your conclusions. Refer to the outline of the lab. Remember to include depth and detail for better marks. / 6
YOU MUST include a properly formattedlist of references for your report. Go to the library to get a sheet that will provide information on how to do this. / 3
TOTAL / 35
SNC 2DI Thermal Expansion
Purpose:Does tap water expand when heated?
Background:Explain the Particle Theory with regards to energy, particle motion & volume
Explain how to calculate the volume of a cylinder (∏r2h)
Explain that 1 mL = 1 cm3
Explain how to calculate the% volume increase for the flask using the equation;
% volume increase = (volume water rose in tube/ total water volume in flask) x 100
Hypothesis:I predict the tap water will expand when heated because…
Materials & Apparatus: (You may copy this)You require a 250 mL flask, water, 2 holed rubber stopper, thermometer, glass tube,masking tape, marker, safety goggles, calculator.
Procedure:(You may copy this)
- Put on your goggles. Pick up the rubber stopper and tube and measure the diameter of the opening in the tube (yes it will be very small). Record this value.
- Fill your flask with tap water to the very top.The water should leak out the second hole of the stopper whenthe measuring apparatus is inserted firmly. Mark the level of the stopper insertion into the flask using a piece of masking tape stuck onto the stopper. The stopper should be in far enough to see the level of water inside the tube. The water level in the tube and the temperature represents the reference points from which your measurements of rising water in the tube and rising temperature will be made.
- Now block the second hole so water does not leak out (you could use masking tape but your thumb is better). Hold the flask securely but not squeezing in between your hands. Allow the level to rise in the tube for at least 15-20 minutes or until the water reaches the top of the tube. Record the level of water in the tube (making sure the stopper is inserted into the flask to the level of the tape.)
- Remove the stopper and take the temperature of the water. Now VERY CAREFULLY measure the amount of water in the flask by pouring it out into a graduate cylinder and recording the total volume of water that was in the flask (note: obviously you won’t get it all…which is why I should see it in the conclusion under evaluation).
- Clean up and return the equipment. Clean your station.
- Using the height the water rose in the tube in cm, the diameter of the glass tube, the fact that 1 mL = 1 cm3 and the equation for a cylinder, calculate the volume of water that rose in the tube.
- Using the volume of water which rose in the tube, the total volume of water in the flask calculate the total volume of the flask and then calculate the % increase of water volume for that temperature rise.
Temperature Rise of the Water (0C) / Height Water Rose in the Tube (cm) / Total Volume of Waterin the Flask(mL) / % Volume IncreasePlus written observations
Answer the hypothesis, summarize the data and evaluate the activity.