Long Term Curriculum Plan for Year 5
YEAR 5 / Autumn 1(8 weeks) / Autumn 2
(7 weeks)
Christmas / Spring 1
(6 weeks) / Spring 2
(6 weeks)
Easter / Summer 1
(5 weeks) / Summer 2
(6 weeks)
Driver/theme / Is the truth out there? / Where does chocolate come from? / What have the Greeks ever done for us?
Experiences / Star Dome/ Bradford Science Museum / Scientist from Leeds University through Bradford Science Museum. / Making edible rainforests / York chocolate Village / Storyteller
Tempus Fugit / Greek Day
Greek Festival
Gardening/ outdoor learning / Sun dials / Go onto field, look at environment and living things. Make hedgehog hut. / Plant veg
ICT Opportunities / Digital literacy
Using DB primary effectively / Computer Science / Digital literacy 9including work for internet safety) / Computer science / Digital literacy / Computer science
ICT teaching / CONTROL – sequences of instructions to turn devices on/off- link to Mars Rover/ moon buggy
ICT Challenge: Would my buggy make it to the dark side? / DIGITAL MEDIA- film scripting, recording, editing, sound, narration and dialogue, evaluation
ICT challenge: Can I give Space Alone a happy ending? / TEXT AND GRAPHICS - multimodal texts with links, combining sequences of images and sounds, explore impact of design and layout
ICT challenge: Will I be Willy Wonka’s next apprentice? / PRESENTING- consider audience plausibility, reliability of information, research a topic, comparing, different sources of info, prepare and present
ICT challenge: Would you prefer to be an Athenian or a Spartan? / DATA HANDLING: Create a formula in a spreadsheet, using several sources for reliability, checking accuracy and plausibility;
INTERNET – download files from internet, compare bias and accuracy, credit sources of info
ICT challenge: Which is the best team?
English text types (see separate plan for SPAG) / English Challenge: Can I write a fantasy narrative using direct speech? The Wolves in the Wall
English Challenge: Can I write a setting description using metaphor and personification? The Darkest Dark by Astronaut Chris Hadfield / English Challenge: Can I summarise and recount a short story? La Luna short animated video – links to the key skills of reciprocal reading.
English challenge: Can I write an information text using brackets for parenthesis? Planet Pandora short information video from Avatar film / English Challenge: Can I write a setting description using relative clauses?
Charlie and the Chocolate factory – Children write about a forest in the UK then use these skills to write about an edible rainforest in the factory (links to Mayans topic)
English Challenge: Can I write persuasively?persuasive speaking linked to presentation; persuasive letters linked to encouraging Year 4 to eat healthily.
/ English Challenge: Can I plan and write a story using the 5 part story structure? Roald Dahl – The Magic Finger
English Challenge: Can I write a character description using complex sentences and relative clauses? Short clip from the Literacy Shed
English Challenge: Can I write my own Riddles using metaphor and similes?
. / English Challenge: Can I use characters’ actions and dialogue effectively? Myths, fables and legends
Children to write own version of Theseus and the Minotaur using speech + verb + action
Theseus and the Minotaur
English challenge: Can I write my own narrative using sentence reshaping techniques and inverted commas? The Promise / English Challenge: Can I write a comparative report? Links to the Greek Gods. Would you rather be...
English Challenge: Can I write a story using the 5 part story plan, introducing more than one dilemma? Paul Jennings – The Strap Box Flyer
Speaking and Listening challenge / Can I act out a part of The Wolves in The Wall – freeze frame for speech / Can I present information about the planets using a powerpoint presentation? / Can I persuade the Year 4 children to eat more healthily? / Can I perform my own riddles / Could I be a storyteller for King Minos? Storytelling / Can I present a comparative news report?
Maths Links (Separate Scheme of Work to be followed) / DT/ Unit 6 Measures: Length / ICT/Unit 6 Time graphs/ timelines / Science/ Unit 9 Line graphs / Science & Geography/ Unit 9 Statistics and averages / DT/ Unit 6 Measures: Weight / Probability??
Scienceincl Working Scientifically / Earth and Space
Science Challenge: What difference would it make if the Earth took 48 hours to spin round?
WS: 1, 4, 5, 6
Investigations: How big is the Sun compared to the Earth? / Properties and changes of materials
Science Challenge: How can I separate each element of this solution?
WS: 1,3,4,5
Investigations: Is filtering always the best way to separate a solution? / Living things and their habitats
Science Challenge: Why am I more likely to live longer than a Mayan?
WS: 1, 4, 5
Investigation: / Forces
Science Challenge: How did the Greeks make water run uphill?
WS: 1, 2, 4, 5
Investigation: What is the best surface for a race track?
Design & Technology
Incl. Communicating Design / DT challenge: Would my buggy make it to the dark side?
Design and Make: Moon buggy – selecting tools and materials
Tools/ Materials: Woodworking; ICT to control, program and monitor
Communication: exploded diagrams, CAD, evaluation / DT challenge: Could I be Willy Wonka’s next apprentice?
Design and Make: Chocolate bar AND packaging for product
Tools/ Materials: cooking and nutrition AND packaging
Communication: CAD, prototype, evaluation / DT challenge: What food is fit for a feast?
Design and Make: Savoury dish for feast
Tools/ Materials: cooking and nutrition
Communication: discussion, annotated sketches, evaluation
History / Non-European society: Myancivilasation c AD 900
History Challenge: How did Mayan’s use chocolate? How do we know? / Ancient Greece
History Challenge: What have the Greeks ever done for us?
Geography / Geography Challenge: Why are Australian school children sleeping through my lessons?
Locational knowledge: position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, hemispheres, time zones / Geography Challenge: Why did the Mayan’s live in the mountains?
Locational knowledge: Locating countries, environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities
Human and physical geography: types of settlement and land use, economic activity, distribution of natural resources; climate zones, biomes, mountains, rivers of South America / Geography Challenge: Where did Theseus meet the minotaur?
Locational knowledge: Locating countries, environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities
Skills: Using maps, globes and digital/computer mapping
Art / Art Challenge: What does Holst’s The Planets look like?
Art form: Abstract art,
Media: paint/pastel / Art Challenge: Can I make Mayan style artwork?
Art form: bead making
Artist: Dan Fenelon
Media: Felt tip pens / Art Challenge: Can I draw like a Greek?
Art form: Sculpture
Artist: Greek vases
Drawing the human form (as they appeared on vases).
Music / Music Challenge: Can I paint a picture with music?Composer: Holst
Focus: Using musical instruments to compose music using ostinato rhythms to accompany Space Alone / Music Challenge: Can I use music to change how someone feels?
Focus: Writing adverts for jingles; / Music Challenge: How is traditional Greek music different to English traditional music?
Focus: Comparing/ listening
PE / Invasion Games / Interpretive Dance (using Holst’s the planets music) / Gymnastics / OAA / Net/Wall games (5 weeks)
Athletics (5 weeks) / Sport as focus of unit
SEAL UNITS / New beginnings / Getting on and falling out
Say no to bullying / Going for goals
FAIR TRADE / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes
French / Communities and localities / Christmas / Hobbies / Food / Earth and Space / The Home
Story/ song: Grammar focus: construct sentences; adding simple connectives
Presenting: presenting a play to parents
Building sentences: connective and verbs
RE / Family and community / Inspirational people / Religion & the individual / Christianity, Judaism & Hinduism / Beliefs and actions in the world