Town of Harrietstown Zoning Board of Appeals
December 17, 2013
6:00 PM
Town Hall Board Room
Members Present: Wayne Voudren, Chairman - Excused
Richard Retrosi – Present
Jim Tyler – Present
Clarence Duprey - Present
Joseph Spadaro – Present
Edwin Randig –Code Enforcement Officer, Excused
Angela Sirianni-Lucey – Recording Secretary, Present
Public Present: Peter Frenette
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Rick Retrosi, Acting Chairman. He introduced the board and went over the application on the agenda. Rick asked Mr. Peter Frenette to present the application on behalf of the Stewarts.
Peter said that the Stewarts bought this property from Reuben and took down the boathouse. They would like to replace it with a slightly larger one, but on the same footprint of the pre-existing one.
Joe asked if it would face in a Westerly direction, because it would be directly into the prevailing wind.
Peter said he wasn’t sure of the direction, but it will be replaced the same as what was there before.
Joe asked if Peter is the one that will build the new structure.
Peter said that hasn’t been decided. He is the caretaker for the property.
Joe asked what the new boathouse will look like. He said the new residence they’ve built there is quite remarkable.
Peter said it will look almost like their other boathouse at their house, and yes it will match the new house.
Rick wanted to confirm the size of the pre-existing and the proposed boathouses.
Peter said the proposed boathouse is 36’ x 32’ and the pre-existing is 32’ x 30’.
Rick asked if there is plumbing proposed in the new boathouse.
Peter said there will not be. It is planned to be almost exactly like the one at the Stewart’s house next door.
Jim asked if the Bevilacqua’s or any other neighbors have made contact to the office regarding this application.
Angela said no, only one person has looked at the file and made copies, his name is Michael Preis. She wasn’t sure what relationship to this application he had.
Joe asked if the APA and DEC have signed off on the application.
Peter said the NJ letter from the APA was included with the Harrietstown Application.
The board agreed.
And Peter said that he is working with the DEC now.
Rick asked if there are any more comments from the board.
Clarence asked if there are any living quarters planned for within the boathouse structure…like a guest cottage?
Peter said there are not. He is aware this is not allowed and it is nowhere within their plans..
Rick said the Stewarts already have a guest cottage separate from the boathouse.
Jim made a motion for a Negative Declaration on SEQR.
Clarence second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Peter – yes
Rick – yes
Jim – yes
Clarence – yes
All in favor, motion carried.
Joe made a motion to approve the Special Permit as presented for Ian & Kathleen Stewart.
Jim second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Peter – yes
Rick – yes
Jim – yes
Clarence – yes
All in favor, motion carried.
Angela told Peter the Special Permit will be ready by the end of this week, most likely tomorrow.
Approval of Minutes:
Jim made a motion to approve the ZBA Meeting Minutes from 9/3//13 as presented.
Joe second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Rick – yes
Jim – yes
Joe - yes
Motion Carried.
Jim made a motion to approve the ZBA Meeting Minutes from 10/22/13 as presented.
Clarence second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Jim – yes
Clarence – yes
Rick – yes
Motion Carried.
New Business – Term Expirations:
Angela said the only ZBA Term that is expiring 1/1/14 is Jim Tyler. She asked him if he wishes to remain on the ZBA for another term.
Jim said that he would.
Angela said that she will send a memo to Patty Gillmett, the Town Clerk
New Business – Approval of 2014 Regular Meeting Schedule:
Angela included the proposed 2014 ZBA Regular Meeting Schedule in the board packets for tonight’s meeting. Dates are based on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except for November and December, when meetings fall on the third Tuesday to accommodate for the holiday schedule. All regular meetings are scheduled for 6:00 PM. Also included is the application deadline schedule based on noticing requirements for said dates. Chairman Voudren has submitted a letter, which everyone received last week via regular mail regarding a time change from 6:00 to 5:30.
Angela said the board can do one of two things, approve the schedule as written, or wait until the January 28, 2014 regular meeting, where all members, including Chairman Voudren are present and discuss the proposed time change prior to approving the schedule.
The board, as a whole opted to table “Approval of 2014 Regular Meeting Schedule” until January 28, 2014 when the full board is present and Wayne’s letter can be discussed.
Rick made a motion to close.
Clarence second the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Joe – yes
Jim – yes
Rick – yes
Clarence - yes
All in favor, motion carried. Meeting closed 6:17 PM.