A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
People: D-
(other than writers, artists, scientists, intellectuals, saints and main political rulers)
Chancellor, Edwin Beresford. Life in Regency and Early Victorian England: An Account of the Days of Brummell & D'Orsay, 1800-1850. Batsford, 1928?
Damien (Father) (1841-1889)
Belgian priest, w. at leper colony of Molokai.
Stevenson, R. L. Father Damien: An Open Letter to the Reverent Dr. Hyde of Honolulu. 1890.
Danby (Earl of)
Minister to Charles II
Browning, Andrew. Danby. 1951.
Darby, John (b. England; founder of the Plymouth Brethren).
Persian army commander, rebelled against Artaxerxes II in c. 362 BC.
Daughtrey, Martha Craig
Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee (Martha Craig Daughtrey, Justice). "Opinion in the Matter of Davis vs. Davis." 1992. In Sex / Machine: Readings in Culture, Gender, and Technology. Ed. Patrick D. Hopkins. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1998. 215-35.* (Frozen embryos).
Davis, John (or John Davys, c. 1550-1605)
English navigator and explorer.
Davis, John William (1873-1955)
US lawyer, politician and diplomat.
Emily Davison
Suffragist feminist activist, d. at the Derby, 1913, run over by a horse while interrupting the race.
Brenton, Howard. Epsom Downs. Drama. Premiere at London, 1977.
_____. Epsom Downs. (Methuen's Modern Plays). London: Eyre Methuen.
de Montfort, Simon
Earl of Leicester, fl. 1258.
Dean, John
Neisser, Ulric. "John Dean's Memory: A Case Study." Cognition 9 (1981): 1-22.
Beauford Delaney
Leeming, David Adams. Amazing Grace: a Life of Beauford Delaney.
des Issarts, Bancal
Politician, French Revolution
Mège, F. Le Conventional Bancal des Issarts. Paris, 1887.
Devi, Phoolan
Indian woman, mistreated victim, became "The Bandit Queen", gang-raped and imprisoned, later became MP
Bandit Queen. Dir. Shehar Kapur. Written by Mala Sen. Cast: Seema Biswas, Nirmal Pandey, Manoj Bajpai, Rajesh Vivek. India, c. 1994. (Phoolan Devi, the bandit queen).
Devonshire (Dukes of)
Pearson, John. Serpents and Stags: The Story of the House of Cavendish and the Dukes of Devonshire. London: Macmillan, 1983.
Devonshire (Earl of)
Ford, John. Fame's Memorial, or the Earle of Devonshire Deceased; with his honourable life, peaceful end, and solemne funeral. Poem. c. 1606.
Dibdale, Robert (fl. 1600)
English catholic exorcist, b. Stratford on Avon.
Dickinson, Goldsmith Lowes
Forster, E. M. Goldsmith Lowes Dickinson. Biography. 1934.
Díez de Rivera, Carmen
(Illegitimate daughter of Serrano Súñer)
"Carmen Díez de Rivera, la musa de Adolfo Suárez y el Rey." Libertad Digital 28 March 2014.*
Romero, Ana. El Triángulo de la Transición. Planeta.
_____. "Carmen Díez de Rivera: Musa de Suárez, jamás amante." El Mundo 30 March 2014.*
Digby (Lord)
Pope, Alexander. "On the Monument of the Honourable Robert Digby, and of his Sister Mary, Erected by their Father, the Lord Digby, in the Church of Sherborne in Dorsetshire, 1727." Epitaph. In The Poetical Works of Pope. Ed A. W. Ward. London: Macmillan, 1879. 458.*
Diodati, Charles
Milton. "Elegia prima ad Carolum Diodatum." From Poemata. 1645. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 122-24.*
_____. "Elegia sexta. Ad Carolum Diodatum ruri commorantem." From Poemata. 1645. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. London: Oxford UP, 1961. 134-36.*
Plutarch. "Life of Dion." In Plutarch, Lives.
Dionysius II
Tyrant of Syracuse, 367-343 BC.
Dionysius the Elder (Dionysius I).
Tyrant of Syracuse, 405-367 BC.
DiMaggio, Joe
Gould, Stephen Jay. "The Streak of Streaks." In Gould, Bully for Brontosaurus. 1991. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1992. 463-72.* (DiMaggio, baseball, statistics).
_____. "La racha de las rachas." In Gould, "Brontosaurus" y la nalga del ministro. Trans. Joandomènec Ros. (Biblioteca Divulgación Científica). Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, 2008. 533-44.*
Dean of Westminster, then Archbishop of York, 17th c.
Domitian (Titus Flavius Domitianus).
Roman emperor AD 81-96.
Sellin, Paul R. So Doth, So Is Religion. Missouri UP, 1988. (On Donne as diplomat, in Doncaster's Dutch embassy, 1620).
Doncel de Sigüenza
García Gibert, Javier. "II. Instinto y sensibilidad humanísticos en el siglo XV." In García Gibert, La humanitas hispana: Sobre el humanismo literario en los Siglos de Oro. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2010.* (Marqués de Santillana, humanists, arms and letters, Doncel de Sigüenza).
Doria, Giovanni Andrea. (d. 1606)
Commander at Lepanto.
Petit, E. André Doria. 1887.
Douglas (Frances, Lady)
Stuart, Louisa. Memoires of Frances, Lady Douglas (1750-1817). Ed. Jill Rubenstein. Edinburgh: Academic 1985.
Edwin Drake
Baldwin, Kevin Scott. "1859: Darwin, Mill, and Drake." The Evolutionary Review 1 (2010): 36-38.* (Edwin Drake).
Drake, Francis (Sir) (c. 1546-1596)
English privateer and navigator, begins voyage around the world 1577
Drake, Francis. The World Encompassed, being his next Voyage, Carefully Collected out of the Notes of Master Fletcher. 1628. (Great Americana). Redex, 1966.
Bigges, Walter. (On Drake's visit to Florida). In The Roanoke Voyages. Ed. Quinn. Vol. 1.
Cobbett. Drake and the Tudor Navy.
Petty. Narration of Drake's Famous Voyage. 1579. In Hakluyt.
Hakluyt, Richard, ed. From The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake into the South Sea, and therehence about the whole Globe of the Earth, begun in the year of our Lord 1577. 1589. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.894-97.*
Johnson, Samuel. An Account of the Life of Mr Richard Savage. Life of Sir F. Drake. Life of Admiral Blake. 1767.
Keightley, Ron. "An Armada Veteran Celebrates the Death of Drake: Lope de Vega's La Dragontea (1598)." In England and the Spanish Armada. Ed. Jeff Doyle and Bruce Moore. Canberra: English Department, U College, U of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, 1990. 79-112.*
Mason, A. E. W. The Life of Francis Drake. Hodder, 1941.
Silverberg, Robert. The Longest Voyage: Circumnavigators in the Age of Discovery. Ohio UP, c. 1998. (Magellan, Drake, Cavendish, Noort, Spilbergen, Schouten, Le Mair).
Wilson, Derek. The World Encompassed: Drake's Great Voyage, 1577-1580.
Davenant, William. The History of Sir Francis Drake. Operatic drama. 1659.
Luis Duch Lacasa
Gómez, Esteban C. El eco de las descargas: Adiós a la esperanza republicana. Barcelona: Escego, 2002.*
Sarah Drew
Pope, Alexander. "Epitaphs on John Hughes and Sarah Drew." In The Poetical Works of Pope. Ed A. W. Ward. London: Macmillan, 1879. 484-85.*
Drummond family
Lasdun, Susan. Making Victorians: The Drummond Children's World 1827 - 1832. London: Gollancz, 1983. (Drawings).
Drusus (Roman republican tribune)
Mommsen, Theodor. Historia de Roma. Trans. A. García Moreno. Rev. Luis Alberto Romero; prologue by F. Fernández y González. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2005.* (Vol. III).
Drusus (c. 13 BC-AD 23)
Son of Roman emperor Tiberius.
Du Bellay (Cardinal)
Rabelais, François. La Sciomachie et Festins faits a Rome au palais de mon Seigneur Reverendissime Cardinal Du Bellay pour l'heureuse naissance de mon seigneur d'Orléans. Le tout extrait d'une copie des lettres escrites a mon seigneur le reverendissime Cardinal de Guise par M. François Rabelais docteur en medicine. In Œuvres de Rabelais. Ed. Louis Moland. Paris: Garnier, n.d. 2.360-73.*
du Pont, John Eleuthère
US millionaire, philanthropist and ornithologist, sports supporter, murdered Olympic wrestler Dave Schultz in 1996.
Internet resources
"John Eleuthère du Pont." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*
Duch, Luis
(Catalan monk, Montserrat)
Duch, Lluís. Un extraño en nuestra casa. (God, beliefs).
Duckworth, Julia. (1847-1895)
Wife of Leslie Stephen; mother of Virginia Woolf.
Dudley, Robert (1st Earl of Leicester)
Adams, Simon, ed. Household Accounts and Disbursement Books of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1558-1561, 1584-1586. (Camden 5th Series, vol 6) Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.
Wilson, Derek. Sweet Robin: A Biography of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1533-1588.
Internet resources
"Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*,_1st_Earl_of_Leicester
Related works
Stow, John. The Chronicles of England, from Brute unto this Present Yeare of Christ, 1580. London, 1580. (Dedicated to the Earl of Leicester). Reissued as Annals. 1592. 1616.
Dumas, René
President of the Revolutionary Tribunal during the Terror period, executed with Robespierre, Couthon and Saint-Just in 1794.
Dunbar, Gawyn
Archbishop of Glasgow, early 16th c.
Nuttall, A. D. The Alternative Trinity: Gnostic Heresy in Marlowe, Milton, and Blake. Oxford: Clarendon, 1999. (Eilmer the Flying Monk of Malmesbury; Borborites (sect))
Dunsany (Lord)
Related works
Stanyhurst, Richard. "Too Thee Right Honovrable My Verie Looving Broother. Thee Lord Baron of Dvnsanye." In Thee First Fovr Bookes of Virgil His AENeis translated ... by Richard Stanyhurst ... Leiden: Iohn Pates, 1582.
Dunstan (St.)
Robert of Gloucester. Life of St. Dunstan. c. 1300.
Durruti, Buenaventura
Spanish Anarchist leader, military commander during Spanish war, d. in action in Madrid siege.
Arnal, Jesús. Yo fui secretario de Durruti: Memorias de un cura aragonés en las filas anarquistas. Zaragoza: Mira, 1995.
Dyer, L.
Whetstone, George. The Lyfe and Death of the good L. Dyer.