Prometric Exam Voucher requisition form Tech Mahindra Ltd

This form is to be filled up by employees who wish to take vouchers for Prometric exams from ESG under the following scenarios:

1.  When the exam is sponsored by the IDU (This needs IDU / dept head approval). The employee will collect the exam voucher from ESG.

2.  When the cost of exam is being borne by the employee. After successful completion, employees may claim reimbursement subject to IDU / dept head approval.

Employee details:

* Employee id / *Email Id
*Employee name
Project name: / * IDU / Dept name
*Permanent Address
*Pin Code / *Mobile/Contact No / *Empl location

Exam details:

Details of the exam you wish to take through TechM Prometric Testing Centre. In case you are purchasing vouchers for multiple examinations, please fill a separate form for each examination

*Prometric Id (If applicable)
Examination provider (e.g. Sun, Microsoft, Oracle etc.)
*Examination (Test) name
*Examination Code as shown on the website of the examination provider / Tentative date of appearing for the examination

For ESG use:

*Whether Training is mandatory for this examination / YES / NO
If YES, fill up the following details by checking the employee training records in EBS
*The location at which the employee has taken the training:
*The course id against which the employee has taken the training:
*The start and end dates of the training:
*Whether BOND is essential for this training: / YES / NO
*Voucher number being issued:
*Name of ESG Coordinator:
*Sign of ESG coordinator: / Date:

For HR use (to be filled up for cases where Bond is applicable):

*Whether the employee has signed the requisite BOND / YES / NO
*Name of HR Coordinator:
*Sign of HR coordinator: / Date:

Note : * marked fields are mandatory.

Payment Details (to be filled only by employees purchasing voucher at their own expense):

Payment should be made only through Demand Draft or a Pay order drawn in favor of “Tech Mahindra Ltd” and should be Payable at Pune (irrespective of your location, make it payable at par at Pune)

*Demand draft / Pay order ref no. / *DD / Pay order Date:
*Bank name / *Bank Branch
(In words)

Important terms and conditions:

1. The voucher is for a limited time period and expires if the exam is not taken in this time period. It is the responsibility of the employee to book an appropriate exam slot and take the examination. A voucher once sold by Prometric is non-cancellable, non-refundable. Hence it should be purchased only when the employee is absolutely sure about appearing for the examination.

2.  In case where exam is sponsored by the IDU / dept and the employee takes voucher from ESG without making any payment, the employee should note that such sponsorship holds good only if the employee passes the exam. If the employee fails the exam OR remains ABSENT on the day of exam without a proper cancellation giving two days notice, he/she will have to re-attempt at own expense and pass the exam within the stipulated timeframe. In case he/she doesn't pass with own expense (either he/she does NOT reappear for the exam or does NOT pass the exam in-spite of reappearing); then the bond amount if applicable or voucher amount (if bond is not applicable) will be recovered from the employee by HR.

3. Charging of exam amount where the exam fee is to be paid in foreign currency (Dollar is used in the following sections as only an illustration of foreign currency):

a. Tech Mahindra’s bankers advise of a tentative dollar-rupee conversion rate at start of each month. To account for the unforeseen fluctuations in the currency rate, TechM will charge the employee at a higher rate (by two rupees) at the time of voucher purchase. The exam voucher amount calculations will be based on this modified rate.

b. On the date when TechM pays the dollar amount to Prometric, the actual currency conversion rate on that day may be different. The difference in the tentative conversion rate and the actual conversion rate will be refunded to the employee against ERA credit claim endorsed by ESG location heads. In the rare case when dollar conversion rate rises beyond two rupees safety margin, the employee will have to pay the difference to the organisation. This will be recovered through salary.

Undertaking: I have read the terms and conditions of the exam and agree to abide by the same.

*Employee Sign / Date:

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Company confidential Education Services Group