DUE: FRIDAY, JUNE 3 @ 5PM (Central)
SUBJECT LINE: UI2016 - Participant Application, First Name Last Name
All applicants will be notified of their status in the program by June 10th.
Contact Kelly Windham at the address listed above with any questions or concerns.
1. Full Legal Name: (First - Middle - Last)
2. Preferred Name: (If different from first name recorded above.)
3. E-Mail Address: (Please provide official Rice address if possible.)
4. Full Mailing Address:
5. Personal Cell Number:
6. Parent or Guardian Name & Phone Number:
7. High School or Secondary Program: (School / Institution, City, State)
8. Gender: (For room assignment purposes)
9. T-Shirt Size:
10. Session Availability: Highlight the session(s) you are available to participate.
You may select one OR both sessions!
- Session One: Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15
- Session Two: Sunday, July 17 - Friday, July 22
11. Tell us about an accomplishment you are proud of. (200 Words Maximum)
12. Respond to ONE of the following prompts. (200 Words Maximum)
These prompts are open to interpretation and creativity. Have fun with it!
- Option 1: In a perfect world...
- Option 2: Dear Future Self...
- Option 3: Houston Is...
13. List 3 words you'd use to describe yourself.
14. List 3 words an acquaintance might use to describe you.
15. What's the best / most impactful lesson you learned during high school?
(200 Words Maximum)
16. If you could choose one fictional character to act as your new best friend, who would it be and why? (100 Words Maximum)
17. List a previous service experience and describe what it as taught you. (200 Words Maximum)
18. Complete the following sentence using NO MORE than 10 words.
- Service is...
19. Which of the following marketing tools prompted you to apply to the program?
HighlightALLthat apply.
- Rice Class of 2020 Facebook Post(s)
- Freshman Checklist from First Year Programs / Student Success Initiatives
- Center for Civic Leadership Email Notification
- Owl Days Information Table
- Urban Immersion New Student Mailing
- Friend of Family Member
20. If you have any unique needs that require accommodation, please indicate them here.
Partial travel scholarships ARE available for those who voice a need. If this applies to you, please detail your request in the body of your e-mail.
Email Completed Application to by 5PM on Friday, June 3!
SUBJECT LINE: UI2016 - Participant Application, First Name Last Name
All applicants will be notified of their status by June 10!
Thank You!