Scoring Guide for Character Sketch and Presentation
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Subject Knowledge / Full knowledge of character/individual selected for sketch:
· Description of appearance
· How the individual talk and acts
· What the individual values. / Adequate knowledge of character/individual selected for sketch, and minimally represents all components. / Some knowledge of character/individual, but may be lacking some components. / Limited knowledge of character/individual, with many components missing.
Organization / Presents information in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. / Presents information in an appropriate way which can be followed. / Information somewhat difficult to follow, although some sequencing is present. / Information is difficult to follow and seems random.
Graphics/Use of Technology / Graphics explain and reinforce screen text and/or presentation. / Graphics relate to text and/or presentation. / Occasional use of graphics, but may not support text and/or presentation. / Random or no graphics used.
Notes regarding presentation style (eye contact, pronunciation, speed):
Comments from the teacher: