Second and Third Grade News
October 23, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in Room 201…
The students took their test today and are bringing home their new word list. Due to our Halloween celebration next Friday, there will not be any spelling tests. The Tic Tac Toe homework is due on Friday, November 6th. The next test will also be on Friday, November 6th.
Wordly Wise
The lesson 2 test and questions are due on Monday, October 26th. Please have your child come to school with his/her Wordly Wise book on Monday.We will begin working on lesson 3.
Reading Homework
The students should be reading at least 20-30 minutes 5-7 nights and documenting it in their reading logs. The logs are due on Monday with student comment and a signature.
Students should choose a question to answer for the comment…
Why is something happening?
How is the character feeling?
Did you make an inference while you were reading? What was it?
What clues did the author give you?
Reading Workshop
We are nearing the end of the first unit in Reading Workshop.
Our lessons have focused on the following…
- Learning the importance of reading partnerships
- Steps for retelling a story
- Locating important parts of a story and making inferences
Writing Workshop
This week the students learned the importance of an outstanding lead in a story. They viewed a power point with examples of the different types of leads that published authors use. After that, the students revised their own lead to reflect one of the different types.
Exciting things have been happening in room 201! Our pupae have been transforming into darkling beetles, our milkweed bugs are molting and growing, and our butterflies laid tiny blue eggs on our mallow. Every day the students observe the insects to look for changes.
The class visited the computer lab two more times this week to continue their research on insects and today they started working on their projects. It was wonderful to see their engagement!
Next Thursday, October 29th the class will be attending an insect assembly with the second grade classes, the cost is $2.00, please send it in on Monday. Thank you!
Later on that day, they will be sharing their projects with parents and students at the Bug-O-Rama. It is an open house, so feel free to stop in any time from 2:45-3:25. Hope to see you there!
Dates to Remember…
MondayWordly Wise test and questions due, bring back books
$2.00 for assembly due
ThursdayInsect Assembly 12:45-1:45 pm
Bug-O-Rama 2:45-3:25 pm
FridayThe students can wear their costumes to school
Halloween parade 8:45
Classroom Party following the parade
Assembly 10:15
11:36 dismissal
Enjoy your weekend!
Christine Bergeron