MLA Citations for Galileo
Author. "Title of article." Title of Periodical Periodical Date: Page numbers . Name of Database. Access Point. Location of authorized access date accessed <main web address>.
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Title: 30 Years Later, Watergate Remains Vivid Memory for Some
Source: KRT News Service
Author: Gayle J. Issa
Publication Date: June 16, 2002
Page Number: n.p.
Database: SIRS Researcher
Service: SIRS Knowledge Source <>
Use the information to complete your MLA citation.
Issa, Gayle J. “30 Years Later, Watergate Remains Vivid Memory for Some.” KRT NEWS Service June 16, 2002. n.p. SIRS Researcher. GALILEO. Henry Co High. 22 Oct. 2004. <>.