The RAF Association continues to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

The Battle of Britain webpages are now live at and here you can find more information about Battle of Britain commemorative events around the country and stories from those that remember this important time in history.

The Service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Tuesday 15 September is open to all RAF Association members and tickets are also being made available to the public. You can register your interest in attending the service at St Paul’s on the webpage. The closing date for applications is Monday 20 July and names and contact details are required for each individual that wishes to attend. Further information will then be sent out in August.

We are hoping for a good turnout of Branch Standards at the St Paul’s service and are inviting Branch Standard Bearers to participate in this event. Any Standard Bearers who wish to be involved should contact Mick Larkman, Branch Support Officer at call 0208 286 6667

Any other queries can be directed to or by post to:

Battle of Britain Commemorations

RAF Association

117 ½ Loughborough Road



MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS - Retaining our members is vitally important if we are to continue the work that we do. Lapsed members should be encouraged at every opportunity to renew their membership. This can be achieved in a number of ways with Branch Secretaries urged to contact those members who have sadly let their membership lapse, this is not only to regain those members but also to ensure that there is not an underlying Welfare reason for their non-renewal of membership.

If you require a list of your current lapsed members, please contact the Area Office on 01772 426930 or alternatively please e-mail

DIRECT DEBIT THE EASIER WAY TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP - All Branch Membership Secretaries are urged to encourage new and existing members to renew their Membership by Direct Debit, this not only means that Secretaries are relieved of having to collect monies but also ensures members need not worry about their membership lapsing.

CHEVINGTON ANZAC CEREMONY 2015 - On Sunday, 26th April, Newcastle on Tyne Branch of RAFA held their annual ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony at Chevington Cemetery in Northumberland which this year coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings, where the legend of ANZAC was born.

Taking part in this event was a large party of RAF veterans from several local RAFA branches and from the Royal British Legion, RAF Police Association, Royal Observer Corps Association and the RBL Riders Branch together with residents of the local villages and cadets from the ATC. RAF Boulmer provided a Guard of Honour, the Royal Australian Air Force was represented by Squadron Leader Derek Reinhardt and New Zealand by Lieutenant Commander Kane Sutherland. Kevan Jones MP represented the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Approximately 250 people took part in the ceremony, more than ever before.

The ceremony commenced with the playing of the national anthems of Australia and New Zealand followed by prayers which were led by RAF Padre Paul Rennie. Wreaths were then laid on the RAF Memorial by RAF Boulmer, the RAAF, the New Zealand Defence Forces, RAFA Newcastle, RAFA Hartlepool, the RBL, Northumberland County Council, Chevington Parish Council and the people of the local community. The ATC cadets then placed poppy crosses on each of the ten ANZAC graves in the cemetery, saluting smartly as they did so, before the Act of Remembrance which included the Exhortation read by Branch Vice-Chairman Michael Collins, and the playing of Last Post and Reveille.

Lt Cdr Sutherland and Sqn Ldr Reinhardt each gave an address about the significance of ANZAC in their countries and the ceremony ended with a march-past where Wing Commander Richard Sharp took the salute. Service personnel, veterans, cadets and guests then all moved to the nearbyTrap Inn where a buffet reception was held.

UPDATE ON VOLUNTEERING -It is National Volunteers Week and we are delighted to say a genuine and heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all of you who tirelessly volunteer your time for the RAF Association and who spend significant amounts of your own time volunteering, ensuring that members of the RAF family who need our help are supported.

THANK YOU to all of you who volunteer for the RAF Association. We will be celebrating your work all week, via our website and though social media, so do check the website if you get a chance.

It was inspiring to meet so many dedicated and enthusiastic members at Annual Conference, from 15 – 17 May 2015 in Eastbourne. To those of you who I met, thank you for all your thoughts and ideas and I look forward to working with many of you in the coming months to help you to find the volunteers that you need for your Branch.

Celebrating the work and efforts of our wonderful volunteers at Annual Conference.

As always, if you need any help or would like to talk to me, please contact me on or on 0116 268 8794.

On behalf of all the beneficiaries that you provide support to, we want to let you know how much your help and volunteering is appreciated. Reflect on the the successes of your hard work and be proud to be part of a team that does so much for the RAF family. Over 100,000 welfare interactions took place last year and over £9 million was raised to help support our beneficiaries. Without you we would not be able to carry out the much needed welfare support that the RAF Association provides, so thank you so much.


Newcastle on Tyne Branch held their annual Celebration Dinner at Northern Rugby Club on 2nd May 2015.

Principal guests were Air Vice-Marshal Sandy Hunter with Mrs Hunter, Group Captain Mark Coleman, OC RAF Boulmer, & Mrs Coleman.

(seen here with Air Commodore Ian Forster,

President of the Newcastle Branch).

Amongst the 53 guests was a contingent of serving personnel from RAF Boulmer and many friends from the other ex-service organisations.

Entertainment was provided by the ever popular singer, Maggie Peel, who travelled from Blackpool for the occasion.


St Barnabus Church, Regent Rd, Morecambe will be hosting the ‘Happy & Glorious’ Concert on Saturday 5th September at 1930 hours. Tickets are available from 01524 412987 at a cost of £6.00 per ticket.


The Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington are to once again hold their Air Forces Memorial Day Service and Parade on Sunday 6th September. Branches are once again encouraged to provide their Standards. A timetable for the event will be available in due course. A number of VIP’s will be present including the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, the Lord Mayor of York and the Station Commander from RAF Linton on Ouse.


The 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain Service will take place in York Minster on Sunday 20th September, when local dignitaries and many Service Personnel, Air Training Corps Cadets and members of the RAF Association will be present to remember all those who died in WWII. The Northern Area Standard will be present along with the York Branch Standard, along with the National Standard of the Royal Observer Corps. It is expected that the Station Commander from RAF Linton on Ouse.


5th June RAFA 75th Anniversary Battle of Britain Concert , Durham Cathedral

19th JuneAnnual Service of Remembrance & Dedication of Memorials 2015,

National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Staffordshire

19th-20th JuneWhitehaven Air Show, Whitehaven, Cumbria

27th JuneNational Armed Forces Day

6th JulyTynwald Show, Isle of Man

25th JulySunderland Air Show, Sunderland

9th-10th AugustBlackpool Air Show, Blackpool

14th - 17th AugustWhitby Regatta, Whitby

15th – 16th AugustLytham 1940s Weekend, Lytham

27th AugustFamilies Day, RAF Boulmer

29th-30th AugustRhyl Air Show

5th SeptemberMorecambe Brass Band Wings Appeal Concert, “Happy & Glorious”,

St Barnabus Church, 1930 hours

6th SeptemberAir Forces Memorial, Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, York

7th – 12th SeptemberNorthern Area Ladies Tandem Cycling Tour

13th SeptemberBattle of Britain Service, St Thomas Church, St Anne’s-on-the-Sea

13th SeptemberRemembrance Service, Airmen’s Cemetery, Stonefall, Harrogate 1500

15th September75th Battle of Britain Concert, Rotherham Minster, 1900 – 2200, further details to follow shortly

18th SeptemberBrew for a Few, Rotherham Minster, 1000-1200 hours

20th SeptemberBattle of Britain Service, St Peter’s Church, Harrogate, 1100 hours

20th SeptemberBattle of Britain Service, York Minster, 1130 hours

20th September Battle of Britain Parade, Cenotaph, Clifton Park beginning at 1000 hours

20th SeptemberBattle of Britain Service, St Barnabus Church, Morecambe, Regent Rd at 1830 hours

19th SeptemberBradford Branch 75th Anniversary Battle of Britain Ball, Midland Hotel

19th SeptemberScarborough Branch 70th Anniversary Dinner

19th – 20th SeptemberSouthport Air Show

26th SeptemberRAFA 75th Anniversary Battle of Britain Concert, Liverpool Anglican



  1. Branchmatch Application Form
  2. Branchmatch Flowchart
  3. Helping Hand & Branchmatch Grants
  4. Helping Hand Application Form
  5. Helping Hand Grant Flowchart
  6. Allied Air Forces Memorial Day Information
  7. Scarborough Branch, 70th Anniversary Dinner Poster

To contact us, please use one of the following methods:

By Letter:

The Royal Air Forces Association

Northern Area Headquarters and Leyland Office

Sterling Court, Offices 1-4

Leyland Business Park, Leyland, PR25 3GR

Tel: 01772 426930



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