CLOSING DATE – 5JANUARY 2018 (11.59pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11))
The Forum Fisheries Agency, an intergovernmental fisheries management agency headquartered in Honiara, Solomon Islands, invites applications for the position of Director-General. Working to the FFA Governing Council – the Forum Fisheries Committee through the Chairperson, this key position serves as the leader of the FFA Secretariat and is responsible for its overall performance and management. The Director General works proactively to facilitate the ongoing and future success of fisheries management and sector development for the long-term benefit of the membership.
Prospective candidates should note:
a)Candidates will only be considered from an FFA member country.
b)Candidates must have the endorsement of their national Government.
More information on the position and how to apply can be found on FFA website
The link at will provide access to the following;
a)This Information Package which contains thevacancy notice and overview paper on the position, FFA and Solomon Islands;
b)The Duty Statementwhich details the Selection Criteria and other key information for framing an application; and
c)TheApplication Form relevant to the position – outlining the selection criteria and space for responding on how you meet these requirements.
Applications should include:
Endorsement of the candidature by the applicant’s government (FFA members only). Failure to provide this endorsement will disqualify any application from further consideration
A brief covering introductory letter.
The completed Application form (provided separately on the website) which includes the following information,
- Personal, academic and professional details and application checklist
- Names and contacts of three referees with whom you have been associated with in a professional capacity for at least two years. Referees must include current or other recent employer.
- A claim for the position that addresses the identified Selection Criteria. Answers should be restricted to half an A4 page for each criterion.These should be included in the electronic version of the form or separately attached as a Word document to the form. It is very important to clearly demonstrate your capability and/or experience in addressing thesecriteria. In doing so, applicants may wish to reference other aspects of the Duty Statementsuch as the Person Specification.
A copy of a current resume that includes details of qualifications, three most recent positions, relevant experience, major work and achievements.
All applications should be addressed in confidence to the Chair of the Forum Fisheries Committee (Official) and submitted by email to
Closing date for Applications is 5 January 2018 (11.59pm, Australian Eastern Daylight Time (UTC+11)).
Enquiries can be made by contacting email
The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) traces its origins to the South Pacific Forum meeting in Port Moresby in 1977 which adopted a Declaration on the Law of the Sea and the establishment of a regional fisheries agency. Since that time, under the instruction of its members, the Agency has developed into a major provider of regional offshore fisheries management and related technical support to its membership. It also plays a major role in efforts to combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in the region. To help achieve these aims the FFA participates actively in a range of regional and international meetings and initiatives to advance its program of work. More information on the FFA and its work can be found on the FFA website under the ‘Publications’ tab and at
Under the 1979 FFA Convention, the FFA consists of the Forum Fisheries Committee (FFC) which meets at both Officials’ and Ministerial level, and a Secretariat. The 17 members of the FFA are Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
As outlined in the FFA Strategic Plan 2014 – 2020, the Vision of the Members of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency is: “Our people will enjoy the highest levels of social and economic benefits for our people through the sustainable development of our fisheries resources.”
The Mission of the Forum Fisheries Agency is: “To drive regional cooperation to create and enable the maximum long term social and economic benefit from the sustainable use of our shared offshore fishery resources”
The core operations of the Agency are funded by member and donor contributions from Member Governments. The Agency also receives funding from a variety of non-member donors and from cost recovery for services. The total budget for 2017/2018 is USD$30 million and the staff establishment is approximately 100.
FFA is an equal opportunity employer and actively promotes the incorporation of gender and diversity principles within its recruitment and management processes.
The Director General position is a Band 18 in the FFA pay scale, based around the conditions agreed by Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP). It has a base salary starting at SDR103,746 (approx. USD 144,777) with a total package starting at USD$205,361 including allowances and Superannuation (subject to changes in exchange rates).
The following conditions and allowances are also provided:
Insurance:Limited cover for Personal Accident, Life, and Medical & Repatriation Insurance are provided. Reasonable family medical (including medical repatriation), dental and optical expenses are met.
Annual Leave:30 working days per annum.
Housing:Housing and utilities provided free of charge.
Public Holidays: In accordance with Solomon Islands public holidays.
Leave passage: Entitled to return business class airfares to place of recruitment for every completed year of service except in terminal year. Airfares cover staff, dependant spouse and children.
Education Allowance: Reimbursable basis of 75% of fees. Primary School – 75% of tuition fees of WoodfordInternationalSchool in Honiara. Secondary and Tertiary – 75% of tuition and boarding up to US$13,500 per child per year. Limit to 3 children) Conditions apply.
School travel: One travel per annum either for the child (educated overseas) from school to Honiara return or the staff or spouse to visit the child at school return.
Retention Incentive: 21% of basic salary in final year, payable on completion of a three-year contract.
Removal Expenses:*Removal and travel expenses to place of recruitment and a repatriation allowance of two weeks of base salary.
* Not applicable to permanent resident or citizen of Solomon Islands.
Solomon Islands nationals should be aware that all allowances and benefits are subject to PAYE tax deductions.
Solomon Islands consists of a chain of six large islands and numerous smaller ones, stretching over 1,400 km. The total land area is 28,530 sq. km of which the largest island, Guadalcanal, has an area of 5,600 sq. km. Other major islands are Choiseul, New Georgia, Santa Isabel, Malaita and Makira. The capital, Honiara, on the island of Guadalcanal, is approximately 2,100 km north-east of Brisbane. Much of Solomon Islands is either quite mountainous and/or remote and difficult to access. The climate is tropical. Rainfall generally is high averaging up to 3,000 mm per year. Daytime temperatures regularly exceed 30 degrees Celsius with high humidity.
The Deputy Director-General enjoys full diplomatic immunities and privileges in the Solomon Islands as detailed in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 including the importation free of duty of items such as a motor vehicle and personal effects.
There is a self-funding staff club which provides some facilities for staff and their families.Honiara has a reasonably diverse range of restaurants and recreational facilities, focussed around the major hotels, sports clubs such as golf and yachting, and a variety of swimming and diving venues within easy reach of Honiara. The commercial banks in Honiara are: ANZ, Bank of South Pacific (BSP), Pan Oceanic Bank and more recently the BRED Bank. International air services are provided by Solomon Airlines (with limited Qantas codeshare), Air Nuigini, Virgin Australia, Nauru Airlines and Fiji Airways. Resident diplomatic missions include Australia, New Zealand and PNG.
Education at both primary and secondary level is available at Woodford International School and other schools. More information can, for example, be found at atchungwahschool.edu.sb/contact
Malaria, dengue fever and other tropical; disease are prevalent in Solomon Islands and you are advised to seek independent medical advice on this and other issues associated with living in the tropics, in a developing country. Children should be fully immunised, especially against hepatitis, tuberculosis, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Some medical authorities also suggest immunisation for cholera and typhoid.
Maintaining appropriate levels of personal and household security is important. New staff will be briefed on relevant issues on arrival and applicants are advised to check the travel advisories issued, for example, at Nationals whose governments have diplomatic representations in Honiara are advised to register with their relevant offices on arrival in the Solomon Islands.
In terms of transport, there are many taxis and mini-vans operating in Honiara but public transport after dark may be difficult. New and used vehicles are available in Honiara and diesel and unleaded fuel are available. Japanese used vehicles may be imported via the internet with several sites readily accessible.
More information on the Solomon Islands can be found on the website of the Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau .