37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026
Advertisement No. 484 /2016 Date: 3.02.2016
Director, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals belonging to Persons with Disability(PwD) having percentage of disability (minimum 40%) for recruitment to the post of Medical Officer (GDMO). The post carries usual allowances as admissible to Central Government employees of similar status posted in Kolkata. The post is strictly non-practicing and person appointed to the posts is entitled to non-practicing allowances.
The CNCI is an autonomous organization under the administrative control of Government of India, Ministry of Health & FW and functions as Regional Cancer Centre. It has facilities for modern cancer treatment with 200 indoor beds and state of the art facilities for advanced cancer research.
Medical Officer (GDMO): One(1) post [(UR)(OA/OL)]
Educational and other qualification: (1) Essential- (i) A recognized medical qualification included in the First or Second schedule or part II of the Third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions stipulated in subsection (3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956; (ii) Two years’ experience in the field of Oncology. Desirable- Recognised PG qualification preferably in the disciplines of Radiotherapy, Radiology, Anesthesiology, Pathology, Medical Oncology and Cardiology. Age limit – 32 yrs; Pay Scale-Rs. 15,600-39-100 + G.P. 5400/-.
Age is relaxable by 5 years as per Govt. of India orders. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be closing date for receipt of application.
Interested persons fulfilling the qualifications and experience may apply in the following proforma enclosing supportive documents, and passport size as to reach The Director, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. PwD Certificate should be submitted in the format prescribed by Government of India. Candidates in Govt. employment should apply through proper channel. The envelope should be superscribed with the Advt. No. and the name of the post applied for. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date will be summarily rejected.
Proforma for application:
(1) Advertisement No.; (2) Post applied for; (3) Candidate’s Name; (4) Father’s/ Husband’s Name; (5) Address for communication with Telephone No. & e.mail I.D.; (6) Date of Birth; (7) Marital Status; (8) Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC/PH; (9) Details of Academic Qualifications (from matriculation/equivalent onward): (i) Examination Passed, (ii) Board/University, (iii) Year, (iv) Subjects, (v) Percentage of Marks Obtained and (vi) Division/Grade; (10) Details of Experience: (i) Name & Address of the organization, (ii) Post held, (iii) From – To, (iv) Scale of pay, (v) Reason for leaving; (11) Any other information relevant to the post applying for; (12) Whether Fulfilling: (i) Minimum Educational Qualifications, (ii) Minimum Experience, and (iii) Prescribed age limit on the last day of receipt of application for the post applying for.
37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026
Advertisement No. 483 /2016 Date: 3.02.2016
Director, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI), Kolkata invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals belonging to Persons with Disability(PwD) having percentage of disability (minimum 40%) for recruitment to the post following categories of posts. The posts carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government employees of similar status posted in Kolkata. The post requiring medical qualifications is strictly non-practicing and person appointed to the posts is entitled to non-practicing allowances.
The CNCI is an autonomous organization under the administrative control of Government of India, Ministry of Health & FW and functions as Regional Cancer Centre. It has facilities for modern cancer treatment with 200 indoor beds and state of the art facilities for advanced cancer research.
1. Lower Division of Clerk : One(1 post)[(UR)(BL/OL/HH/BLV)]
Educational and other qualification : 12th Class or equivalent qualification from a Recognised Board or University. Should pass typewriting in English with a minimum speed of 35 words per minute on computer. The post carries the pay band of Rs-5,200-20,200 + Grade pay 1900 (PB-1) plus usual allowances as admissible. Not more than 30 Years.
2. Staff Nurse : two (2 posts) [(UR)(OL/LV/HH)]
Educational and other qualification : Essential : (i) Matriculation or its equivalent qualification; (2) Certificte in general Nursing & Midwifery from a recognized Institution; (3) Should be registered as ‘A’ Grade Nurse & Midwife with a State Nursing Council. Desirable : B.Sc.(Nursing) from a recognized University / Institution. The post carry the pay band of Rs-9,300-34,800 + Grade pay 4600 (PB-2) plus usual allowances as admissible. Not more than 30 Years.
3. Liftman :One(1-post) [(UR( OA/OL/BLV/HH)]
Educational and other qualification : Essential : (i) Read upto Class VIII with licence and experience. The post carries the pay band of Rs-5,200-20,200 + Grade pay Rs.1900/- (PB-1) plus usual allowances as admissible. Not more than 30 Years.
4. Laboratory Helper :One(1-post) [(ST)(OA/OL/BL/HH)]
Essential : (i) Read upto Class VIII with Laboratory experience. The post carries the pay band of Rs-5,200-20,200 + Grade pay Rs.1900/- (PB-1) plus usual allowances as admissible. Not more than 30 Years.
5. Electrician :One(1-post) [(UR)(OL/LV/HH)]
Essential : Wireman’s Permit with 3 yrs experience in a concern of repute. The post carries the pay band of Rs-5,200-20,200 + Grade pay Rs.1900/- (PB-1) plus usual allowances as admissible. Not more than 30 Years.
Age is relaxable by 10 years for UR posts and 15 yrs for ST reserved post. as per Govt. of India orders. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be closing date for receipt of application.
Interested persons fulfilling the qualifications and experience may apply in the following proforma enclosing supportive documents, a passport size photograph so as to reach The Director, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, 37, S. P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. PwD Certificate should be submitted in the format prescribed by Government of India. Candidates in Govt. employment should apply through proper channel. The candidates applying for the post of LDC, Liftman, Laboratory Helper and Staff Nurse will be selected through the performance based on the examination procedures. Candidates applying for the post of LDC will have to sit for typewriting test after successful completion of examination procedure. The envelope should be superscribed with the Advt. No. and the name of the post applied for. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date will be summarily rejected.
Proforma for application:
(1) Advertisement No.; (2) Post applied for; (3) Candidate’s Name; (4) Father’s/ Husband’s Name; (5) Address for communication with Telephone No. & e.mail I.D.; (6) Date of Birth; (7) Marital Status; (8) Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC/PH; (9) Details of Academic Qualifications (from matriculation/equivalent onward): (i) Examination Passed, (ii) Board/University, (iii) Year, (iv) Subjects, (v) Percentage of Marks Obtained and (vi) Division/Grade; (10) Details of Experience: (i) Name & Address of the organization, (ii) Post held, (iii) From – To, (iv) Scale of pay, (v) Reason for leaving; (11) Any other information relevant to the post applying for; (12) Whether Fulfilling: (i) Minimum Educational Qualifications, (ii) Minimum Experience, and (iii) Prescribed age limit on the last day of receipt of application for the post applying for.