

Romeo and Juliet Act V

1. How is Romeo feeling at the beginning of the scene?

2. What is the punishment for selling poison in Mantua? Paraphrase what Romeo says about poison and money at the end of the scene one.

3. Why is Friar John unable to deliver Friar Lawrence’s letter to Romeo? How does Friar Lawrence plan to remedy the situation?

4. Why does Paris attack Romeo? What does Romeo recall about Paris after he has killed him?

5. What does Romeo observe about Juliet before he kills himself? What is this an example of?

6. In the modern film version, Romeo and Paris never cross paths. Why do you think a director would eliminate this? Why do you think Shakespeare included it?

7. Once Romeo received news of Juliet’s death, he had several choices. What are two other responses to the news he could have had?

8. Why won’t Balthasar enter the tomb with Friar Lawrence?

9. What solution does Friar Lawrence offer to Juliet after he tells her Romeo and Paris are dead? Why does he flee? Do you think it would have made a difference if he stayed? Explain.

10. Why is Juliet upset with Romeo? How does she kill herself?

11. What happened to Lady Montague?

12. Friar Lawrence “comes clean” at the end. Why is he forgiven by the Prince, Montague, and Capulet? Should he be punished? Why or why not?

13. What does the Prince say to Montague and Capulet? Whom does he hold responsible for the feud?

14. How do you know the feud between the Montagues and Capulets is over? Why do you think there wasn’t more discussion between the two men?

15. Who or what do you think is to blame for these tragic events? Is it mostly people and their actions or a series of unfortunate circumstances? Explain your answer.


Romeo and Juliet Act V

1. How is Romeo feeling at the beginning of the scene?

2. What is the punishment for selling poison in Mantua? Paraphrase what Romeo says about poison and money at the end of the scene one.

3. Why is Friar John unable to deliver Friar Lawrence’s letter to Romeo? How does Friar Lawrence plan to remedy the situation?

4. Why does Paris attack Romeo? What does Romeo recall about Paris after he has killed him?

5. What does Romeo observe about Juliet before he kills himself? What is this an example of?

6. In the modern version, Romeo and Paris never cross paths. Why do you think a director would eliminate this? Why do you think Shakespeare included it?

7. Once Romeo received news of Juliet’s death, he had several choices. What are two other responses to the news he could have had?

8. Why won’t Balthasar enter the tomb with Friar Lawrence?

9. What solution does Friar Lawrence offer to Juliet after he tells her Romeo and Paris are dead? Why does he flee? Do you think it would have made a difference if he stayed?

10. Why is Juliet upset with Romeo? How does she kill herself?

11. What happened to Lady Montague?

12. Friar Lawrence “comes clean” at the end. Why is he forgiven by the Prince, Montague, and Capulet? Should he be punished? Why or why not?

13. What does the Prince say to Montague and Capulet? Whom does he hold responsible for the feud?

14. How do you know the feud between the Montagues and Capulets is over? Why do you think there wasn’t more discussion between the two men?

15. Who or what do you think is to blame for these tragic events? Is it mostly people and their actions or a series of unfortunate circumstances? Explain your answer.