3420 Trelawny Circle February/March 2015
Mississauga, ON L6N 6N6
Phone #905-824-0360
C. Parr, Principal
Mrs. A. Sekine, Vice Principal
Superintendent: PoleenGrewal 905-569-9946Mrs. L. Minicuci, Office Manager
Trustee:NokhaDakroub 416-432-5508 Mrs. R. Robinson, Office Assistant
Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work
and the power to appreciate life. (Joseph Addison)
Dear Families:
It has been a long cold winter and students have had many indoor recesses. We have all persevered but we are certainly looking forward to spring. Staff have provided many opportunities to keep students busy with intramural games, cursive writing club, musical rehearsals, girls club, eco team, and, lately, basketball try outs.
Despite the weather February has been a busy month:
We were very fortunate that Wednesday March 4th was warm enough for the students to enjoy a winter carnival outside. Thanks to Mr. Doran and the Grade 5 leaders for this excellent, active event.
On February 12ththe primary students performed Wackadoo Zoo for the school, parents and guests. Thank-you to Mrs. Graham, and the Primary team for their excellent leadership;it was a truly fun experience for everyone.
We had many parents come to the EQAO afternoon led by the Grade 3 team and students. Students and parents came away with a better understanding about this primary assessment that will occur in May.
Throughout the month of February the students at Trelawny celebrated Black History Month, learning about the significant contributions of many black Canadians. Using Telligamisstudents in Mrs. Robinson’s and Mrs. Gunn’s classes researched many black Canadians such as Willie O’Ree, Mary Ann Shadd, and BrimySurim. The students shared with everyone in the school how these Canadians made a difference to our history.
Spring Break is here. Let’s hope when we return the weather has improved! There is still much to do.
Please read the newsletter for information and upcoming events.
C. Parr A. Sekine
Principal Vice Principal
April 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the Staff room
We had good discussion of the idea of changing to balanced school day at our last staff meeting. In addition we discussed communication with parents. Did you know that Trelawny School is on Twitter?
We generally tweet out at least one thing a day about school events.
Follow us on twitter! @TrelawnySchool
School Council is asking for your support to raise funds for new books and technology for our school library.
This a fundraiser that is very useful. The labels are absolutely amazing. Avoid lost and found issues by purchasing Mabel's Labels for your children's clothes, boots, hats, mitts, books, luggage....anything!
Simply use the link in the e-mail below ( and then use the search ID 20264 or "Trelawny". The search window is at the top centre of the web page. With the ID login it will bring you the Trelawny page which you then click to access the shopping pages.
We receive a percentage of orders placed. The goal is to earn $2000 that will benefit all the children of Trelawny. It is as simple as that! We appreciate your support of Trelawny!
Please remember to have your children at school between 8:30 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. We have had a steady increase in the number of late arrivals over the last few months. Students should be in their classrooms by 8:45 a.m. Here are some helpful hints to support your morning routine:
- ensure your child wakes up at a consistent time in the morning to allow time to get ready
- establish a regular bedtime for your child
- prepare school materials the night before and put them in a consistent location.
Supervision is providedeach day from 8:30 to 8:40for student dropoff. On cold days, we bring the students straight in to the building through the front doors starting at 8:30.
When using the Kiss and Ride lane, please stay away from the yellow linein order to ensure the safety of the supervisors and the children leaving their cars. Students should be ready to exit the car on the passenger side. Please note that thedriver of a vehicle using the Kiss and Ride is never permitted to leave the vehicle. This is due to fire regulations and to the need to keep traffic moving in the Kiss and Ride lane.
Parents of Kindergarten children can only use the Kiss and Ride lane if they have another adult or an older child in the car who can get out of the passenger side. No one should exit on the driver’s side. Otherwise, Kindergarten parents are encouraged to park their car on the street and walk their children to school.
Please note:
We only have enough parking spaces for staff and are unable to accommodate parents who wish to park on school property.
When you are late dropping off your child, you should park on the street and walk your child in tothe school. This is to ensure a safe transition to school. Please do not park in the Kiss and Ridelane at anytime as this is a fire route. The fine for parking in a fire lane is $125.
Also: Unfortunately, parents are not able to use the staff parking lot to pick up their children at the end of the day. Children are not allowed to be dismissed into a parking lot for safety reasons. In addition, staff are arriving for after school supervision and programs and require the space to park.
There is parking on the street. Hopefully with better weather we can all work together to keep everyone safe.
We are finalizing our plans for education week and will send out a flyer to let parents know about upcoming events, however, please see the dates to remember for the following:
April 20:The Day of Inspiration will begin with a presentation from Earth Rangers.
April 22, weather permitting we will do the annual school yard clean up.
April 23: We invite students and parents in Kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, and 3 to a Reading with the Principal evening on April 23rd. Ms. Parr and Ms. Sekine will share a favourite story and we will hopefully have students share in their own language with some familiar folk tales.
In addition on April 23rd the student council is running a Toy Drive to support Eden Food Bank. Please look over your toys and select only new or nearly new items that have all parts and pieces. These will be sold at the school for a loonie or a twoonie to our students. No Books please!
April 24th will be a read-a-thon at the school. Parents are welcome to come in and read with us!
Please look for the flyer introducing our theme of Environmental Stewardship and events coming at the beginning of April.
Please note: The Junior Musical: “What on Earth”, has been rescheduled to May7thto accommodate the many activities in April.
The students in Mcintosh’s class have been learning:
Tavis have been learning about is how to count.
Griffan has been learning how to read.
Laila has learned how to play new games.
They are all excited about Goldie Locks and the 3 bears.
Griffan is wondering about a poem he’s going to learn.
Tavis is wondering about 3D shapes.
And Laila is wondering how many colours she can make in snow.
The grade 1’s and 2’s have been learning about movement and are excited about reading Jigsaw Joe and are wondering about measurement.
Chantal, Evan
The kids in Mrs. Berg’s class have been learning about animals and have been wondering about money and are excited to learn about different cultures around the world.
Miya, Ethan, Abdullah
We are learning about perimeter and area.
-we are excited about persuasive writing.
William, Roger, Mya
we are learning about Pulley’s and Gears, and I learned a lot about block and tackle pulleys.
-we are excited about the past and future .
-we are wondering about poetry and reading the Giver.
Katie, Sarah, Andrew
We are learning about famous Black Canadians, multiplication, point of view, First Nations and doing our I am poems.
We are excited about matter in science, math and wondering about what we are going to learn about First Nations peoples in Canada
Reece, Tahmeed, Noah
Designing Our Library for 21st Century Learning
Next time you visit our library you may notice some changes. Part of our school budget this year was spent on new picture book shelves that are on wheels. It is important that learning spaces in the school are flexible, and having shelves with wheels allows us to do this. We are now able to change the layout of the library quickly and efficiently, which means we can use it in more ways. Learning in the 21st century means that students, staff, and our school community need to be able to collaborate, and this helps to provide us with a great space for doing so.
We have come up with a plan for further updating our library space that includes getting tables with wheels and creating technology stations. These changes will further promote collaboration and 21st century learning. Thank you to our School Council that has taken up initiatives to raise additional money for these, and other, updates. Your support is greatly appreciated as all of our community benefits from using our library space.
EcoTeam News
Put Waste in its Place Update:
Thank you to everyone who has been working hard to ensure that our garbage and recycling get put in the right place. This is an area we need to keep working on at Trelawny as we are still producing more waste than we need to. Please try to pack lunches in reusable containers and remind your child to bring leftover food home to put in your green bins. Congratulations to Mrs. Chaar’s class that did the best job of putting recycling and garbage where it belongs!
Earth Hour is Coming
March 28, 2015 from 8:30-9:30pm:
The EcoTeam is currently working on some plans for helping us to be more energy conscious at Trelawny. We will be celebrating Earth Hour at our school and will be having regular checks to see if people are turning off lights and computers when they are not being used. We hope that you are able to participate in Earth Hour at your own home. This is a time when you turn lights off, along with any other items that use power that you do not need (e.g., TV, computer, tablets). It is a chance to meet as a family, spend quality time together, and reflect on ways that you can help the earth. For more information visit:
At the Student Recognition Assembly for February, the following students were recognized for demonstrating a Timberwolf Character Trait.
KindergartenGrade 3
Huzaifa E.Zaeem
Aaron S.Nathan D.
Liam C.Nicole S.
Marquise F.Prabh A.
Aanika P.Laura S.
Nathaniel H.Zong Z.
Reena S.Austin
Anirudh A.Sara R.
Grade 1Grade 4
Shanzae B.Jadyn B.
Devkinandan L.Zaara
Anayah B.Aisha
BhavnaAliza A.
Grade 2Ayzan S.
NikoGrade 5
StevePhoebe A.
Bianca T.Suzy W.
Omer S.Anahita K.
Abdullah M.Reece C.
Ashleen S.
Zachary N.
Congratulations to all our Winners!
The Month of March is “Works Together” month. We are focussing on the importance of thinking of the needs of the group and the skills needed to work successfully towards a common goal. Using a ‘win win’ means we need to use all of the Timberwolfcharacter traits and this may mean we need to put the needs of others before our own.
March 23 - Back from Spring Break
March 27 - Sharing Assembly: Environmental
Stewardship, Crazy hat/hair day!
April1 - School Council Meeting
April 2 - Grade 5 to Crawford Lake
April 3 - Good Friday—No School
April 6 - Easter Monday—No School
April 8 - Day of Pink
April 9 - Junior Basketball Tournament: Boys
April 10 - Student Recognition assembly
April 16 - Junior Basketball Tournament: Girls
April 20 - Day of Inspiration
April 21 - Timbertots Ready for Kindergarten
Program (4:30-5:15)
April 22 - Earth Day
April 23 - Used Toy Drive and Primary
Reading with the Principal
April 24 - Timbertots Ready for Kindergarten
Program (9:00-9:45 a.m.)
April 28- Timber tots: Ready for Kindergarten
program (4:30-5:15 p.m.)
April 29 - Gregg LeRock Concert
April 30 -Junior Regional Speech
May 1 - Timbertots Ready for Kindergarten
Program (9:00-9:45 a.m.)
May 7 - Junior Musical
Unique Symposium Addresses the needs of Families of Children with Special Needs
This free family event is being held at West Credit Secondary School during the afternoon of April 18th. Agencies such as Peel Children’s Centre, Erinoak, MotherRisk, CCAC will be in attendance as well as presenters that will address the social/emotional and behavioural needs of unique children. Parents will have the opportunity to ask psychiatrists, social workers, speech and language and behavioural specialists, questions about community resources and network with other parents.
There is limited babysitting available.
This free event is open to parents of all grade levels. Please speak to your school administrator for a registration form or e-mail or call 905-824-0360 ext. 402.