
Starting Out Strong 2017

Beginning Teachers’ Conferences


We are seeking school-based curriculum leaders to share their expertise at the Starting Out Strong, Beginning Teachers’ Conferences to be held in Dubbo and Bathurston the dates listed below.

Term / Week / Date / Location / Venue
2 / 2 / 4 & 5 May / Dubbo / RSL Club Dubbo
2 / 7 / 7 & 8 June / Bathurst / James Hardie Room, CSU Campus, Bathurst

This is an opportunity to be involved by presenting a session or by being the Master of Ceremonies/Coordinators for the Conference.

The purpose of the presentations is to share your teaching and learning expertise with beginning teachers through:

  • practical learning strategies that are effective in the classroom
  • differentiated strategies to meet individual learning needs

Workshop times will be approximately 45mins - 1 hr. Support will be available from the Educational Services staff for anyone needing assistance in developing their presentation, including use of templates. If you would like to check or confirm any details, please contact advisors on the numbers listed below.

Leone Dewhurst (Dubbo)02 6883

Rosalee Whiteley (Dubbo)02 6883

Sandra Logan (Bathurst)02 6334

Your involvement ensures that quality school-based presenters contribute to the induction of new teachers into our profession and that the professional expertise of teachers is recognised. Your involvement will be accredited against the Highly Accomplished standard 6.3.3, as teacher identified hours and can be used as evidence, if you are considering accreditation.

Thank you in advance for giving up your valuable time to complete the EOI.

Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted by Friday 31 March (Term 1 Wk 10). Everyone who submits an EOI will be contacted in Week 11. All EOIs will be considered, however, relevance to the conference theme and a variety of standards being addressed will impact on the final selection.

Please complete the information on the following page and email your EOI to:


Please complete the boxes in the table below.

Proposed workshop title / Description of the content / Standards Addressed
Contact telephone:
Department of Education email:
Preferred venue/s for presentation:
Principal’s endorsement and signature
……………………………………………………...... / I agree to the person above presenting at the Beginning Teachers’ Conference at Dubbo and/or Bathurstand can verify their capacity to design and deliver a quality presentation.

Synopsis of presentation content (including concepts and standards addressed):

1 page limit
